-Caveat Lector-

 **********             VOICE OF THE GRUNT
 **********                 22 July 1999


 TABLE OF CONTENTS                      ARTICLES

 Sensible Priorities This Week: An Electronic Newsletter / July 21, 1999
 Sanity Prevails on Funding for F-22 in House.
 Referred to us by:
        CONTACT: Paul Gormsen, Director of Membership
        (415) 543-3628, PO Box 191210, San Francisco, CA 94119-1210
        IF: You  wish to remove your name OR you want to add one,
         e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Also, visit our website at

    In rare bi-partisan action, the U.S. Congress, in the words of The
 New York Times, "stunned the Pentagon and military contractors" by cutting
 off funding for the F-22 fighter. This new and unnecessary weapons system
 has been a major target of BLSP since our inception and has been featured in
 virtually all of our public relations efforts and our educational materials.
 Predictably this move has set off a major political battle which may reach a
 crucial phase as early as tomorrow. There are indications that a Democratic
 president may actually fight Republicans to keep the F-22 in the budget!
 Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities is urging House Members to stand
 firm for reduced F-22 funding when the appropriations bill goes to
 Conference Committee. Join us.

    The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121 Even more effective, e-mail
 or FAX your elected officials today. House Speaker Hastert and Minority
 leader Gephardt have brokered this agreement and should be congratulated. It
 is the most positive development in decades and can be a springboard for
 many of BLSP's other priorities. Don't let it slip away. Call us for help in
 getting your message to Congress and the President but please--make your
 voice heard. More information:

    The latest reports out of Washington are that the Leaders of both
 parities in the House have agreed to stop production (at least for next
 year) of the F-22 fighter plane Both the Majority Leader and Minority leader
 have agreed to redirect the $1.8 billion to other defense needs.
 *  Canceling the F-22 program outright would save over $43 billion over
 the next 10 years (total cost of the program, including R&D would near $70
 *  Plowing some of that money back into defense to replace aging
 fighters with new copies of the current generation and to buy needed
 transport equipment would still leave tens of billions of dollars for
 domestic programs currently facing cuts, such as education and health care.
 *  The F-22 isn't worth it. The House Appropriations defense
 subcommittee proposed eliminating the $1.8 billion earmarked for the
 production of just six F-22's in fiscal 2000 and spending the money instead
 on: eight F-15 fighters, five F-16s, eight C-130J transport planes plus a
 $300 million program to retain military pilots.
 *  We don't need the F-22.  The F-22 was designed to replace the F-15,
 a plane costing about a quarter as much per copy ($50 million vs. $200

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