-Caveat Lector-

**********          VOICE OF THE GRUNT
**********              26 July 1999


TABLE OF CONTENTS                       ARTICLES


Letter of Resignation                               1
SUMMARY: This letter says it all. It brilliantly recaps what thousands of
active duty soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen have been telling us for
years now. If you're as moved by this officer's words as I was, you'll make
copies of it and fire them off to all your elected representatives asking
them why our great military is losing such decent, honest and dedicated
leaders. How did our military breakdown like this? I understand CBS will be
doing a News piece on Air Force pilot attrition. Let's keep the heat up.
May 1999


SUBJECT: Retirement after 20 Years of Service

1. My decision to retire from the service in the United States Army as of
31 January 2000 is based on a multitude of reasons, mainly considerations
for the future stability of my family. I believe it important to provide my
little daughter, now six years old, a well-established and secure
environment without the turmoil of constant moves and deployments.

2. From a personal perspective, I truly consider the last 20 years in the
service of my country as a time of wonderful challenges and much personal
growth. Whenever associated with soldiers in a troop environment, I enjoyed
the close camaraderie normally associated with close-knit combat units.
Besides the many positive experiences of the last twenty years, which
included participation in combat during Desert Storm and two below the zone
promotions, I must confess that during the last five years, the idea of
serving beyond the 20 year mark became more and more questionable for me.
The main reason for my personal doubt is the constantly changing culture in
the Army which is becoming more concerned with producing a superficial
image of accomplishment, guided by false caring vs. tackling our readiness
issues with up-front leadership and firm solutions. The Army has become a
"social experiment", geared towards promoting diversity and celebrating
individual successes vs. instilling the sense of unity behind the values
our constitution, the Flag and our distinguished unit colors. The end
result we see today is clearly diminished combat readiness and a lower
willingness by our young people to serve a higher cause.

3. As I have come to grips with the decision to begin a new life in the
civilian sector, I cannot but still feel committed to continue my
association with the Army and its people. After all, as General Creighton
Abrams once said, 'the Army is people'. It is my plan, to continue to serve
and assist the people that make the Army and the armed forces, possibly in
a political role. This "outside" option ensures that my voice will not
drowned-out by senior officers and commanders who have lost their
connection to the troops and have lost comprehension of the real causes for
the decline in readiness or morale in the armed forces of today. In
addition, I would not rule out writing a book summarizing my personal
observations or perspectives gained in the last 20 years which differ
drastically from the current "party-line" leadership position prevalent in
the Army. The issues/topics which are crying out for solutions and
discussion by our senior commanders include:

a. Senior Leaders are not listening. Listening, in our Army, is a lost art.
The attitude of "father knows best" will definitely not lead to major
changes in our current situation of eroding combat readiness and rapidly
disappearing benefits. One should always remember that the most significant
changes in military affairs were not the result of General Officer
initiatives but were initiated by junior and mid-grade officers who, in
many cases, put their future and careers at risk.

b. Many senior leaders don't understand soldiers. Soldiers want to serve in
Elite organizations. Why not give elite organizations such as Armor units,
berets, a tank expert/assault badge and special work coveralls (just one
example). If you want to create an elite army with high combat spirit, you
cannot treat first line combat troops just like the rest. You must make
them feel that they are special. Maybe even special field-pay or a "wear
and tear " affected clothing allowance could be beneficial. As soon as the
elite unit message spreads, everyone will want to join.

c. Re-evaluate Army doctrine based on training center results. Think "out
of the box". Remember G.S. Patton: 'there is no approved solution to any
tactical situation'. Our military decision making process (MDMP) is totally
out of date and geared towards a leadership system which puts
inexperienced, sometimes tactically/operationally incompetent officers in
to key leadership positions and commands. The result: high risk for
catastrophe in combat but good survival opportunity for the incapable
leader if he follows the PROCESS. NTC has become the premier example of the
process-oriented evaluation. Follow the process but lose the fight - you'll
still be successful in our Army.

d. Training schedules and deployments are unpredictable. Senior leaders in
many cases don't know what is important and therefore invent much
unnecessary "nice-to-do" training. For certain contingencies and
deployments, the "pick me or I volunteer" attitude seems to be prevalent.
We must return to the quality over quantity attitude. The "fast food", or
"all-you-can eat approach" has failed us in the past. But in order to
return to quality, one must clearly understand what is important. Today's
"jack of all trades" leader, who attempts to "punch every ticket" in 20
years cannot make a clear determination as to what really counts.'

e. Superficial control/leadership. Many commanders/leaders love to inspect
superficial items such as chin-straps, ear plugs, boot heels, PT cards etc.
because it's too tough to understand the depth of true combat readiness.
Such real checks would include proper load plans (by the way, the US army
still doesn't have a decent load-plan for armored vehicles today --tow
cables are still outside of the turret and would have to be dismounted in
most awkward fashion, possibly under fire), weapons proficiency, reactions
to contact, barracks discipline, vehicle preparations for movement etc.

f. Too much emphasis on the wrong issues. Many senior leaders with the
zero-defects mentality rapidly jump to quick fix solutions to repair the
system with other "systems" or "checklists". Again, the result is a shallow
solution that doesn't repair anything. To the contrary, it most often
addicts soldiers to a newly established "military welfare" system. Soldiers
today see themselves as victims of the system. Leaders don't push for
self-discipline and developing maturity but accept self-flagellation as the
accepted course of action. Programs that ought to be reviewed for

n Sex training
n Consideration for Others Training
n Overemphasis on superficial inspection items, i.e. chin strap drills, 3x5
PT cards, etc.
n Too much emphasis on simulation to save money in the wrong areas.
n Overemphasis on ACS, AFTB, Volunteerism etc. Most of the social services
create an environment that does not emphasize soldier self-discipline,
self-help, and maturity.
n Overemphasis on force protection (unfortunately, even life in the
civilian world bears some risks).
n Too much emphasis on diversity (Asian week, African American week,
Hispanic week etc.). Again, we fail to stress unity vs. diversity. We are
all AMERICANS who should be committed to a common purpose - the defense of
our Nation.

g. The assignments system is broken. Units, crews, squads are not kept
together long enough to fully exploit their combat capabilities. We are not
able to build the tight interpersonal trust relationships between leaders
and soldiers. People are move rapidly to increase their promotion
opportunities to "punch tickets" vs. true readiness concerns. Fact: we are
still using the old Vietnam individual based replacement procedures and our
leaders seem to be satisfied with it.

h. The current quality of our soldier recruits and junior leaders is not as
good as it should be. No one will admit to it because it would mean
admitting to failure - unacceptable in a zero-defects world. Because of a
severe shortage of junior leaders, we are told to create/promote our own.
End result -- officers do NCO jobs, just like during the Vietnam days.
Promotion boards today do no certify junior NCO's can lead in their
specific specialties. In the days of diversity and interchangeability of
specialties (everyone is wonderful!), promotion boards don't emphasize
questions regarding weapons, ability to lead, tactics, but concentrate on
non-specific issues like ACS programs, financial advisor issues, EO
programs and other ancillary topics. All in the guise of "taking care of

4. Lastly, obviously it would be remiss not to mention to the rapidly
eroding benefits for retired soldiers. Our medical care is deteriorating at
unacceptable pace. The once promised free medical care is not free anymore.
At a time that people grow older and need care, only limited help at high
cost will be available. And by the way, the quality will be the same,
should you retire at the 20 or 30-year mark. Our retirement pay, based on
the base pay level does not currently compensate for the number of
deployments, moves and hardships suffered by the average Army family.

5. Although it is a tough decision to leave the Army and begin a new life,
I am ready to make peace and leave the service, knowing that I have made a
contribution to the Army in peace and war. It is my desire to take 60 days
of terminal leave and begin my official separation in September of 1999.

6. I am aware that because of my decision to separate, I will most likely
receive a standard 2-block rating on my next evaluation report to "save"
the top ratings for officers with a future on active duty. I request
however that my service as commander of 1-68 armor and my service during
actual combat receive the appropriate recognition and that my evaluation
fairly reflect the facts of my contributions to the Army.

7. I am leaving the Army on a positive note with the desire to continue to
make a difference for the soldiers still in uniform and those who have
already joined the civilian ranks. I hope this memorandum explains some of
the reasons for my retirement request. Above all, I am proud to have served
and to be able to offer my family a new option. As a parent, and with
regard to the recent shooting incident at a Colorado high school, I believe
it to be an important ingredient of patriotism to educate a future
generation of Americans in values and laws that govern us as a civilized
Nation. The regard for values must begin at home and in our schools to take
deep root in our society. To wear plastic value tags on our dog tag chains
offers only another shallow quick fix.

R.W. Zimmermann

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
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