-Caveat Lector-

>Ultimately, it may be
> possible to develop an "ethnic destruction" germ, that is, an organism that
> would attack the genes of a particular race.

It has already been done.
The race it attacks is the male part of the human race,
though I imagine that will be too slow for some
and that some -plague- will take out all males.

Why would they have been so intrested
in twins during the holocaust?
It was  not (just) genetics.
It was because of the potential of transplanting
a brain from one body to another without it being

Here are some links and I will follow this post
with ones under the subject line of Pied Piper.
My web site is being slowly hacked to death
so I thought I would post some of the hacked
pages here.  Will repair the site in about a week or
two, I wonder which page they might go after


Montague, Peter. Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly. 16 apr. 1999
          "Missing Boys." "increasing birth defects of the penis and testicles…"
          "hypothesizing…linked to exposures to hormone-disrupting chemicals
          including dioxin, pesticides, lead…." "chlorophenoxy herbicides and/or
          fungicides, the male proportion among children born with defects to
          who apply pesticides was 0.735, compared to a male proportion of 0.607
          births with defects among the general population."

          Statement from the World Wild Life Fund. 1992. 11 May 1999.
          "demasculinization and feminization of male fish, birds, and mammals:
          defeminization and masculinization of female fish and birds; and
          immune systems in birds and mammals; defeminization and masculinization
          female fish and birds; and compromised immune systems in birds and

Bill wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Please read the part about racially discriminate biotech.
> Its about halfway down. GM=Genetically Modified?
> Dan S wrote:
> >
> > >From The Electronic Telegraph,
> > http://www.telegraph.co.uk/et?ac=000140326706927&rtmo=VZkV1Pxx&atmo=VZkV1Pxx
> > &pg=/et/99/8/1/nbug101.html
> > -
> > ISSUE 1528 Sunday 1 August 1999
> >
> > GM killer bugs developed as defence against germ warfare
> > By Joe Murphy, Political Editor
> >
> > Porton Down faces criminal inquiry into airman's death
> >
> > THE Ministry of Defence has disclosed that it is creating lethal genetically
> > modified organisms in a secret programme to prepare defences against a new
> > era of germ warfare. Tests of the potential of "GM supergerms" are being
> > conducted at Porton Down, the headquarters of the Government's chemical and
> > biological defence establishment. The research uses similar genetic
> > engineering techniques to those that to create GM foods sold in
> > supermarkets. It was launched to study the implications should such
> > technology be developed for weapons of mass destruction by an enemy power.
> >
> > The theoretical threat posed by GM germs has alarmed the MoD. Genetic
> > techniques can make biological weapons more dangerous to humans and less
> > easy to detect or counter It is already feasible to use genetic engineering
> > to introduce a lethal toxin into a pathogen - an organism that attacks
> > humans - to increase its killing potential. Organisms can also be modified
> > to resist antidotes.
> >
> > In future it may be possible to wipe out an army with mutant germs that
> > would then be made benign by a genetic flaw, enabling an enemy force to
> > invade in safety. An enemy may be more ready to deploy such "controllable"
> > GM weapons than existing organisms such as anthrax. Ultimately, it may be
> > possible to develop an "ethnic destruction" germ, that is, an organism that
> > would attack the genes of a particular race.
> >
> > In January a study by the British Medical Association warned that a plague
> > or toxin designed to kill specific racial groups could be only five to 10
> > years away. Britain has signed treaties prohibiting the creation of
> > biological weapons for military purposes. The sole reason for the research
> > at Porton Down is to develop protection measures against any threat posed to
> > the population or Servicemen.
> >
> > An MoD spokesman said: "To perform this task our scientists have to be at
> > the cutting edge of biological scientific knowledge, including the
> > techniques of genetics." The Government has kept the experimental research
> > secret but The Telegraph has learned that it has been going on for at least
> > five years
> >
> > --
> >
> > ***********************************************************************
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> > with the following text: unsubscribe BIOWAR-L or subscribe BIOWAR-L.
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