Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Having said that, I want to thank the folks at Wireless Flash for running
this piece, which has my phone ringing like crazy from radio stations.

I've had a good relationship with Wireless Flash, and I think, all in all,
they portrayed my opinion in a fairly accurate manner.  And more important,
they spelled my name, my number, and The Konformist name right.

For the record, however, I should add that Wireless Flash contacted me about
this theory, not the other way around.  I had not written anything about it
before this contact, though I had wondered if there was more to the Woodstock
story as I read the news reports.  I then searched the net, and reported to
her that the big promoter of the "Woodstock '99 Mind Kontrol" theory on the
net was my pal John Quinn, who I had already informed her to contact over
John-John's death (which she did.)  The Wireless Flash writer then became
interested in the reasoning behind the theory, and I explained to her the
history of government agent provocateurs involved in riots (a notable recent
example the L.A. riots, as detailed in Alex Constantine's excellent "Blood,
Carnage and the Agent Provacateur: The Truth about the Los Angeles Riots and
the Secret War Against L.A.'s Minorities") and the extensive evidence behind
the idea that the 60's counterculture music and drug scene was a social
experiment promoted by the CIA, the Pentagon and British Intelligence.  (In
fact, the LSD craze was funded and promoted by the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind
kontrol project.)  I then explained the motivation for the Woodstock '99
riots as a mind kontrol experiment: to manufacture chaos and violence to
condition people to accept and feel safe with authoritarian rule, to make
Woodstock no longer be associated with peace and love but violence and
destruction, and to further condition American society to accept the
demonization of youth and youth culture to justify the categorical
criminalization of an entire generation.  The writer then asked if I believed
this whole theory (which she personally stated sounded pretty credible), and
I said it was entirely plausible and wouldn't surprise me.  I then added,
"Let's put it this way, if the CIA and Pentagon didn't create the Woodstock
'99 Riot, they would certainly find it a damn good idea."

In any case, this is a good publicity coup, coming off the heels of The
Konformist being heavily featured on Rivera Live on Monday over internet JFK,
Jr. conspiracy theories.  Hopefully the list of tragedies will only continue,
as clearly when bad things happen to other people, I benefit tremendously.

Because of Wireless Flash's support, I won't mention that it was formed by
the Copley News Service, one of the most notorious collaborators with the CIA
on Operation Mockingbird, the intelligence establishment's extremely
succesful attempt to control the korporate media.  (Among the things Copley
did was turn in information of antiwar and black protestors, publish unedited
editorials written by the CIA, and loan at least 23 employees to the Agency.)
 So, thanks a lot, dudes, and keep up your fine work!


  LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) -- Here's one for the "I've Been
  Watching Too Many "X-Files" File:" a man in Los Angeles claims
  Woodstock '99 was actually a government mind control experiment.
       Robert Sterling, publisher of "The Konformist," an online
  publication for conspiracy theory lovers, says secret government
  operatives may have been behind the fiery riots which broke out
  Sunday night at the closing of Woodstock.
       Sterling says the government often creates controlled riots
  to make citizens distrust each other and feel they can't be safe
  without a strong police presence.
       He thinks most of the rabble-rousers at Woodstock were in
  fact government agents whose mission was to make the youthful
  music-lovers look violent and dangerous to the public.
       One reason Sterling is suspicious about the Woodstock fiasco
  is because it took place on a declassified military base -- which
  are often the sites of government mind control experiments.

  CONTACT: Robert Sterling, ****; LA; (310) 737-1081

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