-Caveat Lector-


> WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Economy
> Dollar fears send tremor through markets
> By Nick Beams
> 29 July 1999
> Back to screen version
> Barely weeks after spokesmen for the International Monetary Fund
> and other global financial institutions declared that the
> so-called Asian financial crisis had run its course, world
> financial markets have been experiencing a new round of jitters.
> This time, though, the cause of the nervousness is not “emerging
> markets” but the situation in the United States.
> The immediate cause of the turbulence, which saw significant
> falls on Wall Street and markets around the world, appears to
> have been the testimony of US Federal Reserve chairman Alan
> Greenspan to the US Congress last week. He hinted at possible
> further interest rate rises following the Fed's recent decision
> to lift rates by 0.25 percentage points.
> In addition to the fears of interest rate increases, the
> instability is being fueled by concerns that the value of the US
> dollar could start to slide against major world currencies in the
> wake of continuing record US trade deficits.
> The trade gap for May rose to a record $21.3 billion, a 14.8
> percent increase on the previous month and the worst trade
> performance since monthly statistics were first collected in
> 1992. If present trends continue, and the indications are that
> they will worsen rather than improve, the deficit for the year
> will reach $225 billion, representing a 37 percent increase over
> last year's record trade gap of $164.3 billion.
> In trading on currency markets earlier this week, the euro, after
> falling to near parity with the dollar at the beginning of the
> month, rose as high as $1.07. Overall, the US dollar fell by 5
> percent against both the euro and the Japanese yen in the space
> of a week.
> The drop in the dollar prompted statements by incoming US
> Treasury Secretary Larry Summers that the US remained committed
> to a strong dollar. Speaking to reporters after delivering a
> speech in Washington, Summers said: “As I've said many, many
> times a strong dollar is very much in the interests of the United
> States. That has been our policy and will continue to be our
> policy.”
> Debt and share “bubble” cause concern
> But the fear in international markets is that growing financial
> problems in the US economy, including the stock market bubble and
> the rising level of international debt, could overwhelm policy
> considerations and aims.
> In his Humphrey-Hawkins testimony to the US Congress last week,
> Greenspan pointed to both these processes. While repeating his
> previous assertions that technological innovations had boosted
> the productivity of US firms, he warned that “the interpretation
> that we are currently enjoying productivity acceleration does not
> ensure that equity prices are not overextended.
> “There can be little doubt that if the nation's productivity
> growth has stepped up, the level of profits and their future
> potential would be elevated. That prospect has supported higher
> stock prices. The danger is that in these circumstances, an
> unwarranted, perhaps euphoric, extension of recent developments
> can drive equity prices to levels that are unsupportable even if
> risks in the future become relatively small. Such straying above
> fundamentals could create problems for our economy when the
> inevitable adjustment occurs.”
> During his testimony Greenspan again expressed a fear that the
> fall in US unemployment could lead to a push for wage increases,
> necessitating a tightening of monetary policy. But even if wages
> were held down there were other “imbalances” in the US economy,
> which could have “important implications for future
> developments”.
> One of these factors is the growth of indebtedness in the US
> economy. With US savings levels now at negative levels—a
> phenomenon not seen since the 1930s—investment has been
> increasingly financed by the inflow of capital from overseas. But
> this process cannot continue indefinitely.
> As Greenspan put it: “As US international indebtedness mounts ...
> and foreign economies revive, capital inflows from abroad that
> enable domestic investment to exceed domestic saving may be
> difficult to sustain. Any resulting decline in demand for dollar
> assets could well be associated with higher market interest
> rates, unless domestic saving rebounds.”
> Questioned on whether the dollar could retain its strength in the
> face of the record trade deficit, Greenspan pointed out that the
> current account deficit was becoming “an increasingly larger
> proportion of GDP and we've asked ourselves how long that can be
> sustained without inducing imbalances to the structure of the
> economy.
> “Theoretically that obviously cannot go on indefinitely,
> something has got to give somewhere. Where it apparently will
> give at some point in the future is a lesser inclination to hold
> dollar claims on the United States.”
> While Greenspan assured his questioner that this point had not
> been reached and the evidence was that capital was continuing to
> flow into the United States, there is growing concern among
> international commentators that a US financial crisis will erupt
> sooner rather than later.
> In an article published last week on the Wall Street escalation,
> entitled “Bubbles do burst,” Financial Times economics
> commentator Samuel Brittan repeated warnings he made in an
> earlier comment published in May that there was “an uncanny
> resemblance between the upturn of the 1990s and the upturn
> leading up to the 1929 crash.
> “Strong growth in the money supply, a rapidly rising investment
> share within GDP, a widening current account deficit and a
> personal sector spiraling into deficit are all classic indicators
> of a domestic bubble. ... Although there is nothing wrong in a
> current account deficit as such in the right conditions, the
> rapid increase in the US deficit is one classic indicator of a
> bubble economy, especially when combined with rapid domestic
> money supply growth.”
> An article in the Financial Times of July 28 pointed to the
> “fragile balance” in the world economy and recalled remarks by
> former US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker earlier this year
> in which he noted that the “world economy was currently dependent
> on the US consumer, who was dependent on the stock market, which
> was dependent on about 50 stocks, half of which had not shown a
> profit.”
> The article warned that a sharp fall in the US dollar could tip
> the US economy into recession. Under the best case scenario, a
> fall in the dollar would ease the US trade deficit, lower US
> growth and gradually let down the stock market bubble. But there
> are compelling reasons why such a gradual easing of the financial
> crisis is not likely to occur.
> One of the main fears is that while a rise in US interest rates
> would, under normal conditions, sustain the inflow of foreign
> capital it could lead to a financial panic if it were feared that
> this was the prelude to a rapid fall in the dollar. In that case
> there would be an exodus from US stocks and financial assets by
> investors who feared that any interest rate gains would be
> overwhelmed by losses incurred as a result of shifts in currency
> values.
> Another factor adding to the instability is the growing
> indebtedness of US corporations. According to a recent editorial
> in the British Economist magazine, American companies are now
> buying back as much as 2 percent of their outstanding equity
> every year.
> “On the face of it,” the editorial noted, “America is hugely
> profitable: the latest quarterly earnings reports ... will
> probably be pretty good. But they should be treated with caution.
> If American companies continue to buy back their own shares,
> anything that uses them as a denominator—such as
> earnings-per-share, or return on equity—will automatically rise,
> even if underlying profits are unchanged. Moreover, buying back
> shares by issuing more debt means that corporate America is
> becoming ever more exposed to risk.”
> Asian markets tumble
> And while concerns grow about the stability of the US currency
> and financial markets, this week's financial crisis surrounding
> the South Korean chaebol Daewoo makes clear that the Asian
> financial crisis is far from over, despite the optimistic
> forecasts of a return to economic growth.
> The Daewoo conglomerate, which accounts for 5 percent of South
> Korean GDP, was only saved from financial collapse by a $3.3
> billion rescue operation organised by the South Korean government
> and its 69 creditors. Daewoo has a total of $48 billion debt,
> some $5.5 billion of which falls due this year.
> The Daewoo financial structure is by no means exceptional. In
> June 1998 its debt to equity ratio was reported to be 407
> percent, compared with a ratio of 508 percent for Hyundai and 482
> percent for LG. While the immediate Daewoo crisis has passed, it
> is far from resolved and could well be the indication of problems
> in the other chaebols.
> Korea's stockmarket fell 3.5 percent last Monday on lingering
> concerns over the Daewoo debt moratorium, capping a 14.8 percent
> drop over a week. Regional share prices also fell during the
> previous week. The Indonesian market lost 10 percent, Singapore
> 8.4 percent, the Philippines 7.2 percent, Malaysia 6 percent and
> Japan 5.6 percent.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
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> World Socialist Web Site
> All rights reserved

Record trade deficit in US fuels tensions with Europe and Asia

The U.S. Debt Bomb

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--- Ernest Hemingway
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