-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://nhprimarysource.com/html/bush.html">Bush</A>
--if George, Sr. was born
on third base and thinks he hit a triple, Dubba was born on home plate
and is just waiting for the umpire to call him safe.--
-- George Dubba Bush scooped a long list of valuable urls,
paying the 70 bucks per and claiming them as his own -- addresses such
as BushSucks.com, BushBlows.com, EatMeBush.com, now all belong to George

Other urls acquired by the net-savvy Texan are BushWhitman, Bush Engler,
BushPataki and BushRidge. He didn't pony-up for BushDole or BushMcCain,
or even BushQuayle, which has a nice nostalgic ring--


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But Was She Dubba's
Connection in Colombia?

Tallahassee, FLA, 6/21/99 – Columba Bush, wife of Gov. Jeb Bush, mother
of Pres.George Bush's ``little brown" grandchildren and the
sister-in-law of George Dubba Bush,was fined last week for smuggling.

After a shopping trip to Paris, Mrs. Bush failed to declare $19K worth
of designer clothing. Must have slipped her mind. She paid a $4100 fine,
which is equal to three times the amount of duty she would have paid if
she weren't a cheating, cretinous member of the ruling class too good to
pay taxes like the ``regular people" her dim-witted brother-in-law
enjoys patronizing. Whew.

New Castle, 6/14/99 -- George Dubba Bush began the NH Primary campaign
at low tide in a fog today on the island of New Castle. Dubba claimed he
came to rub up against ``regular folks." How many he found here in the
wealthiest community in the state is anybody's guess, but I didn't see

The herd of TV crews from as far away as Germany numbered around 50, the
traveling press filled two greyhound buses, and the campaign staff ran
out of press credentials. Mine was a photocopy, which gave one of
Dubba's Texas Rangers license to grab me by the neck and demand to know
where I got it. Fortunately he had to straight-arm a photographer who
was getting too close to the Dubba, and I slipped away.

The New Castle gig was billed as a breakfast – it turned out to be a
Tex-Brex – Bring Your Own Cow Pie. As my sainted mother once told me,
the poor will feed you till you burst, but you're lucky to get two-day
old bread out of the rich.

Bush's NH speech was the same one he gave in Iowa two days before,
touting his doctrine of ``compassionate conservativism." He said it a
half-dozen times. There's an extra syllable in there; how conservative
can the guy be if he can't even pronounce it? The word is conservatism,
not conservativism. Maybe it's his Texas drawl producing that extra
syllable, as in, he's full of shee-it.

Dubba also said his presidential campaign would leave the ``trash mouth
politics of the past behind," referring I suppose, to the deadly
negative personal attacks he made against Gov. Ann Richards in 1994, or
perhaps to his father's characterization of Clinton and Gore in 1992 as
``a couple of Bozos."

Joe Andrews, the new Chairman of the DNC, was on the grassy knoll behind
Dubba's coming out party giving interviews. He had a copy of the
children's book ``Curious George" to explain Dubba's presidential
ambitions. But as thing stand now, unless he turns out to be Bi-Curious
George, Dubba will be the Republican nominee.

Portsmouth, 6/10/99 – Sugar Lips Dole spoke to the Seacoast Board of
Realtors last night and even that bunch of stiffs were so bored that
they bolted as soon as her syrupy, over-scripted drawling stopped. Maybe
they hurried home to see the Arts and Entertainment Network's Biography
episode on George Dubba Bush – or should I say A&E's Blowjobography on
the Dubba?

Talk about lame. We learned that Dubba was a bad student (which didn't
keep him out of Andover, Yale or Harvard Business School), but a good
son; he's cheap; when he was young and irresponsible, he was young and
irresponsible (who isn't sick of hearing that?), and; he's a good dad
who uses his wife and daughters as political props.

In one hour, Blowjobography spent two minutes on Dubba's party boy past
and one minute on his irrefutable practice of insider trading at Harkin
Oil (the company that bought his Arbusto Oil company and kept him on as
highly paid consultant). A full twenty seconds were spent on questions
about how a third-rate company like Harkin beat out Amoco for a hugely
lucrative contract in Bahrain.

Blowjobography unwittingly made one thing clear: if George, Sr. was born
on third base and thinks he hit a triple, Dubba was born on home plate
and is just waiting for the umpire to call him safe.


Austin, TX-- George Dubba Bush scooped a long list of valuable urls,
paying the 70 bucks per and claiming them as his own -- addresses such
as BushSucks.com, BushBlows.com, EatMeBush.com, now all belong to George

Other urls acquired by the net-savvy Texan are BushWhitman, Bush Engler,
BushPataki and BushRidge. He didn't pony-up for BushDole or BushMcCain,
or even BushQuayle, which has a nice nostalgic ring.

Sen. Jugg Dregg (R-NH) Falls Under Dubba's Spell

Portsmouth, 4/4/99--
Some of George Dubba Bush's friends are for the bombing of Belgrade,
some are against it, and George, as he's wont to do, is sticking with
his friends on this one.

He's claiming ignorance and that's hard to argue with.

Bill Bradley wisely drew a distinction between himself and Al Gore on
the war. But he supports the troops. That's a relief.

It's a no-lose for Bradley. This war has stinker written all over it. No
front-end public relations blitz, no celebrity testimonials. How did
Clinton expect to seal this deal without a strategy? The same way he
expects to win it without one?

Austin, TX, Feb. 28, 1999-- Insiders orchestrating George Dubya&acutes
presidential coming-out party in two weeks say he may forego federal
matching funds so that he can spend as much money as he wants, where he
wants. The Steve Forbes factor has Bush spooked. He&acutes intent on not
 being outspent.

Big oil and tobacco money will fund Bush&acutes campaign. This, of
course, will become an issue in itself, but not much of one.

The entry of yet another paleo-conservative into the race, Pat Buchanan,
bolsters Bush&acutes position as the front-runner.

Austin, TX, March 2, 1999-- Gov. George W. Bush (R-TX) let the cat out
of the bag on the worst kept secret since Monica&acutes Big Fling.

Bush the Younger will explore the possibilitiy of succeeding his father,
Bush the Elder, by raising every nickel he can. He&acutes already
collected $2 million in California. He&acutell raise much more between
now and Memorial Day when the Texas State Legislature goes back to
pokin&acute doggies.

The magic number to be competetive in the primaries is $20 million. Bush
can raise that in Texas and Florida alone.

Rochester/Feb. 19, 1999-- According to news reports from WNDS, Channel
50 in Derry, Gov. George W.Bush (R-TX) has met with and asked for the
support of Craig Benson, the big swingin' dick at Cabletron Systems of
Rochester. Cabletron is the states 4th largest employer.

Benson supported Bob Dole in 1996, so this can be seen as an attempt to
leapfrog Elizabeth Dole's inevitable courting of the hi-tech

Bush also called State Rep. Tim McCough (R-Merrimack) and told him
there'd be ``big news in a few days time."

Family footage of young George Dubba swilling his First Brewski.

Austin, TX, 7/9/99 – True to his big bidniz suck-up style, George Dubba
Bush released the list of his council of high tech policy advisors and
it reads like the cast of ``Barbarians in Your Face."

The group is chaired by Michael Dell, the big swingin' dick at Dell
Computers (one of which I'm using as I write this) and includes James
Barksdale of – what else? The Barksdale Group, Robert Herbold, COO at
Microsoft and John Chambers, CEO of Texas Instruments.

We can all sleep easier knowing these paragons of fair play and the
public interest are advising Dubba. What's next? Marc Fuhrman advising
him on race relations, Michael Miliken on the securities industry…

Roanoke, VA, 6/21/99 -- By George Dubba Bush's own admission he's got no
arguments with the Christian Coalition's Rev. Jerry Falwell. That
presumably includes Teletubby Tinky Wink's sexual preference, as well as
Falwell's latest demonic denunciation: The Lilith Fair.

According to Falwell's magazine, the National Liberty Journal, Lilith
was Adam's original wife in the Garden of Eden. She dumped Adam because
he was a lazy stiff who insisted she submit to him. ``Fix me some figs,
get me God on the phone…" Who needs this bull? Lilith thought, and

Lilith is the archetypal ex-wife; as soon as she was gone, her name was
dirt. And her reputation went from being merely a headstrong bitch to an
actual demon boinking everyone on earth.

Falwell believes the all-women venue that takes its name from Lilith,
and stars the likes of Sheryl Crow and Natalie Merchant, is a demonic
plot to turn all young women into disrespectful shrews who should be
kicked to the curb. And G. Dubba Bush, the man who would be president,

George Dubba Bush
Will Not Answer:

1.Since you claim the required notification to the SEC informing them
that you were dumping your soon-to-be-worthless Harken Oil stock ``got
lost in the mail," how can we trust a guy not smart enough to send
something that important by registered letter?

2.Did you get into Yale the same way you got out of Vietnam?

3.Who rolls a tighter joint – you or Laura?

``It is my intention to honor the First in the Nation Primary."
      George Dubba Bush

Waiting for G.Dubba...Political Theater of the Absurd

Austin, TX, 5/31/99— It's fourteen days and counting until George Dubba
Bush's long-awaited maiden voyage to NH to, as he puts it, ``Meet the
regular folk."

Like his father, he thinks patronizing genuinely hardworking people is
the way to their hearts, and; like his father, Dubba wouldn't know a
regular folk if one walked up and pulled his cowboy hat down over his
ears, and; like his father, he's going to get his ass handed to him in
the NH primary.

Amb. Alan Keyes said it best: Bush is ``A name without substance."

Bush is counting on high early poll numbers, boatloads of money and
political endorsements to carry him to the White House. It's a
can't-lose plan. Just ask Presidents Muskee, Mondale and Dole.

Pataki Baki Dubba
Boola Boola Boola

Albany, NY, 5/24/99-- Gov. George Pataki (R-NY) endorsed Gov George
Dubba Bush (R-TX) for president today. I wish there were a gentler way
to say that, but there isn't.
BTW, George and George, the Skull and Bonesman, have been friends since
Yale 30 years ago.

In a two-minute brickbat for the assembled press and supporters -- most
of whom thought he might be announcing for the US Senate -- Pataki
praised Dubba's doctrine of compassionate conservatism.

Bush might like Pataki as a running mate -- New York and Texas would be
a tough tag team for any Democrat to beat. But so would a Bush pairing
with Gov.Tom Ridge (R-PA), or Gov. Christie Todd Whitman (R-NJ).

Pataki is also said to be in line for Sec'y of Friendly Defense in
George Dubba's compassionate adm'n.

Pataki's endorsement of Dubba heightens speculation that NY Mayor Rudy
Mussolini will run for Patrick J. Moynihan's very nearly empty senate

Rudy, apparently, will face Hillary Clinton, who will raise enough money
to fight a ground war from Manhattan to Buffalo.

And all of this is bad news for Al Gore, the heir transparent to the

Manchester, 5/4/99-- A new CNN/WMUR poll puts Texas Governor Dubba Bush
 way out in front of the 11 person Republican pack with 37%. His closest
rival, Sugar Lips Dole, is down to 16%, having lost half her support in
the past month.

Arizona Sen. John McCain is nipping at her pumps with 14%, while Steve
Forbes is is at 6%; Lamar holding at 5%; Dan Quayle is barely a blip at
2%; John Kasich and Bob ``Sen.Potato Head" Smith at 1%; and the Holy
Rollers, Gary Bauer and Alan Keyes in the netherworld of electoral
politics at less that 1%.

Who's likely to pick up Bush's thin, unbranded support (which could be
most of it) when voters learn he's an aphasic, preppy twit like his old
man, or when that mythological photo of him dancing butt-naked on a bar
surfaces? Or at the very least, when CBS News airs its video from the
1988 Rep Nat'l Convention in which Dubba is obnoxious and drunkenly
aggressive with a reporter.

Insiders say McCain will be NH's new golden boy, but Alexander is the
best organized.

Derry, 4/29/99-- According to a new poll taken by Franklin Pierce
College and WNDS TV,Texas Gov. George Dubba Bush has overtaken Sugar
Lips Dole, 34.6% to 15%. A similar poll taken in Feb. had Dole on top
with 32.3% to Bush's 23.1%.

Veep Al Gore's 35 point lead over Bill Bradley in Feb. (52.1% to 17.4%)
shrunk to less than 20 points in this most recent poll, putting Gore at
40% and Bradley at 20.6%.

While Gore's primary lead recedes faster than his hairline, he also gets
beat up bad when matched against Bush -- 54.2% to 30.3%.

Bush Still Growing

Austin, TX, 4/27/99-- Texas Gov. George Dubba Bush is no slouch in the
endorsement sweepstakes.

Bush has racked up an impressive roster of pols -- for what that's worth
-- including 15 governors, 8 US Senators, and more than 90 House
members. If political friends were votes, he'd be elected President by
acclimation. But, then, so would Bob Dole.

Washington, DC 4/8/99--
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) announced today that he is George Dubba's chief
key guy in the state of NH. Jugg will join Dubba's campaign as a
national big dog, his precise title TBA.

Gregg's chief of staff, Joel Maiola, a so-called conservative who hasn't
made an honest private sector buck since 1980 when he went to

work for Gregg's first run for the House, will join Bush's NH campaign
later in the year.

Maiola will co-manage Bush's NH Primary campaign with Barbara Russell,
who left her post as the Republican State Committee's Vice-Chair today
to sign on as Bush's State Chair.

Also on Bush's full-time team is Robb Thomson, XEconomic Development
Commissioner and son of XGov. Meldrim Thomson.

Sen. Gregg's relationship with Bush goes back to 1980, when Dubba's dad
first ran for president.Gregg's father, XGov. Hugh Gregg, is also a Bush

In a related matter, Lamar Alexander's longtime media advisor, Pat
Griffin left his, campaign yesterday, saying he wants to spend more time
with his family, but did not rule out working with another campaign
later in the cycle. Griffin is also Gregg's long-time media man. Guess
where he'll end up before long? Resistance is futile.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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