-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan DeWalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 14 July 1999 10:27
Subject: [TheEagle-L] The Bankster's Game Plan!?

Hi Eagles;

It appears as if the mega-bankers are running SCARED.  The main
reason: the Millennium conversion will loose so many forces which
could prove detrimental to their economic pyramid system that
'they' fear a potential collapse of the U.S. economy.  So how
do those on Wall Street [CFR, Federal Reserve, IRS, Trilaterals,
IMF, Bildebergers, etc.] plan to keep their financial empires
in tact in the face of total economic collapse?  Easy, America
is to be "downsized" to the extreme.  As it stands, 5 percent
of the financial elite own over 80 percent of the wealth.  Their
plan is to literally create a slave-state where Americans will
be forced to endure slave labor from cradle to grave in order
to maintain the luxurious lifestyles of the super-wealthy.
Thess banksters literally plan to eliminate all "competition".

We must understand however that these are their PLANS, which
means that collective human will [and hopefully a good deal of
Divine Intervention] might frustrate and minimize these plans,
since nothing is set in stone.  WE literally decide our future,
on an individual and collective level.  However the wise person
is one who prepares for ALL probabilities...

The sad fact is that millions are playing right into the hands
of the 'elite' in that the nations of the earth have become
INDEBTED to the bankers via massive loans which will probably
never be paid back because of the equally massive 'interest',
and thus the national resources and sovereignty aquired as
'collateral' is destroying the independence of these nations
day by day.  Solomon said that the debtor becomes a servent
of the lender, and so when the false economy we live under
crashes to the bottom what do you think the bankers will do?

They will send out their "collection agents" to require
reimbursement from ALL of those who live in luxury today by
BORROWING/MORTGAGING years into their future.  And believe
me, they have the paramilitary forces, bought and paid for,
necessary to enforce their plans.  So unless you wish to
spend the rest of your life in a work camp [or worse] paying
off your DEBTS, I would suggest that you become DEBT FREE
now!  Especially if what the following high-ranking National
Guardsman has to say is true...


Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 01:13:38 EST
Subject: More about American Death Camps
  Dear Civilians, Patriots, and Veterans:
  Seems like most people are still not believing what is going on even when
you tell them and prove it to

Date: 3/17/99 9:23:25 PM Pacific Standard Time
American Death Camps
by Samuel Foster

We live in strange times. Suffice it to say I am a captain (not my actual
rank, but at least that) in the
National Guard; but I can't tell you which state, as that information surely
will be the quick road to my
demise. I have faithfully served my country in Desert Storm and Panama, both
events having nothing to
do with the National Security safety of this Great Country of ours.

My wife has the same disease I have, and the doctors are still telling me I
have the flue. Does a flue last
eight years? We'll get to that later. We both are under the age of forty,
but we no longer look young.

Nothing can change my mind that my superiors-so-called officers and
gentlemen-have murdered us.
One of my duties requires me to train through rotation with other units, the
ongoing guard staff of various
clandestine Prisons many Americans that over-sight committees do not know
exist. These prisons, or
"camps" as we call them, were built for no other purpose than for the common
American taxpayer. I
know. I helped build three of them.

Somewhere along the way, I have lost my soul in the process. I know for a
fact that this government of
ours plans to turn America into a wasteland of proportions that stagger any
imagination. It is the
Pentagon and Wall Street's ambition to create no less than a slave state by
the year 2001. They will do
it too-with the media's help-because in many ways, they have already
succeeded in destroying our civil
liberties and making the middle-class an ancient idea.

How can I say these things? From where do I speak? A few years ago, I was
called to a meeting in Fort
Mead to join the augmenting of a unit which would report directly to FEMA in
the event of national
disaster. Did we discuss earthquakes, tornadoes, or flooding? Not on your
life. After obtaining several
new written security clearances and after having signed no less than eleven
documents-all giving away
my life and liberty should I ever speak out-I was let in on the following

Before giving out the structure of this plan, I beg anyone who reads this
document to share with as many
people as possible what I consider our last, best chance to reverse the
horrible course this country is
going to take in the next twenty-four months. The outline is as I remember
it, as everything was
verbal-nothing was ever written down.

Troop movements, orders, and materiel was all coded with words that meant
something other than what
they were. For example, if we needed 150 new prison cells, we didn't call
them prison cells. They
became "Cfood units, CIV". Given a code sheet, we could then interpret and
act upon any written order.
Most were email in our net and were to be destroyed once the order was
carried out. This was routine
policy and is still in effect today.

  1. Establish a network of prisons to deal with the estimated twenty
million Americans who will not go
along with the New America. This new country will no longer resemble the USA
we all grew up in. It will
be a dictatorship with institutionalized and mandated slave labor.

  2. Schools will no longer teach actual history. The schools of the future
will mainly be warehouses for
the young. They will teach the party system: that family is dead, and that
work is good. Discovering this
point made me so violently ill I became incontinent.

  3. Voting will be suspended. Many of us already know that the American
vote is a sham. Officers
above the rank of Major are well aware of who gives the orders in this
country. Not the White House, but
the CIA. The White House and its changing occupant are merely the visible
servant of something much
darker and the Presidents sole purpose is to create laws which lower real
income, create war states,
and keep the military machine running with ever-expanding budgets. I know. I
was there at many
meetings where foreign policy was dictated by four-star generals.

  4. Gun owners will have their guns taken, by force if necessary, before
many of the plans points are
made operational.

  5. The enforcers of the plan will be NATO and UN forces working in
cooperation with the US Military
and headed by the product from the Intel groups and FEMA.

  6. Use the lists compiled by the FBI and NSA and round up all those men
and women who have ever
showed any inkling whatsoever in the constitution on civil rights. This
especially includes gun-owners
and religious persons.

  7. Using lists obtained from grocery stores and banks, individuals with
income spent in stockpiling of
goods will also be rounded up and their property absconded.

  8. The Teachings of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam will be considered
anti-American. Pastors,
preachers, and holy men and women are to be rounded up for "re-education."

  9. The establishment of work colonies and the takeover of the media by the

  10. Free trade of stocks will be frozen and the assets of many individuals
outright taken away.

  11. The creation of mass crematoriums in Arizona, Texas, and Washington.
The dead will no longer
be buried, but will be sent to a place where they will be "cleansed."

  12. The creation of a national police force with complete power. This
point, as with many others, has
already occurred and the force is now 80% operational.

Friends, there is little more than I can say, except to give you my promise
that I will constantly provide as
much facts as possible to lead you to the truth. You want camp locations?
I'll get them out. You want
dates and places, I'll get them too.

God help us in our time of need.

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