-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.radioliberty.com/audio.htm">Radio Liberty Audio Tapes </A>

Audio Tapes available from Radio Liberty

To order materials: 1-800-5-HIV-WAR

"Professor Carroll Quigley" : This is an interview with Bill Clinton's
mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley, telling about secret societies and
how the plates to his book, Tragedy & Hope, were destroyed by his
publisher. (two 60-min tapes) ($10.00)
"Population Control" : This is a speech given by Dr. Stanley Monteith
which reveals the story of the forces behind world population control.
Abortion, euthanasia, disease, and wars have been utilized during this
century to reduce the world's population. Incredible? Documentation is
provided in both the tape, and in the attached enclosure which documents
the "secret plan for the guides". (one 60-min tape) ($10.00)
"Geopolitics" : Deals with the hidden cause of war, famine, disease, and
the AIDS epidemic. This speech, given by Dr. Monteith, outlines
previously unrevealed information as to the origins of our current
crisis. (one 90-min tape) ($10.00)
"Thought Control in America" : A one-hour discussion of the techniques
of thought control used in television, newspapers, and magazines. This
tape covers who is behind the propaganda and their hidden agenda. (one
60-min tape) ($10.00)
"Norman Dodd - The Enemy Within" : This is an interview with Norman Dodd
who was the director of research for the Reece Committee investigation
which looked into the great tax-exempt foundations. (one 60-min tape)
"Secret Societies" : The story of Cecil John Rhodes and his 100-year
plan to establish a world government under the control of an Anglo-Saxon
elite. The story traces the formation of the Rhodes secret society and
the part that it played in creating the wars of the first half of the
twentieth century. A bibliography accompanies the tape which will allow
you to document the claims made. (one 60-min tape) ($10.00)
"The Devil's Heartbeat" Listening to this recording is an unforgettable
experience. It is a 90-minute audio tape which includes a 60-minute talk
delivered by Reverend Leslie Millen who lived in China at the time of
the Communist take-over. The similarities between what happened in China
in 1949 and what is happening in the United States today is striking. In
addition, this tape explains the facts surrounding China's betrayal to
Communism, and the part played by members of the Council on Foreign
Relations in that treachery. Single copies of the tape are available for
$5.50 plus $1.75 shipping. This tape, however, was designed for mass
distribution so we offer 10 copies for $13.95 postpaid to anywhere in
the United States. We want you to lend copies of this to everyone. The
audio tape is powerful enough to change the destiny of the nation, so
please help us to distribute it all across America.
The Following are Four-tape sets

"Kinsey" with Dr. Judith Reisman, Colonel Ron Ray, and James Jones.
Alfred Kinsey set out to transform the United States from a Christian to
a pagan, hedonistic society. He succeeded. This tape set deals with the
life and accomplishments of Dr. Kinsey, and how he set out to misuse
science to change the laws of our nation in order to promote
homosexuality, pedophilia, heterosexual promiscuity, and bestiality as
normal forms of sexual expression. Furthermore, this tape set reveals
the heretofore unknown connection between Alfred Kinsey, Aleister
Crowley, Naziism, and the Occult. ($22.95)
"The Masonic Symbols on the One Dollar Bill and Their Occult
Significance" with Dr. Cathy Burns and David Carrico. Disciples of the
occult routinely use both symbols and signs to demonstrate their
presence in contemporary society. Tragically, most people fail to
recognize their imagery or the Luciferian plan they proclaim. This 4
-tape set presents interviews with experts who have studied occult
symbology including the images on both the front and back of the U.S.
dollar bill. Everyone concerned with the survival of freedom must learn
the amazing facts revealed in this tape series. ($22.95)
"HAARP: Scientific Investigation or Military Weaponry?" with Paula
Randall Smith, Nick Begich, and Jerry Smith. Is the High Frequency
Active Aural Research Program simply a scientific study to determine
what happens when you beam a billion watts of electricity into the
Ionosphere, or is it a potentially dangerous weapon that can be used not
only against our enemies but against the American people as well. This
4-tape set contains four hours of fascinating interviews addressing
these and many other questions. Here you will find the startling
conclusions of researchers who have peered behind the misleading
propaganda disseminated by our government. ($22.95)
"Vaccines: Panacea or Plague?" with Barbara Fisher and Karin Schumacher.
Everyone believes that modern-day vaccines have saved millions of lives,
but recently voices have been raised warning of the detrimental effects
of multiple vaccinations and the devastating effect of the new Hepatitis
B vaccine program. It is also becoming increasingly apparent that in
some cases vaccines are being used for social engineering with
potentially devastating consequences. ($22.95)

"The War Powers Act" Many people have heard of the Executive Orders, but
few realize that successive American Presidents have covertly ruled our
nation by Executive decree since 1933. How could that be, and what can
be done to remedy the problem? This tape series will answer all your
questions about the War Powers Act and the Executive Orders. It includes
a two hour interview with Dr. Eugene Schroder telling how the War Powers
Act became law, why that Act must be repealed, and how to repeal it. The
tape series also contains an interview with Don McAlvany telling how the
War Powers Act can be used to legally deprive American citizens of their
freedom, also an hour with Susan Madori explaining how to contact your
representatives on this subject. ($22.95)
"Oklahoma City Bombing: Update 1998" With Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Craig
Roberts, Bill Jasper, Clark Brewster and Kathy Wilburn. Here are five,
new, fascinating interviews on the Oklahoma City Bombing. All document
the fact that the government had foreknowledge of the event. A number of
new theories are presented, and an effort is made to answer the three
remaining questions: (1) Why is the government continuing to conceal the
truth?: (2) Who else was involved?: (3) What was the real motive behind
the bombing? This is truly an unforgettable set of interviews. ($22.95)
"Secret Societies" Some commentators allege that there is a secret group
that controls both major political parties. Could that be true? If so,
who is involved, and what is the group's objective? The two-tape set,
the King Makers, goes into the fraudulent nature of American politics
and how the presidential candidates of both political parties are really
selected. The Secret Societies tape exposes the origins and goals of the
secret society created by Cecil John Rhodes during the past century. The
Brotherhood of Darkness tape reveals who is really behind the current
movement toward World Government. ($22.95)
"Sustainable Development" With Henry Lamb and Jeannie Soderman.
Sustainable Development is a phrase used to justify the plan to destroy
Western civilization. The details of that plan are covered in two recent
United Nations publications: "Our Global Neighborhood" and "The Global
Biodiversity Assessment Report". Both documents resulted from the Earth
Summit held in Rio in 1992, and both are summarized and explained in
this tape set. Here you will learn how pagan forces are working to
destroy the religious and spiritual foundations of our once-great
Christian nation, and what must be done to expose their program.
"Y2K: The Millennium Bug" With Ray Peyton and Dr. Mark Andrews. Society
has become dependent on modern-day technology. What will happen if large
numbers of computers fail on December 31, 1999 because computer
companies failed to include the first two numbers of the year on IBM
compatible chips and programs? Will Social Security checks be issued?
Will the Defense Department be able to defend our nation? Will electric
utility service be interrupted? Two major questions arise. What should
you do to protect yourself, and is the impending Y2K crisis part of a
diabolic plan to de-industrialize the United States and destroy our
freedom? ($22.95)
"TWA Flight 800" What really happened to TWA Flight 800? Why were FAA
officials prevented from interviewing any of the over 200 people who saw
two missiles streak skyward to bring down the American airliner? Why is
the government lying to the American public? This four-tape set contains
an interview with Major Fritz Meyer who personally witnessed the attack,
and three interviews with Commander William Donaldson who has led the
fight to expose the truth about the attack on TWA Flight 800. ($22.95)

"EUTHANASIA"With Wesley Smith, Rita Marker and Dr. Bill Deagle. Who is
behind the effort to legalize euthanasia? Is there a plan to eliminate
our elderly citizens? What happened in Holland when doctor-assisted
suicide was legalized? What part does Dr. Kevorkian play in the effort
to promote Death with Dignity? Should you be concerned about signing a
Living Will or a card authorizing organ donation? Is there any
relationship between euthanasia and the current Population Control
Agenda? Is there an occult agenda behind the effort to legalize
euthanasia? ($22.95)
"The Secret Government": Professor Carroll Quigley, who was Bill
Clinton's mentor, wrote "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our
Time" which outlines the truth about the world financial elite and their
plan to create a worldwide feudalistic system under their control. No
rman Dodd was the director of research for the Reece Committee
investigation which looked into the great tax-exempt foundations.
Geopolitics is a speech by Dr. Stanley Monteith which deals with the
hidden cause of war, famine, disease, and the AIDS epidemic. (four
60-min tapes) ($22.95)
"Oklahoma City Bombing": Four one-hour interviews with individuals who
have insights on the explosion that shook not only a city but the hearts
and souls of an entire nation. Rep. Charles Keys started a state
investigation into the bombing. Hoppy Heidelberg was a member of the gr
and jury that indicted Timothy McVeigh. Jon Rappoport wrote a book that
looks for the truth behind the media and government facade. Chuck Allen
produced the video "Oklahoma City: What Really Happened" which explores
the unanswered questions surrounding the tragedy. (four 60-min tapes)
"Gulf War Syndrome" Why are tens of thousands of Gulf War veterans ill?
Why have thousands of otherwise healthy young veterans died since
returning from the Gulf War? Why have so many of the spouses of Gulf War
veterans become ill? Why have so many children of Gulf War veterans been
born with severe congenital deformities? What has happened to Gulf War
veterans who have spoken out about their illness? What is the government
covering up? The four interviews included in this tape set will change
your outlook on the world forever. (four 60-min tapes) ($22.95)
"Waco Tape Set" Four one-hour interviews on Radio Liberty with
individuals who add insight into the events behind the tragedy at the
Branch Davidian compound. David Hall is a television producer whose news
team found a different story than the mainstream media was reporting,
Jack DeVault authored "The Waco Whitewash", Clive Doyle survived the
government raid, and Kirk Lyons with Rick Sherrow have been part of the
legal defense for the survivors. (four 60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"Is There a War on Drugs?": Monica Stephenson who wrote "Kiss the Boys
Goodbye". Terry Reed tells of the government involvement in drug
trafficking. Joe Occhipinti who is a former I.N.S. agent. Also excerpts
from Col. Bo Gritz, Sarah McClendon and John Brown. (four 60-min tapes)

"China": Four tapes from Radio Liberty. Two tapes with Rev. Irvin Millen
telling the story of how the Communists took over in China, and their
brainwashing techniques. An interview with Gen. Albert Wedemeyer who
tells how the U.S. allowed China to be taken over by the Communists, and
another interview with Otto Otepka who was the Director of Security for
the American State Department. (two 90-min & two 60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"Outcome-Based Education" : Carolyn Steinke is the Director of "Parents
Involved in Education". Karen Holgate discusses the legislation
controlling different aspects of our education system. Samuel Blumenfeld
writes the "Blumenfeld Education Letter". (four 60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"World War III" Four one-hour interviews concerning America's declining
civil defense and danger from nuclear attack. Dr. Edward Teller who was
one of the scientists who took part in the development of "The Bomb".
Sven Kramer who is a former member of the National Security Council.
John Stormer who is the author of "None Dare Call It Treason", and J.
Michael Waller who tells w here "Russia's" military readiness is really
at and how they are still developing weapons of mass destruction. (four
60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"The JFK Assassination Tapes": Four hours of interviews from Radio
Liberty. Two one-hour interviews with Colonel Fletcher Prouty, the
Colonel depicted in Oliver Stone's movie "JFK", a pre-recorded interview
with Lee Harvey Oswald, and an interview with Dr. Crenshaw who was a
surgical resident on duty at Parkland Hospital when both President
Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald were admitted to the emergency room.
Shocking revelations point directly to the origin of the conspiracy to
kill an American president and why it was carried out. (four 60-min
tapes) ($22.95)
"The Clinton Chronicles Interviews": Four in-depth interviews on Radio
Liberty with people who were personally involved with the expose. John
Hillyer (who later died under mysterious circumstances), investigative
reporter, Lt. Colonel Tom McKenney, Gary Parks (whose father was gunned
down in the streets just outside Little Rock), and Pat Matrisciana. For
the skeptic, this set of four interviews is required listening. (four
60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"The AIDS Tape Set" Four one-hour tapes explaining the AIDS epidemic and
the failure of current AIDS policies. "The Politics of AIDS" is a speech
by Dr. Stanley Monteith. John Harris ministers to schools on the dangers
of HIV. Shepherd Smith is President of Americans for a Sound AIDS
Policy. Dr. Ricker Polsdorfer tells of the AIDS epidemic spreading
through African countries. (four 60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"Population Control" Four one-hour interviews revealing the story of the
forces behind world population control. Abortion, euthanasia, disease,
and wars have been utilized during this century to reduce the world's
population. Jacqueline Kasun is the author of "The War Against
Population". Dr. Gordon Edwards tells the truth about DDT and how it's
banning has caused the deaths of millions of people. Samantha Smith
explains how the new age movement is one of the driving forces behind
the idea of population control to "Protect Mother Earth". Also included
is a speech given by Dr. Stanley Monteith that provides a complete
overview of all the forces and their plans to implement the depopulation
of mankind. (four 60-min tapes) ($22.95)
"The O.J. Simpson Tapes": Four interviews with Joseph Boscoe, Steven
Wurth, Donald Freed and Steven Singular. What is the true story behind
the murders of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman? We may never know what
really happened but new information is constantly being revealed. These
four interviews uncover some of this new information and some of the
theories about what really happened, and how the media played a major
role in undermining our justice system. (four 60-min tapes) ($22.95)

"Is Food Enough?" Dr. Randy Baker and Dr. Jean Poulos answer callers'
questions and discuss nutritional supplements. Are they needed? How they
interact with each other. Who will benefit the most from them. 4 tape
set ($22.95)

"The Tuskegee Study" The Tuskegee Study was the American version of the
Nazi Holocaust. In 1932 four hundred black men with syphilis were
recruited into a public health study; subsequently, public health
officials conspired to prevent the participants from receiving treatment
for their syphilis. The ultimate goal of the Study was to autopsy the
victims after their deaths. From a public health point of view, the
Tuskegee Study was highly successful: 275 of the 400 blacks died before
the devilish experiment could be stopped. Why were none of the
conspirators ever punished? The Tuskegee story exposes the heretofore
suppressed saga of a tragic episode in our nation's history. 4 tape set
"The Secret Agenda of Freemasonry" With Ralph Epperson, Dr. James
Wardner and Paul Fisher. What is the secret of Free and Accepted
Masonry? What is the origin of the Craft? What is its true objective?
What influence has Masonry had on the United States? Is Masonry
compatible with Christianity? These and many other questions will be
addressed on the four enclosed tapes. Prepare to be shocked and then
amazed! 4 tape set ($22.95)

"Concentratiom Camps" Interviews with Col. James Ammerman and Karen Lee
Bixman. Why is the government constructing detention facilities on
closed Army bases throughout America? Why have a number of Executive
Orders been secretly recorded permitting detention of American citizens
in a National Emergency? Is there a Master Plan to establish a
dictatorship here in the United States? 4 tape set. ($22.95)

"VIETNAM: The Untold Story" How is it that one of the most powerful
countries in the world could not defeat a country the size of
Mississippi? The truth is shocking! The "war" in Vietnam was never
intended to be won. These four tapes include interviews with many
individuals who tell how the armed forces of the United States were held
back from doing what was required to win against Vietnam. What was the
reasoning behind this? What was the goal of the American government? Who
made these decisions? These answers and many more in Vietnam: The Untold
Story. 4 tape set ($22.95)
"U.N. UTOPIA? Habitat II" Four one-hour interviews explaining Habitat II
which is the United Nations' plan for a one-world government and
abolishing personal freedoms. All four of our special guests attended
the United Nations conference in Istanbul, Turkey which was to plan the
implementation of Habitat II. Joan Veon is a financial planner who has
devoted her life to educating the public about how the government has a
plan to effectively control every aspect of our lives, Berit Kjos is the
author of several books on education and the New Age movement, Dr. Floy
Lilly is an executive at the University of Texas, and Nancy Schaefer is
the President of "Family Concerns". 4 tape set ($22.95)
"Mind Control" An interview with Mark Phillips who explains the many
methods of mind control used by the governments of the world, as well as
Walter Bowart from the Freedom of Thought Foundation who tells of how
the military and other agencies use this to control individuals, also
Steven Jacobson who tells how today's media is able to control what the
public knows and thinks by manipulating the news and current events.
Included is Dr. Stan's tape "Thought Control in America" which discusses
all of these issues. 4 tape set ($22.95)

"Pagan Agenda" Four one-hour interviews explaining the dark side of the
occult and what the agenda of these forces are. Samantha Smith is the
author of "The Trojan Horse: How the New Age Movement Infiltrates the
Church" & "Goddess Earth". Constance Cumbey wrote "The Hidden Dangers of
the Rainbow", and Donna Steichen tells of witchcraft within the Catholic
Church. 4 tape set ($22.95)

"Christian Persecution" Christians are the most viciously persecuted
minority in many parts of the world today. Why aren't our religious
leaders speaking out on this subject? Does their silence forebode a
similar fate for Christians living in America in the not-too-distant
future? 4 tape set ($22.95)

"Global Warming-Fact or Fiction?" Is Global Warming a reality, or is it
a deception coordinated by the enemies of freedom? Could Global Warming
be an attack on the industrial foundations of America? Three
internationally known scientists discuss the scientific evidence for and
against the theory of Global Warming. 4 tape set ($22.95)

"FLUORIDATION" Why is water being fluoridated across America when
fluoride is acknowledged to be a deadly poison? Water chlorination is
used to sterilize the water supply while water fluoridation is promoted
to medicate children and prevent cavities. Fluoridation of water has
been found to decrease human fertility, promote skeletal fluorosis,
increase hip fractures, decrease I.Q.s and influence brain function and
promote cancer in animals. Is there a hidden agenda behind water
fluoridation? 4 tape set ($22.95)

"WHY DO WE STILL HAVE CANCER" Cancer is on the increase across America.
Millions of Americans are dying, many during the most productive years
of their lives. Why? Is there something that could be done to stop this
plague? This tape set should be heard in conjunction with our 4-tape se
t, "Genocide" in which you will hear how a leader of Planned Parenthood
crassly commented, "There are just too many people in the world, and
they are going to have to die of something. They might just as well die
from cancer." After you have heard the tapes in this set, you will begin
to realize the extent of the evil that we face today. The people who
speak in this tape set believe that we don't have to be victims of
cancer. Hopefully, you will be motivated to action before cancer strikes
your family. 4 tape set ($22.95)
Return to Radio Liberty home page
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

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