It appears John ["NewsHawk"] Quinn has unilaterally cut
me off from his mailing list. Perhaps he took offense when
I questioned whether one "Edgar Casey" had ever headed
CIA. Seems that didn't bother him anyway, though, as he
net-published it just the same.
Is John the NewsHawk the impetuous type, a rank amateur,
or something else? [I choose doors one and two.]
I knew the story of the alleged Mossad link to the John-John
crash before he did, and before Chamish for that matter, as I
was one who directed my source to Chamish. So, yes, I knew
the script from the get-go--but waited to see what transpired.
[As a sidenote, recollect it was Chamish who wrote, "Kosovo:
Last Stop Before Jerusalem". In his own words he knew the
NWO Gang was coming after Israel next; thus, he has a short
Back to NewsHawk...
So was the Mossad involved? Maybe yes, but maybe not.
Could they have been that stupid? Who's to say? But I
would suggest I could have done better.
NewsHawk also appears to have a short attention span:
For it is both he [and others] who reproduced the radar
images of the day in question which shows a disturbance
pattern arising from the New York area in a direct line up
to New England. I doubt the Mossad controls that facility.
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