-Caveat Lector-


U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes
106th Congress - 1st Session (1999)
as compiled through Senate LEGIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the
direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Number: 224  Bill Number: H.R. 1501
Vote Date: July 28, 1999, 09:46 AM
Amendment Number: S.AMDT.NO. 1344
Title: Motion to Invoke cloture on Amendment No.1344 to H.R.1501
Req. for Majority: 3/5  Result: Cloture Motion Agreed to

Available Reports
Vote Summary
Ordered by Senator
Ordered by Vote

Vote Summary
Yea Nay Present No Vote

77 22 0 1


Alphabetical by Senator
Abraham (MI)Yea
Akaka (HI)Yea
Allard (CO)Nay
Ashcroft (MO)Yea
Baucus (MT)Yea
Bayh (IN)Yea
Bennett (UT)Yea
Biden (DE)Yea
Bingaman (NM)Yea
Bond (MO)Yea
Boxer (CA)Yea
Breaux (LA)Yea
Brownback (KS)Nay
Bryan (NV)Yea
Bunning (KY)Nay
Burns (MT)Nay
Byrd (WV)Yea
Campbell (CO)Nay
Chafee (RI)Yea
Cleland (GA)Yea
Cochran (MS)Yea
Collins (ME)Yea
Conrad (ND)Yea
Coverdell (GA)Nay
Craig (ID)Nay
Crapo (ID)Nay
Daschle (SD)Yea
DeWine (OH)Yea
Dodd (CT)Yea
Domenici (NM)Yea
Dorgan (ND)Yea
Durbin (IL)Yea
Edwards (NC)Yea
Enzi (WY)Nay
 Feingold (WI)Yea
Feinstein (CA)Yea
Fitzgerald (IL)Yea
Frist (TN)Yea
Gorton (WA)Yea
Graham (FL)Yea
Gramm (TX)Nay
Grams (MN)Nay
Grassley (IA)Nay
Gregg (NH)Yea
Hagel (NE)Yea
Harkin (IA)Yea
Hatch (UT)Yea
Helms (NC)Nay
Hollings (SC)Yea
Hutchinson (AR)Nay
Hutchison (TX)Nay
Inhofe (OK)Nay
Inouye (HI)Yea
Jeffords (VT)Yea
Johnson (SD)Yea
Kennedy (MA)Yea
Kerrey (NE)Yea
Kerry (MA)Yea
Kohl (WI)Yea
Kyl (AZ)Nay
Landrieu (LA)Yea
Lautenberg (NJ)Yea
Leahy (VT)Yea
Levin (MI)Yea
Lieberman (CT)Yea
Lincoln (AR)Yea
Lott (MS)Yea
Lugar (IN)Yea
 Mack (FL)Yea
McCain (AZ)Yea
McConnell (KY)Yea
Mikulski (MD)Yea
Moynihan (NY)Yea
Murkowski (AK)Yea
Murray (WA)Yea
Nickles (OK)Nay
Reed (RI)Yea
Reid (NV)Yea
Robb (VA)Yea
Roberts (KS)Yea
Rockefeller (WV)Yea
Roth (DE)Yea
Santorum (PA)Nay
Sarbanes (MD)Yea
Schumer (NY)Yea
Sessions (AL)Yea
Shelby (AL)Nay
Smith (NH)Nay
Smith (OR)Yea
Snowe (ME)Yea
Specter (PA)Yea
Stevens (AK)Yea
Thomas (WY)Nay
Thompson (TN)Yea
Thurmond (SC)Yea
Torricelli (NJ)Yea
Voinovich (OH)NV
Warner (VA)Yea
Wellstone (MN)Yea
Wyden (OR)Yea


By Vote
-Yeas-Nays-No Vote- --- YEAs 77---
Abraham (MI)
Akaka (HI)
Ashcroft (MO)
Baucus (MT)
Bayh (IN)
Bennett (UT)
Biden (DE)
Bingaman (NM)
Bond (MO)
Boxer (CA)
Breaux (LA)
Bryan (NV)
Byrd (WV)
Chafee (RI)
Cleland (GA)
Cochran (MS)
Collins (ME)
Conrad (ND)
Daschle (SD)
DeWine (OH)
Dodd (CT)
Domenici (NM)
Dorgan (ND)
Durbin (IL)
Edwards (NC)
Feingold (WI)
 Feinstein (CA)
Fitzgerald (IL)
Frist (TN)
Gorton (WA)
Graham (FL)
Gregg (NH)
Hagel (NE)
Harkin (IA)
Hatch (UT)
Hollings (SC)
Inouye (HI)
Jeffords (VT)
Johnson (SD)
Kennedy (MA)
Kerrey (NE)
Kerry (MA)
Kohl (WI)
Landrieu (LA)
Lautenberg (NJ)
Leahy (VT)
Levin (MI)
Lieberman (CT)
Lincoln (AR)
Lott (MS)
Lugar (IN)
Mack (FL)
 McCain (AZ)
McConnell (KY)
Mikulski (MD)
Moynihan (NY)
Murkowski (AK)
Murray (WA)
Reed (RI)
Reid (NV)
Robb (VA)
Roberts (KS)
Rockefeller (WV)
Roth (DE)
Sarbanes (MD)
Schumer (NY)
Sessions (AL)
Smith (OR)
Snowe (ME)
Specter (PA)
Stevens (AK)
Thompson (TN)
Thurmond (SC)
Torricelli (NJ)
Warner (VA)
Wellstone (MN)
Wyden (OR)

--- NAYs 22---
Allard (CO)
Brownback (KS)
Bunning (KY)
Burns (MT)
Campbell (CO)
Coverdell (GA)
Craig (ID)
Crapo (ID)
 Enzi (WY)
Gramm (TX)
Grams (MN)
Grassley (IA)
Helms (NC)
Hutchinson (AR)
Hutchison (TX)
Inhofe (OK)
 Kyl (AZ)
Nickles (OK)
Santorum (PA)
Shelby (AL)
Smith (NH)
Thomas (WY)

--- Not Voting 1---
Voinovich (OH)


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