-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.31/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 31</A>
Laissez Faire City Times
August 2, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 31
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Potala Palace: Chinese Corporate Logo

by Richard S. Ehrlich

LHASA, China -- The Dalai Lama may remember the Potala Palace as his
center of power in Tibet, but the Chinese have turned the stunning
1,000-room structure into a slick corporate logo, decorating beer
bottles, computer screens and plastic packets of dried yak meat.

For some people, the ultimate blasphemy -- or commercial success in the
eyes of the Chinese regime -- appears deep inside the Potala Palace
where Tibetan Buddhist lamas formerly received religious offerings from

Mindful of the popular capitalist chant, "location, location, location,"
the heart of the Potala Palace is now occupied by a tacky, spacious,
Chinese-run gift shop.

"When visiting the Potala Palace, the Sitting Room of the Red Palace is
an ideal place for you to have a rest, as well as to do some shopping,"
invites the store's sign, erected inside the palace near exquisite
Buddhist murals.

"Originally, this Sitting Room is used for laying offerings. Now it is
used as a Sitting Room for the tourists to take a break," the sign adds,
hoping to lure customers into a seemingly unpopular showroom, where
glass display-cases highlight bland trinkets.

In addition to its cache as an advertising icon, cash flows into the
pockets of the Chinese government every time a tourist buys a $4.70 (US
dollars) ticket to enter the Potala, or chooses to pay more to
photograph, or explore special roped-off sights inside.

China heralds the Potala Palace as a magnificent trophy "liberated" from
Tibet's medieval theocracy, from where generations of "reincarnated"
Dalai Lamas ruled through a repressive, "superstitious" system.

All the treasures and "Tibetan cultural relics" which weren't looted
from the Potala are now regarded by China as proof of how a wealthy
"elite" of Tibetan Buddhist clergymen and their political collaborators
-- known as regents -- enjoyed unimaginable splendor, while the Tibetan
people suffered horrific poverty.

"Serfs and Slaves"

"When the 14th Dalai (Lama) ruled Tibet, 95 percent of the Tibetans were
serfs and slaves, with no human rights at all," noted a
Beijing-published magazine self-consciously titled, China's Tibet, and
typical of the government's position regarding pre-1959 Tibet.

"But the 14th Dalai, and people like him, enjoyed full rights. In terms
of human rights, Tibet today is much, much better than under his rule.

"Seeing the West accuse China of 'violating human rights in Tibet,' the
14th Dalai, who hates to see Tibetans enjoy much more human rights than
under his rule, joins the West in making the accusation," it added.

The Dalai Lama, meanwhile, claims the Chinese killed one million of the
toiling Tibetans that China supposedly was freeing -- especially during
the 1960s and 1970s.

China insists the missing one million Tibetans actually perished from
epidemics and poverty under the neglectful reign of the dalai lamas,
before Chinese communists arrived in the 1950s, and the population
statistics were then juggled by the Dalai Lama and the West.

Meanwhile, the vast, 13-storey Potala Palace, which dates back to the
1600s when the 5th Dalai Lama resided there, has been reduced to a
stunning, lifeless museum.

A few senior monks watch over priceless shrines, and discreetly tell
visitors of the holiness inhabiting big, jewel-covered tombs of dead
dalai lamas, which the palace contains on view for public adoration.

A Chinese security officer, in pale green uniform, relaxes near a row of
single flames which delicately sway from bowls filled with burning yak

The Potala Palace's giant, white-and-maroon, cake-like architecture
dominates Lhasa's skyline, and is the only Tibetan structure to appear
as a logo on a myriad of Chinese and Tibetan products.

Department stores in front of the Potala sell attractive desk ornaments,
which include a framed photo of the palace, in matching design.

On nearby shelves, Chinese-made computers attract customers by showing
how a colorful Potala picture can fill the screen.

Big posters of the Potala sell alongside portraits of Hollywood film
stars and China's late dictator Mao Zedong.

The Potala also appears above a hairy yak emblazoned on hand-sized, US
40-cent packets of delicious jerky -- made of "yak meat, sugar, salt,
cooking wine, sesame, chilli (and) vegetable oil."

Every bottle of Lhasa Beer sports the Potala's picture, as do the brew's
cardboard packing crates.

Travel agencies and tourist brochures understandably use the Potala as
their most attractive cover, usually without having to name the
easy-to-identify fortress-temple.

Empty Throne

Tibetans revere the Potala Palace as the place where the Dalai Lama's
spirit continues to blossom, despite his self-exile in India.

Each day, and night, Tibetans kowtow near the palace's stone gate, and
walk a worn circle around its outer wall, praying for his return and
other boons.

When Tibetans wander the Potala Palace's dark halls and shrines, their
worshipping appears as a sobbing of souls.

Lhasa's majority Chinese enjoy the palace's physical beauty, perched on
a small, central outcrop called Red Hill, surrounded by flat city

But the Chinese do not pilgrimage in reverence to the Dalai Lama's empty

Han Suyin, an apologist author for Chinese rule over Tibet, wrote in her
book, Lhasa, The Open City, that the Potala was a "termite nest" and "an
evil, parasitic monster, despite the glamor."

A wealthy Chinese businessman, waiting his turn at the Bank of China
within sight of the palace, said he didn't know much about the Potala,
though he passed by nearly every day.

"That place? No, I haven't gone in. Is it worth visiting?" he asked The
City Times.

He was curious about the Potala's value, but not as an advertising logo.
Squinting at the Potala's mammoth white walls, he asked, "How much does
it cost to see inside?"


On his third visit during the past 15 years, Richard S. Ehrlich recently
spent one month in Tibet, including three weeks in Lhasa and a week in
Gyantse and Xigatse. Ehrlich has a Master's Degree in Journalism from
Columbia University, and is the co-author of the classic book of
epistolary history, "HELLO MY BIG BIG HONEY!"-- Love Letters to Bangkok
Bar Girls and Their Revealing Interviews. His web page is located at
http://members.tripod.com/ehrlich , and he may be reached by email at


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 31, August 2, 1999
Published by
Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
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