==============RUMOR MILL NEWS  AGENCY ============
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Dateline: Dateline: September 27, 1996 - RMNews -
RMNews Agency

Hillary Makes A Deal With Princess Diana
"Leave Bill alone, and I'll help you land
An American President!"

In the June issue of RMNews, we presented an in depth analysis
of the breakup of the marriage of Prince Charles and his wife,
Princess Diana. In the series of articles, we also presented
information showing the connection between the royal family and
the international bankers. We discussed the feud between the
Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and we explored the connection
between the Rockefeller family and President Bill Clinton.

Without repeating word for word the entire articles, we can
summarize by saying that international bankers are trying to
merge the United Kingdom and the United States, and to
accomplish this, they are using Princess Diana and her sons, one
will be King of England, the other will be President of the United

In our articles, we talked about Winthrop Rockefeller, former
governor of Arkansas, and his only love, with whom he had an
illegitimate daughter. This illegitimate daughter gave birth to
William Jefferson Blythe, who is now President of the United
States. Since the publication of the articles, RMNews has learned
that the woman Winthrop fell in love with, was a member of the
English royal family. We have not learned her identity. But if this
is true, it would make Bill Clinton not only a member of the
Rockefeller family, but a member of the English royal family.

According to our European sources, Diana's divorce settlement
was a gift from the international bankers who see, in her sons and
her future children, an opportunity to fully control both countries,
and maybe eventually bring the United States back under the
Union Jack, the British national flag, which is a combination
of flags from England, Scotland and Ireland. The Union Jack
is red, white and blue.

When the United States is merged with the United
Kingdom, the new country will be called the United
Kingdom States and 54 white stars will be added to the red
bars of the Union Jack.

Princess Diana has been making trips to the United States to
cement her plans for marrying an American President, or for
marrying into an American dynasty. The huge Di-vorce
settlement is rumored to be in excess of 50 million dollars.
This settlement was given to her as a cushion, in case the
husband that was chosen for her did not have material

The list of potential husbands, which was drawn up by the
bankers, included the sons of George Bush, and all
Rockefeller males over the age of 30, this includes Bill
Clinton and John D. Rockefeller, IV, who is affectionately
known as "Jay". There are other lesser known members of
the international banking cartel, but the ones named above
are the leading candidates.

At the time we published this information, we cautioned
ALL wives of rich and powerful men to beware. We told
them that the popularity polls conducted by the international
bankers show that Diana has enough charisma to squelch all
the nastiness that could be involved in the "accidental
death" or "suicide" of the first wife of Diana's future

"Get Married, Or Else!"
The International Bankers Deliver
A Stern and Threatening Warning to JFK, Jr.

Princess Diana is a young woman who has never known true
love. She is desperately seeking the romantic love that she
thought she had with Charles. Her own pick for a husband,
is the Young King of Camelot, John F. Kennedy, Jr.

An alliance between Diana and the Kennedy family would
have been disastrous to the international bankers. The
Kennedy family blames the Federal Reserve for the deaths
of Jack and Bobby. The Kennedy family is not part of the
international banking cartel. They made their fortune
running rum during prohibition. Importing spirits still fills
their bank accounts quite nicely.

President John Kennedy issued treasury notes shortly before
he was murdered. These notes can still be purchased in coin
shops. His plan was to abolish the Federal Reserve, force an
audit and an accounting, and place the coinage and printing
of money back in the hands of the United States Treasury,
where it belongs. He also planned to charge the American
bankers with treason, seize all their property and put them
in prison. Is it any wonder he was killed?

If Diana had married John, Jr., she would have caused two
things to happen. She would have re-ignited the Kennedy
bid to take control from the Elite Eastcoast Establishment
and put it in Kennedy hands. (Senator Ted Kennedy only
plays the NWO game to keep his extended family alive.)
Because of the royal Irish blood, Diana would have inspired
a secessionist movement in Ireland to join the one already
going on in Scotland. National sovereignty would defeat the
globalist plans of the international bankers.

Therefore, John, Jr. had to be removed as a
potential husband for Lady Di. His swift and secret
marriage on September 22 was his reply to the
ultimatum that was given to him by the New World Order,
"Get married, or else."

 Princess Breakfasts  At The White House

On Tuesday, September 24, President Clinton was at the
United Nations signing the Comprehensive Nuclear Test
Ban Treaty. He used the same pen that President John
Kennedy used to sign the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty.
While the President was signing the treaty and making small
talk with Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, the First
Lady was entertaining the beautiful and eligible Princess
Diana at the White House.

Was it a coincidence that the only day the Princess could
visit the White House was the same day that the President
was in New York? Was it a coincidence that John, Jr.
married just two days before Diana made her visit to the
White House? Was it any accident that Bill Clinton invoked
the memory of JKF, just two days after John, Jr. made world
headlines with his swift and secret marriage? Our sources
don't think so.

They believe that Hillary arranged the private meeting with
the Princess to offer her something that would induce her to
leave Bill alone. President Bill Clinton was the number one
candidate to be the husband of Princess Diana. Hillary
would be eliminated through an accident or divorce.

What could Hillary have offered Diana in their White
House meeting? Will she help her land the next American
President? Or is she simply offering to arrange secret trysts
with Diana's real love, John, Jr.

Hillary's offer may be strictly monetary. Hillary is the only
person alive that knows the location of the missing money
from Nugen-Hand Bank, the CIA drug and weapons money-
laundering bank in Australia. After the fall of Nugen-Hand,
and the suicide of one of the partners, the money was
moved to a little bank named Household, in a small Illinois
town near where Hillary grew up. Former CIA Director
William Colby was responsible for moving the money to

>From Illinois, the money went to Arkansas to cover up a
$50 million dollar shortfall in Madison Guarantee, the
Savings and Loan of White Water fame. When Madison
went down, the 50 million disappeared.

Shortly before his untimely boating accident, which resulted
in his death, former DCI Colby was said to have testified in
secret congressional hearings about the missing money. Was
he going to tell the truth about where it is and who put it
there? We will never know the truth. Our sources believe
that Hillary and Vince Foster took the missing $50 million.
Now that Colby and Foster and both dead, only Hillary
knows where it is.

Could Hillary have offered Princess Diana an additional $50
million to keep her hands off Bill? $50,000,000 added to the
settlement given her by the international bankers would put
her well over a billion dollars.

Could Diana have plans of her own?
Could Bill have plans of his own?
And what about the true Prince of Camelot?

Remember, potential and  future first wives, the polls conducted
by the bankers show that Princess Diana is charismatic
enough to squelch any nastiness involved with your
untimely death.

Beware! The husband she marries may be your own!
Stay tuned to Rumor Mill News for updates on
"The Princess and the White House".

After Princess Diana was murdered, an anonymous source called Rayelan Allan
and told her that Diana was sacrificed by the New World Order in an ancient
temple of the Goddess Diana.

Because Diana had not only refused to marry a man of their choosing, but had
fallen in love with a man from Faction 2, the enemy camp;  the NWO decided to
kill her. But even in death they plan to use her.

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* * * * *

This is the cover from the September 1996 print edition of RMNews
    RMNews The Uncensored National Rumor

                  September 1996 Issue:

                         TWA800 -Downed by
                    International Bankers!!!

                       Government Created Virus
                     Can Wipe Out Selected Races!

               Princess Diana Visits the White House
              Is She Making Preparations to Move In?

       The Navy: Under attack again? Is Tailhook Two around the
     Round Wing Aircraft - Mind Control - Vaccinations - Scientology
        the Grateful Dead - Rogue Agents Defended
Shirley MacClaine called CIA,  CFR and other names
Jonestown - Operation  Sledgehammer - Future Predictions -
  Quotable Quotes - Questions and Answers
Sister Ru's Book Reviews... plus little pieces of
          Amazing Trivia and Uncensored Rumors seen no other place!

Rumor Mill News, The Only Rumor You Can Trust!
                      * * * * *

This is the Index from the September 1996 Issue of RMNews

                September Index
Lead Story:
 TWA 800: Sledgehammer missiles, counterfeit bonds, Tailhook 2 . .

Second Lead Story:
Government Created Viruses, Operation Raindance, Hanta, E-Coli.
..p. 5

Short Stories and Rumors
Scientology and The Grateful Dead.... p. 5
Mind control and vaccinations  . . . . . .p. 5
 Round Wing Aircraft slated for Mars trip  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.p. 7
 Washington Scandals: Elizabeth Dole's real estate troubles  . . . . .p. 7
 Clintongate: 103 civil cases filed against Clinton in Arkansas  . ..p. 7

Letters to the Editor:
In Defense of CIA Rogues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 8
A European Reader Shares His Thoughts  . . . P. 9
A Former Insider Comments on RMNews  . .  p. 10
Shirley MacClaine; CFR, CIA and New Age Agent  . . . p. 10

A Senseless Death:
A moving letter from a government insider . . . . .p. 11

New Feature; Questions and Answers:
Operation Sledgehammer, Mind Control, Jonestown  . . . . p. 13

RMNews Follows up on Earlier Stories:
Princess Diana, Hillary and the White House . . . . . p. 16

Resident Future Predictor Proved Right;
Madam MaRu, CityStates, Las Vegas West  . . . . .p. 17
Madame MaRu's New Prediction:
Tom Hayden, Mayor of the State of Los Angeles . . . p. 18

Newt Gingrich Will be  Forced to Step Down--
Clinton and Gore  Impeached  . . p. 18

Quotable Quotes: The real Hillary, etc  . . . . . . . . . . . P. 18

Unnoticed Stories:
Man Mutilated in Rape Case to go Free  . . . . . . . . . . p. 19
PC Administers Lethal Dose in Australia's First Legal Suicide  .. .p. 19
Sister Ru's Book Reviews: Farhenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury . . . p. 19
Rumor Mill News, The Only Rumor You Can Trust!

     RMNews Agency     September 1996 Issue   $5.00
To receive a copy of the entire September issue,
Send $5.00 plus $1.00 for S&H to P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001
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==============The Uncensored National Rumor==============

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