-Caveat Lector-

The might of Caesar Antonius became unfurled in Death Star UK recently when
it became clear why Scotland had had a Parliament foisted upon them.
Most roads in Scotland were to become pay_as_you_drive.
And Scotland, yet again bears the cutting edge of NWO Social Engineering
shortly before it hits mainstream UK.
They may have a fight to pull this one off - but I have seen no opposition
stand in the way of bizarre and unpopular changes yet !

The UK compared to Europe is a grotty substandard country that eats bad
food, drives superexpensive [cheap] cars, wears substandard clothing, pays
excessive amounts for fuel - diesel and petrol - and alleged 'luxury goods'
and nowhere in the G8 Western Countries [imo] is there currently such an
awesome demolition of the middleclasses.
Tonys Tribunes are now trying to run those rusty old chariots of fire
belonging to the struggling lower middle classes off the roads permanently
- fuel, road tax, mot, effective insurance increase on engine cc, tolls on
the roads, massive parking penalties and restrictions. -
very soon, only the very rich will be able to independently 'Travel'.
The brutal polarisation of social structure into vast amounts of chaff and
the occasional organic loaf - effectively keeps the poor at home and on the
buses and trains.
Seeing some of the unemployed running about 'chained' to a rickshaw
supplied by a popular Beer company, and, noting how nearly every youngster
has running shoes, and with visions of the Chinese cultural revolution one
has to say that Chairman Tony may be rehashing the culturally rich songs
after all ... such as
'... it won't be a stylish marriage, cause I can't afford a carriage
     but you'd look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle made for two .. !'

Tony may be about to build us with the help of the unemployed his new
Volkscycle and Cyclebahns.

According to Journalists, the two most powerful words in Whitehall are:
'Tony wants ..' and if you don't agree with Tony, then there's the
possibility that you may have a dangerous personality.

Citizens, don't be alarmed, because a new law that enables preventative
arrest in case people 'think' that you might be dangerous sometime soon has
got that covered. Obviously justified to curtail an extremely dangerous
social minority, it can now be applied to any social majority, the only
recourse being to a subjective mechanism of appeal.
Of course it is very hard to identify a dissenting majority in the UK now
coz the Criminal Justice Bill makes it illegal for get togethers like that.

Lastly - I would like to draw to the attention of sane people from around
the world - a social thermometer of Middle England, Tonys Voter, Objective
Reality, Empirical Comparisons - Cool Brittania ...
The Government Statistics say, that the average family in the UK is on
20,000 pounds sterling per annum with a disposable income of [imo] 6000 per

Check out the LITTLEWOODS STORES mail order catalog. Aimed [competitively]
at mid market, average 20K Tonys England -
If YOU really had a disposable Income of about £6k would you really buy
Clothing that looks like bin-liners and sackcloth.
Littlewoods is one of the big family shopping high street stores in the UK.

I get frequently embarrassed in Holland to find clothes manufactured in the
UK that look really great at a third of the price you would expect to see
in the UK.
There are ordinary postal workers in Holland living beyond the alleged
executive lifestyle of this mystical UK family of four.

A lot of the American contingent may say that the USA never really got
divorced from the British Empire .... so ... in light of the empirical
evidence, may I offer some advice on the use of bin-liners ...

[British Home Stores coming your way soon folks :) ]

1. great mobile home.
2. compact and ergonomically transportable.
3. waterproof and customisable clothing.
4. volumous luggage container.
5. environmentally friendly refuse container.
6. the more expensive class A bin-liner takes longer to bio-degrade.
7. a cadaver carriage system.
8. Can be ordered through the post from LittleBritish Marks.
9. That little Black Number for all ocassions.

Why do we never see the evidence of even TV or Hollywood tastes and images
percolating through - well ... not Dallas ... but check this catalogue out,
its grey, its bland, its tasteless ..... Its Robotic !!!!!!!!!!
Its like the new wave music here in this Cultural wasteland -
You can buy CDs with Bob Dylan, Stones, 60s/70's/80's for 12-15 pounds
sterling, and most kids wont touch them on the shelves in the corner when
you can buy 80 minutes of hyped up garbage where the neighbours cat got a
lucky break on Jimmys Casio keyboard for 3 pounds sterling.

Now Tony is telling us that the EURO is great, really, really, great ..
'things can only get better' ..... does that mean Europe will soon be
forced to wear this crap too so that we can't get embarrassed when we go
abroad ??

Andrew Hennessey

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