-Caveat Lector-

> Subject: Full Text---December 7, 1999: Pearl Harbor II
> Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 15:01:02 -0700 (PDT)
> Below is an article I ran across while scurrying around on the net.
> It details a 13-week period of  planned crises beginning Dec. 6, and
> involving a U.S. "provoked" confrontation on the Korean peninsula.
> It was posted under a pseudonym, so I can't vouch  for the source;
> pretty alarming and well-informed content, though. Your call as to
> whether to pass it on
> ---the URL is at the bottom of the message.
> Best,
> Mike-F4
> _______________________________________________________
> Posted by "Quixote" 7/12/99 @ 20:57:25:
> "Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are
> doomed to repeat it."
> The following is a speculation, but it is informed
> speculation.
> As I stated before, a series of crises are slated to
> begin December 6, 1999. I think one of the first of these will be war
> on the Korean Peninsula, a war that will embroil the U.S. and lure the
> remainder of our troops out of the country (in preparation for future
> crises) and tie up our forces in the Korean theater.
> Historical Background:
> Japan attacked the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on
> December 7, 1941. Contrary to the official line, this attack was
> provoked and it was not a surprise. Read
> http://www.clinton.net/~mewilley/pearl.html and
> http://users.deltanet.com/~dericker/FDR%D5s%20Day%20of%Treason.htm
> for more details. I believe that unless
> preventative action is taken, something similar may happen to the U.S.
> Pacific fleet precisely 58 years after this attack (note 5+8=13, and
> 58's factors are 2 and 29, and 2+2+9=13, a number of occult significance
> to the people who are planning these crises). This new
> attack would be launched by North Korea, and would also be provoked
> and no surprise. The proof that it will not be a surprise is that it I have
> warned you about it nearly 5 months beforehand.
> North Korea has recently benn developing advanced missile designs. A
> while back they test-fired a missile over Japanese airspace, and they
> are planning to test a missile soon that will be capable of striking
> the U.S.
> >Snip<
> In any event, they already have missiles that are capable of striking
> Japan and Hawaii. |Very recently, the U.S. provoked North Korea by
> sending a battle group including the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Constellation
> to Pusan, South Korea >< . North Korea accused the U.S. and South
> Korea of trying to antagonize it and drag it into a war.
> North Korea has been massing over 2 million troops along the edge of
> the DMZ, probably in preparation for a ground invasion of South Korea.
> The Korean War of 1950-53 never really ended; the two Koreas have
> been in a mutual state of war for nearly 50 years and are operating
> under an armistice that can break down at any time. North Korea is
> quickly running out of food and will not be able to feed both its military
> and civilian populations for much longer. The South has food, and a war
> would also mean that every soldier killed would not have to be fed.
> North Korea will likely run out of food this winter and will be forced to
> invade South Korea even if its leaders did not want to. Expect further
> provocative acts from the U.S. in the coming months that will parallell the 
>provocations against Japan in the summer of 1941 and
> will serve as a
> warning sign.
> These actions include, but are not limited to:
> -shows of military force, like the recent one in Pusan
> -a freeze of all North Korean assets in the U.S.
> -a trade war/embargo against North Korea
> -international condemnation of North Korea by the  "West"
>   (led by the U.S.)
> -diplomatic snubs of North Korea by the U.S.
> There is only one thing standing in the way of North Korea's invasion
> of South Korea, and that is the United States Navy's Pacific Fleet.
> North Korea would have to neutralize the fleet prior to its attack on
> South Korea. Otherwise, our Navy will make minced meat out of them
> and they know it.
> http://www.cpf.navy.mil/organization/organization.htm is the URL of the
> United States Navy's Pacific Fleet's Organization. This information is
> available to the general public and anyone can go there and read it,
> even someone in North Korea. (Of course we have certain
> more esoteric countermeasures if things get too out of hand-ed., F4)
> This page states that the Third Fleet operates out of San Diego, CA.
> and that the Seventh Fleet operates out of Yokosuka, Japan. We also
> still have a Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. North Kore could
> alunch a preemptiv first strike against our naval forces in port prior
> to or simultaneous with an invasion of South Korea. North Korea could
> not do this wiht naval or air power, as its forces are very weak in
> these areas compared to Japan in 1941. However North Korea has nuclear
> weapons, which Japan only dreamed of having. North> knows that an
> attack on South> would mean war with the U.S., and that our naval
> forces are the biggest threat to their plans. Our Atlantic fleet will
> not be able to intervene, as by that time China will have near complete
> control over the Panama canal, and they will not let them through
> (N.K. is an ally of theirs, and they wiill want to invade Taiwan while
> the U.S. is otherwise occupied). The ships would have to go the long way,
> around S. America's cape. By the time it arrived, N.K.'s conquest of S.K.
> would be complete and a fait accompli.
> The U.S. ground troops already in S. Korea would act as a tripwire
> force to drag us into the war immediately upon hte invasion...They
> would be supplemented at first by a rapid-response force of our ground
> troops stationed in Okinawa and maniland Japan. Soon after, the
> remainder of our ground forces would be hastily
> be airlifted to the Korean theater and thrown into the
> meat grinder. While all our armed forces are busy with Koren War II,
> China would have a free hand to take over Taiwan, an Russian and the
> Arab countries surrounding Israel would bee free to make their move.
> (In this case, Israel will prevail using E.L.F. technology; the Arabs
> are walking into a very lethal trap, as Israel would never agree to the
> suicidal Oslo accords otherwise--see
> http://cuttingedge.org/news/n1250.cfm)
> Also, chaos would erupt within the U.S. as a result of other planned
> crises (such as a stock maket crash, Y2K,
> extreme gang activity and urban rioting, and terrorist attacks on U.S.
> cities). This could either leave us open to a forcible invasion by
> foreign troops, or, more likely, a call by Clinton and company for the
> U.N. to send foreign troops to restore order. Either way, we can kiss
> the Constitution and our Liberties goodbye if this happens.
> Why December 7?
> It is the beginning of the 13-week crisis period.
> It is the same date as the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, 58
> years later. It is the night of the new moon, which occultists consider an
> auspicious time to perform acts of Black Magick. (For more on that,
> check www.davidicke.com/icke/reading/wilder.htm--the occult
> plans for Giza during the August eclipse.--F4)
> *******************************************************
> found at: www.hourofthetime.com/wwwboard/messages/876.htm

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