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Liberal Radio Station Being Silenced by Clinton Appointee
Date:   Thursday, July 15, 1999 07:01:17 PM

It is now time for all Democrats to wake up and realize that your Democratic
President does not support democratic values... such as a free press and free
right to assemble.

I am  a former Haight Ashbury hippie who saw more bloodshed on San Francisco
streets from billy clubs breaking noses and faces than I have seen in the
rest of my life. The blood letting in San Francisco was under President Nixon
and Mayor Alioto's reigns. As a result of this, I became a Democrat.

But the Democratic Party is no longer what my innocent hippie brain believed
it to be. Bill and Hillary Clinton woke me up in the first year of their
"co-presidency" If the assualt on KPFA in Berkely does not wake up the rest
of the liberal hippies of the sixties and their proteges, I don't think
anything will.

Berkeley was the beginning of the revolution of the 60's. Are the people
behind the scenes who control our media, and shape our beliefs and actions
preparing us for another 60's type revolution?

RMNews alerted its readers in past articles that the New World Order has mind
controlled anarchists in all major cities. These anarchists are just waiting
for the trigger signal which  will put them in action. Then we will have
chaos and destruction like we have never seen before in this country... not
even during the Viet Nam war.

What will the anarchists be protesting and who will they be working for? Will
it at first appear as if they are protesting the takeover silencing of
KPFA.... a radio station that was one of the only liberal stations to talk
about the Clinton connection to drugs? Will the anarchists force the
government to crack down on the protestors? Will the KPFA protest that has
begun as a sincere protest be turned into something else?

This is the way the government operates. Remember the CIA version of the
Hegelian Dialectic:




When Clinton sent his man into KPFA to redo the programming he started Phase

The protestors who are protesting the takeover of KPFA are innocent lambs
being used to create the  "CRISIS".

Once the "innocents" are joined by the programmed anarchists and other
undercover goverment operatives this incident will become a full scale crisis
which will "BEG" for government intervention in the form of a "CRISIS

Once the government institutes it's form of "CRISIS SOLUTION", it will be a
short step to "CRISIS CONTROL",  and this could be the end of freedom and
democracy as we know it.

Last night I received an article title "Freedom" from a local chiropractor. I
saved it because I wanted to send it out as a Rumor Mill News article. When I
went into my computer files to find it, it wasn't there. I pulled up the
"search engine" for my computer and I instantly received a very chilling but
hopefully not prophetice message.... FROM MY COMPUTER!!!

The computer generated message said: "FREEDOM DOES NOT EXIST!"

Maybe these machines we are all using to save our freedom and liberty know
more than we do.

As you read the following article just remember that this action in Berkeley
was created by President Clinton. This is the first step in the goverment's
version of Hegel's Dialectic Triad for changing society. President Clinton
created the CRISIS. Where it will lead will be a measure of how fast the
liberal Democrats will wake up to the fact that their liberal president has
betrayed them and is leading them like sheep to the slaughter.

One of my sources has recently told me that Vice President's Gore's loyal
people have realized that Clinton is sacrificing Gore on the orders of the
New World Order. Clinton will destroy the Democratic Party. My sources tell
me that  both the Gore and Bradly people have realized this.

The only way to short circut the CIA triad of: CRISIS CREATION, CRISIS
SOLUTION AND CRISIS CONTROL and to save the Democratic Party is for Clinton
to be forced to step down. But since this is not even a remote possibility,
it looks as if the Democratic Party will be destroyed by William Clinton so
that the New World Order can put their new man in power... George W. Bush.

Maybe this "crisis" in Berkeley is the beginning of a "90's revolution". If
it is, then we will have a replay of the Nixon-Viet Nam years with a
Republican in power.

Please remind all Liberal Democrats who support gun control and gun
confiscation that if the "90's Revolution" is a repeat of the "60's
Revolution", it means that a REPUBLICAN will be in power.


At the moment, liberals feel safe with a Democratic President, but how safe
are liberals going to feel under a Republican president who may have to
institute martial law to quell the anarchists and the riots which were
created by his Democratic predesessor?


In this century,

We all must take a long deep breath and try to figure out what President
Clinton's real agenda is in regards to the KPFA riots.

The following article seems to cover a lot of information that has been left
out of the New World Order's controlled media. This is one of the points made
in the following article. I feel it needs to be highlighted:

"And now they (KPFA) are being taken off the air by a Clinton appointee
aided by armed thugs in the employ of a company managed
by former intelligence operatives."

Please take the time to read the enclosed article. Liberals need to wake up
quickly and realize that they are being led down the primrose path to the
slaughter houses... otherwise known as concentration camps. Forward this to
all your liberal friends.

From: Ken McCarthy
KPFA: It gets worse


July 14, 1999

More info:

* Why KPFA and WBAI have been targeted by the US government
* An eyewitness account of the armed censoring of KPFA
* What you can do
* Beware of "incidents"  - VERY IMPORTANT for people planning
to attend protests


Some people not familiar with Pacifica have asked what KPFA
and WBAI broadcast.  I can answer this from first hand experience.

When I lived in New York in the 1980s, I was a frequent WBAI listener.
WBAI was the *only* source of information on the US-sponsored atrocities
in Central America as they were happening, atrocities Clinton admitted to
over a decade later (200,000 killed in Guatemala alone by US-trained death
squads and military)

WBAI also was the only source of comprehensive and comprehensible
information on the arms-drugs-terror network organized during the
Reagan administration which involved sending weapons to Iran (a
US enemy), cocaine to the United States, and training and support for the
terror campaign in Nicaragua which, like US bombing in Iraq and
Yugoslavia, targeted civilians and basic social and economic
infrastructure. This reporting took place in the 1980s.

WBAI broadcast the entire Iran/Contra Gate hearings live.  Larry
Bensky (banned from KPFA) and Dennis Bernstein (pulled off
the air last night by armed guards) provided the only real-time,
informed and intelligent commentary on these hearings and their
significance available anywhere in the US broadcast world.

Just a few of the stories KPFA and WBAI has aired in depth
over the years:

The massive drug operation run out of the Mena airport during Clinton's
term as governor of Arkansas; Hillary Clinton's involvement with S&L fraud
and the INSLAW fraud; the CIA-enabled, Contra-run enterprise to import
tons of cocaine to the US;  the ongoing US-engineered holocaust in Iraq.
KPFA and WBAI has consistently covered material, in significant detail,
that no other broadcast unit in the US and very, very few print outlets
have been willing to tackle.

And now they are being taken off the air by a Clinton appointee
aided by armed thugs in the employ of a company managed
by former intelligence operatives

- An eyewitness account

"I ran into Larry Bensky at about 4:30 PM near KPFA. Larry said that Lynn
Chadwick had issued another stern warning that anyone talking about
Pacifica affairs on the air would be fired immediately (this after Media
Alliance released the internal memo from Micheal Palmer indicating that
the board is in active negotiation to sell the network's assets a day
after MF Berry firmly denied that any sale was in the works at her
invitation-only news conference yesterday.) Pacifica had brought in the
station manager from the Houston station which has already been sanitized,
as Rafael Ramirez has documented, and he was ready to gag anyone who who
violated Chadwick's order.

Dennis Bernstein did, of course, in the last 20 minutes of "Flashpoints."
He not only ran news of the memo, but aired a statement in support of KPFA
by Mumia and another (one of a series being done by notables around the
country) by Scoop Nisker.Shortly after 6, Bernstein's newscast was
interrupted; it was clear that the guards had come in to remove him from
the newsroom. The station went silent.

This was heard all over Northern California. I went down immediately.
Others heard it on their car radios and also went to the station. When I
got there, the front doors were open and a number of people got in the
front corridor but were stopped at the lobby by Berkeley police. More
people arrived and the police eventually closed off Martin Luther King,
Jr. Way. People were furious and shouting "Shame" and "It's OUR station".
The local media got into the station with vid-cameras and got some
footage. Eventually, the Berkeley police chief announced that if people
didn't leave, they would be arrested for trespassing and sent to the
county jail at Santa Rita. Many people (including a couple in their 80s
that I saw) chose to be arrested.

A growing and angry crowd moved to the rear of the bldg as police began
bringing people out in handcuffs and putting them into a black mariah.
More people kept arriving, and so did police in riot gear. There was a
great deal of angry shouting, and near-riot conditions, though Channel 5
reported that the crowd threw rocks at the police, and that was a lie. I
left before 9, but the 11 PM news said that hundreds were still down there
and were prepared to spend the night.

Well, it seems that the events of the past month or so were not
accidental. The security guards are from a company that specializes in
hostile takeovers, and that is what has happened and what was probably
planned. It appears that there will now be a lockout of staff members;
Pacifica has seized the station and will try to reprogram it or to sell it
to someone who will.

I have never seen anything so baldfaced and blatant, at least since Nixon's
Watergate mess. This MUST become an international issue; the Pacifica
station in Houston has already been sanitized and the one in Los Angeles
is on its way with a station manager enforcing the gag rule there. As of
today, KPFA probably no longer exists as a voice of dissent. WBAI is next,
and then there will be nothing. All of this, according to MF Berry and her
sidekicks, in the neame of reaching a broader audience. They'll do so by
turning KPFA into a jukebox.

There should be a campaign to see that Berry is removed immediately as
head of the US Civil Service Commission...though it is likely to be
ineffective, since she seems to be doing precisely what those in the
government want her to do -- destroy the Pacifica network. She's proving
very effective at the task."

- What you can do


Dozens of protestors were arrested tonight by over 50 Berkeley
police in riot gear in a massive five hour
protest inside and outside KPFA.  Pacifica had taken local KPFA
programming off the air shortly after 6 p.m. and substituted taped
programs from the archives, run by an engineer, Mark Torrres,
brought in from the Pacifica Program Service in Los Angeles.
The takeover operation was supervised by Pacifica Houston station
manager Garland Ganter, who a year and a half ago cancelled almost
all of KPFT's community programmers and installed a nearly all
music format, "The Sounds of Texas."

The last words heard on KPFA were those of KPFA news co-director Mark
Mericle describing "Flashpoints" host Dennis Bernstein being dragged out
of the studio by the armed security guards who have been inside KPFA for a
month.  Bernstein could be heard in the background.

More than 500 people blocked both downtown Berkeley streets leading
to KPFA, and several dozen, along with KPFA staff people, refused
to leave the building.  They were arrested - sometimes with painful
arm holds used - and taken to the nearby police station, where
most were cited and released.


First, it is time to get our elected officials involved in stopping Mary
Frances Berry before she demolishes this federally licensed broadcast
entity any further.  Please call Berkeley Congresswoman Barbara Lee either
in Washington at (202) 225-2661 or in Oakland at (510) 763-0370 and DEMAND
that she get involved IMMEDIATELY!  KPFA's tradition of free speech,
advocacy for peace and justice, and community control is threatened as
never before by the Berry/Chadwick regime!  (NOTE: Congresswoman Lee
inherited legislative aide Roberta Brooks from her predecessor, Ron
Dellums.  Brooks, who resigned under pressure as a Pacifica board member a
few months ago, seems to have been one of the architects and supporters of
Berry's disastrous activities.  Therefore Congresswoman Lee may need a
great deal of education on the KPFA/ Pacifica conflict.)

Another official to call IMMEDIATELY - Berkeley residents especially! - is
Berkeley city manager James Keene.  PROTEST the exhorbitant use of police
power - more than fifty officers on duty for over five hours - against
peaceful demonstrators.  Let Keene know that you resent your tax money
being spent to enforce Dr. Berry's schemes, and that in any case he needs
to be present to supervise police officers who used many painful tactics
in arresting non-violent people.  (510) 644-6580. (Also: Berkeley
residents contact your councilperson and mayor Dean and DEMAND that they
be present at 5 p.m. today!)

Mark Torres of the Pacifica Program Service is running tapes on KPFA
to replace regular programmers.  Call him at (818) 506-1077 Ext. 266
to express your opinion about his scab activities.

Garland Ganter of KPFT has been imported to KPFA to enforce the Berry/
Chadwick takeover.  Call him at (713) 526-4000 ext. 310 and let him know
what you think about his role in this devastation of KPFA.

VERY IMPORTANT: Pacifica programmers have been terrorized into silence under
threat of dismissal if they discuss on the air what Berry and Chadwick are

KPFK: (818) 985-5735
KPFT: (713) 526-5738
WPFW: (202) 588-0893
WBAI: (212) 209-2900
Pacifica Network News - 1-888-770-4944 ext. 323
Amy Goodman - (212) 209-2800


- Beware of "incidents"

The demonizaion of KPFA supporters by creating an "incident" at upcoming
protests is, unfortunately, a possible occurrence.  If police from other
jurisdictions, esp SF and Oakland, are brought in to help, it is a *likely*
The "incident" will most likely take the form of a "riot" which will be
by the police officers themselves under the direction of their superiors.  The
FBI is part of Reno's Justice Department and that agency as well as  the CIA
and NSA have close connections with the Bay Area police force.

To anyone attending political demonstrations in the US, general guidelines to
insure your physical safety:

1. Be aware of the location of police officers at all times
2. Do not allow yourself to get "boxed in" to an area you cannot easily leave
3. Be alert to the staging of police officers out of sight of the main
esp.if they are armed with bats and riot gear.  Also be alert to a pattern of
deliberate provocation by police officers.  Be aware too of "odd" individuals
loudly advocating violence. These conditions often precede a police riot.  Bay
Area police are well practiced in arranging these things.
4. If possible, monitor police radio so as to be aware of orders and
5. Bring disposable cameras and a note pad and pen. In the event of police
violence, immediately get the names and contact info of all witnesses. Do not
delay one minute if you intend to gather useful info.
6. Do not verbally or physically contend with police officers at the scene at
any time.
7. Do not engage in civil disobedience (blocking doorways, refusing a police
order) *unless* you are prepared to: a) be assaulted, b) go to jail, and/or c)
be brought up on false charges Your chances of justice in such circumstances
are close to zero regardless of witnesses and documentation.

A typical US police tactic is to seal off an area, create an "incident", and
then send in a huge reserve force of armed police to indiscriminately assault
everyone present. These officers are usually misled as to the nature of the
situation, often told police officers themselves are under attack.

Very often the assault is preceded by a police siren and the sudden appearance
of large numbers of police seemingly out of nowhere clubbing and striking
everyone in sight. Media will take photographs and video, but, except in rare
circumstances, all that will appear on TV will be shots of people being
handcuffed and led away and those who are, understandably, reacting badly.

In circumstances like these, no one - not photographers, bystanders, even the
handicapped* - is immune from assault. Get yourself and your friends out of
area immediately - and come back to protest another day.

More about these tactics and how they are used in San Francsico:

* During the Critical Mass police riot in San Francisco in July 1997, a
pedestrian bystander with polio was knocked unconscious, handcuffed, beaten
with clubs, and pepper spayed in that order. He was charged with "grabbing the
ankles of a police officer and causing him to fall" - assaulting a police
RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

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