-Caveat Lector-

America's Babylonian Roots: Idols of America
The Statue of Liberty And The Statue of Freedom

Editor's Note: The information in this article will come as a shock to many
readers. It came as a shock to the author while doing 10 years of research
for "America, The Babylon." Therefore this warning to those who are
convinced that anything but America is Babylon… Read at your own peril.
This information may cause severe disorientation and disillusionment among
some diehard American Christians who are convinced that America is God's
Chosen Nation. This material below should help to dispel such myths.


The Statue of Liberty has become the most cherished symbol of the United
States of America. What we were NOT taught in school were the truly
significant facts regarding the true nature of the Statue. Those pertinent
facts that remain largely unknown revolve around the true history of the
Statue's inception as well as the meaning and significance behind the

French sculptor, Frederic Bartholdi, designed the Statue of Liberty.
Bartholdi did not originate the concept of the statue. The idea for
creating a statue of liberty and freedom was first proposed by another
Frenchman by the name of Edward Laboulaye. It was Laboulaye's idea and
determination during the American Civil War that carried the idea from a
simple notion to an actual project. Laboulaye, a French Freemason proposed
the idea of a giant statue replicating a goddess that the Masonic movement
idolized. Laboulaye proceeded to raise the financial support and commission
Bartholdi to provide the sculpture of this goddess of illumination from
ancient times.

What deity was this? It was the goddess known by various names. Laboulaye
and his fellow Freemason, sculptor Bartholdi referred to her as "Libertas"
but she was also an early adoption by Romans of the Babylonian goddess
Ishtar. We'll need to follow the research on the goddess connections to
fully understand this statue's meaning.

Roman goddess Libertas:

Libertas was the name of an ancient Roman goddess adopted by the Romans
perhaps as early as the 5th century BC and certainly by the 4th Century BC.
She was referred to as the goddess of personal freedom and liberty. In fact
Libertas meant freedom. So liberty means freedom. The 2 names describe the
one concept we call freedom. Liberty = Freedom and Freedom = Liberty. This
goddess was the goddess of freedom because she promoted the ideals for the
personal freedom to do anything that felt good. She was called the matron
goddess of prostitution because she promoted sexual freedom. Indeed, she
had invented the concept. Slaves considered her their goddess in the hopes
of winning their freedom. Many women who gained freedom later turned to
prostitution to survive and thereby retained Libertas as their goddess,
especially if they became priestesses in the Libertas cult. Libertas was
also a goddess of war in order to fight for freedom. She was also referred
at times as the goddess of victory because freedom must have victory in
order to survive. This goddess was also the goddess of immigrants. The
whole idea of immigration connoted the idea of freedom. Her popularity was
also unique because of her unique doctrine of hearing personal prayers.
This unique doctrine was something that most of the pagan deity doctrines
were not disposed towards.

We know that this goddess existed because of the records left behind to us.
We have the ancient writings of Cicero who writes of this goddess and her
Temple on the Aventine Way in Rome. She was depicted on some Roman coins as
wearing a freedom cap and having a wreath along with a spear or sometimes a
sword. Such coin images were not the only depictions. Sometimes she was
well robed and at other times seductively unclothed in both sculptures and
paintings. We know of Libertas being referred to as the Mother of Harlots
by the famous Roman historian (and senator) Cicero's writings. Cicero
indicates that she was also a very early goddess of the Greeks even before
early Roman civilization developed.

Upon further investigation we find that the Greeks had acquired knowledge
of this being from previous empires in the Middle East and Egypt. This
goddess was called Ashtoreth in Hebrew and in the Old Testament's Greek
version (the Septuagint). Ashtoreth becomes transliterated into the Greek
as Astarte, which became the early Greek name for the goddess until it was
later changed to Aphrodite. The Hebrew term Ashtoreth was itself a
transliteration from the Babylonian dialect (Akkadian) term of Ishtar.

Ishtar in the most ancient of times was also referred to by the Sumerian
dialect as Inanna or Ninanna meaning the Queen of Heaven or Lady of Heaven.
In Canaan this deity was called Ashtaroth. The Hittites called her
Shaushka. The Phoenicians on Cypress initially referred to her as Astarte.
Isis was the name the Egyptians gave to her. This is how the goddess became
introduced to the earliest Greeks. We know this transformation in part due
to the written texts found by archaeologists plus from studying the
character traits and descriptions. For instance all these deities were
actually just one goddess and she was associated with the planet Venus.
Most had phonetic language roots in the transliterating aspects of the name
Ishtar and this remained so until the Greeks changed the name to Aphrodite.
Later the Romans referred to her in the Latin, initially as Libertas and
later as Venus when they accepted more than just the Liberty doctrines.

ISHTAR: Goddess of Liberty and Personal Freedom

Ishtar was introduced to the Greeks as Astarte through the Phoenicians. We
can see that the lineage of the Greek and Roman goddess of the planet Venus
goes all the way back to ancient Babylon of around 3,000 BC. Apparently the
Greeks (and later the Romans) chose to initially honor only one portion of
Ishtar's character and doctrines that appealed to them in those very early
years before they established empires. Ishtar's doctrine of personal
freedom was what really impressed both the Greeks and the Romans. They
therefore chose to worship just that aspect of her character. As time
passed, the succeeding generations of Greeks found the other Ishtar
doctrines to be appealing and incorporated her into their pantheon of
deities as Astarte or Aphrodite. Later still, the Romans did the same and
referred to her as Venus.

It seems that the allure of Ishtar was her doctrine of holy sex or
salvation by holy sexual relations with a temple priestess or priest as a
means of purification and holiness. Of course, this entailed paying the
priestess or priest and thus it was officially sanctioned and therefore
"holy" prostitution. Ishtar introduced that whole concept to the human
race. This is why she was referred to as the Mother of Harlots. Harlots had
been deemed to be social outcasts so she was also referred to as the Mother
of exiles. This was later equated with the idea of immigration. Naturally
then Ishtar (a.k.a.-- Libertas) was known as the Mother of Harlots, the
Mother of Exiles and the Mother of immigrants throughout not only Babylon
and Babylonia but also later Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome.

What was Ishtar's legacy in Babylon? She was the chief goddess of Babylon
and all of Babylonia. There was no other goddess more honored than she. She
was equated to have nearly the same power as the chief god of Babylon, the
sun god

Utu, also known as Shamesh. In later years, the chief male deities would
flip-flop in popularity. The most famous and prominent during the times of
Israel's nationhood was "Baal." [Baal was also called
Marduk/Mardok/Merodach/Bel] Baal was identified with the planet Mars and
was called the god of War. His name meant "Lord of the air" for his
superior powers and the supremacy of the air. It was claimed that he as
well as Ishtar and all the other deities "flew" among and from the "stars
in heaven."

Ishtar was a multi-faceted deity. She was first and foremost endeared to
the hearts and minds of Babylonians because of her primary dedication to
Freedom and Liberty. She was also considered the Mother of Prostitution or
Harlotry…and it was considered "holy." Why? Ishtar introduced the concept
of removal of sins by the practice of the sinner engaging in a "holy" rite
of sexual relations with a priestess or priest. This action would involve
the payment of money to the priestess or priest as part of the cleansing
process. It was an offering of thanksgiving for the purification. This is
the very first instance of Prostitution in human history.

Ishtar was also known as the goddess of war because she fights for freedom
and liberty. She was also known as the goddess of victory because there is
no freedom without victory. She was also known as the goddess of love
because of her sexuality and her promotion of all types of sexual
perversion in the name of freedom. Her motto was "if it feels good, do it."
Didn't we hear that same idea as a theme song during the 1960s? She was
also the goddess of the planet Venus. She was a goddess who "flew among the
stars" and so therefore was called the Queen of Heaven or Lady of Heaven.

Zecharia Sitchin, in his book "Divine Encounters" describes another
significant role for Ishtar in Babylonia/Sumer. [Note: the earliest
Babylonians did not call themselves Babylonians nor their land Babylon.
They called their land Sumer and they are referred to as Sumerians.] Now,
Sitchin is one of only a handful of scholars who has been able to learn and
translate the cuneiform tablet writings of the Sumerians/Babylonians. He
has written numerous books detailing various aspects of the culture and
writings of Sumer.

In his book "Divine Encounters" he describes a significant role that Ishtar
held for the Sumerians. On pages 174 through 176 he describes the annual
ritual in which the King of Sumer must come to the special chamber temple
of Ishtar to engage in sexual relations with her for one night of passion.
If during the night she is displeased with the King in anyway she kills him
and a new candidate is selected to undergo another ritual initiation of one
night passion. He must perform satisfactorily. This process was to continue
until Ishtar accepted a candidate who met with her satisfaction. If the
king or candidate found acceptance he would appear the following morning to
the expectant crowds outside the temple palace to show that he had gained
the favor of the goddess to rule for one more year. Such acceptance also
meant that the nation would have a good year of agricultural harvests.

Sitchin also notes that the Biblical references to "daughter of Babylon"
always refers to Ishtar of Babylon. She was a Mother of Harlots and also a
daughter of Babylon. This seems like a dichotomy of sorts but Ishtar was a
daughter of the original founding god of Babylon known as "Anu" who was the
ruler of the planet called "Nibiru." Nibiru was an additional planet in our
solar system that circled the earth every 3,600 years, according to the
royal records of Babylon.

Sitchin has been roundly ridiculed by scientists for proposing that this
notion of Nibiru could actually exist. However on June 30, 1999 a
scientist, David Stevenson from California Institute of Technology
published a paper stating that "interstellar planets" (which is what a
"Nibiru" would be called) is certainly a theoretical possibility and should
not be dismissed. In the CNN/Reuters News story the text mentions that
Stevenson is not alone and that others have theorized that there may be
others planets roaming interstellar space that came from our solar system.

Sitchin is also a noted Dead Sea Scrolls scholar. He served in the original
investigative group attempting to repair the damaged scrolls. He is an
extraordinarily gifted scholar. [See Divine Encounters, Published by Avon
Books, NY. NY., 1995; ISBN: 0-380-78076-3]

Now this ritual between Ishtar and the king or king candidate is what the
Biblical prophecies are referring to when it talks about the Harlot having
relations with the "kings of the earth." In other words, in the prophecies,
it is referring to Ishtar approving the rule of the kings because they have
pleased her and did as she commanded. See Revelation 17:1-2, 4-5 and also
18: 3, 9 and 19:2. See also: Isaiah 47:1-15; Jeremiah 51:7. It also means
that the relationship is a two-way street. Ishtar gives to the kings the
necessities to maintain authority and control. In return, the kings of
course swear allegiance to Ishtar and provide sacrifices for her.
Revelation provides a symbolic similarity between the ancient historical
aspect and a future relationship between a future Babylon and the rest of
the nations. Super-power Babylon acts just like an Ishtar and engages in
prostitution with the rest of the nations. The context is all with regards
to money and materialism. See Revelation 18:1-24 and note how the overall
theme revolves around money and material things.

For further verification and follow up research, the reader is encouraged
to visit the following sources:

Crane, Gregory R. (ed.) The Perseus Project May, 1999. See also specific


Also see this link and scroll down to the letter "L" section and then click
on the term Libertas:


Here are links to more information on Ishtar:


Connecting Ishtar to the Statue of Liberty:

The Statue of Liberty was a Masonic concept conceived from within
Freemasonry. The chief promoter and fundraiser for the project was Edward
Laboulaye and he collaborated with the sculptor Frederic Bartholdi to
develop a statue of Masonic enlightenment. The statue was developed from
within the highest doctrines of Freemasonry. This "enlightenment" took its
form in various symbols found in the sculpture itself.

#1. The Crown of 7 Spikes: This symbol was to represent the enlightenment
of the Babylonian sun god Shamesh/Utu. The idea was that this sun god's
occultic illumination could be focused by each of the 7 spikes of the
crown. Each spike would flash this occultic enlightenment to each of the 7
"horas" or large landmasses of the world. In other words, the each spike
would flash occultic enlightenment to a continent on planet earth. Each of
the 7 spikes would then be representative of one of the 7 large landmasses
or continents of the world.

#2. The Tablets: A common misconception is that the tablets represent the
10 Commandments that God gave to Moses. This is not true. The tablets are
engraved only with the Roman numerals standing for July 4th, 1776.
According to the preeminent Statue Historian, Marvin Trachtenberg in his
book "The Statue of Liberty" the tablets represented a generic notion of
the concept of law. This should not be confused with the Laws of Moses.
Freemasonry gives lip service to Judaism, Christianity and Islam as
law-giving religions but Freemasonry tries to synthesize all religions into
one central focus…the idea of "law" in general. Hence the tablets being
held by the Statue of Liberty carry that general meaning.

#3. The Robe: In the original planning, the Statue of Liberty was designed
in the initial stages to be in color. She was to be wearing the royal robes
of scarlet and purple. It became obvious that for reasons of monetary
purposes the statue must be made from copper. The use of copper precluded
the use of any color schemes. Thus the original plans for scarlet and
purple robes were abandoned.

#4. The Torch: This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled
with the wine of freedom. This golden cup remained in the planning and was
actually made. However, before completion and shipping of the entire
statue, the New York Port authorities asked if there could be some sort of
modification to allow for an eternal flame or light to be designed into the
statue so that ships could use her as a night time navigational aid.
Bartholdi consented to make modifications to the basic cup design to allow
for a natural gas flame to be utilized. The torch we see today is actually
the same type of cup design used in ancient times for drinking wine. It
featured a handle for the cup at the bottom and the handle looked much like
a stick. The golden aspect itself was altered again to conform to the needs
of the natural gas flame. The actual, original golden cup was later sold by
the project to the Czar of Russia, Czar Nicholas. In 1917 during the
Russian revolution the Communist government took possession of it. The cup
has remained in Russian hands but in 1997 was reportedly offered for sale
by the Russian government to help pay off Russia's foreign debts. This
author has not been able to determine whether or not the cup was actually
sold or not. It is only known that the cup is still in existence.

#5. "Mother of Exiles" is a key term in the poem by Emma Lazarus. In her
famous poem about the statue, (now etched into the base of the statue)
Lazarus refers to the woman as "The Mother of Exiles". The poem has forever
indelibly linked the statue to immigrants from around the world. The statue
is the patron "saint" of immigrants everywhere. Oddly enough, the
Babylonian goddess Ishtar was also the patron goddess of immigrants in
Babylon because as a goddess of personal freedom, she brought hope to
immigrants seeking to make a better life for themselves in Babylon. So too
for this "Mother of Exiles". In fact, if we try to transliterate the
English term "Mother of Exiles" into the Greek… Mother as a word has
similar phonetic sounds. Doing the same with "exiles" from English into
Koine-Greek, the Koine-Greek listener would link it to a similar Greek word
that connoted deep inhalation of air or "heavy breathing." This is tied
into the Greek word "epithumia" which in English is normally translated as
"lust" but the literal meaning in Koine-Greek meant literally "heavy
breathing" and was connoted with desire. Now this terminology is then
linked to the word "Porneoh" from which we get the word Pornography.
Porneoh=lust fulfillment by sexual relations in exchange for money…which
again was the main claim to fame for Ishtar… holy sexual prostitution.
Ishtar worship is the very first instance of prostitution in human history
and it was deemed "holy!" Now, this may indeed just be an interesting
coincidence but remember Revelation 17:5 where the woman called Mystery
Babylon is referred to as the "Mother of Harlots."

Scriptural traits of the woman of Revelation chapter 17:4.

The woman is described in Revelation 17:4 as having a golden cup in her
hand. This fits in with the Statue of Liberty, who has indeed a golden cup
in her outstretched hand. (See the Statue of Liberty Website Link to see a
picture of the original golden globe flame, which replaced the original cup
when NYC authorities asked to modify the cup to a light source for
shipping. The original golden cup was then sold to the Czar of Russia,
where it remains today. Here's the link:
http://www.nps.gov/stli/prod02.htm#Statue of

This cup is described as having "bdelugma" in the Greek text. You will see
it in the KJV word "abominations." Now this word is Strong's Code #946. It
means a foul thing, detestable, usually of idols…it comes from the root
word bdeoh= "to break wind" or "pass gas"…it is something that is

very smelly and extremely offensive. Now, the Statue of Liberty has inside
the torch the fuel for its flame… "natural gas" or bdelugma. Is this a
coincidence between scripture and the Statue of Liberty? I suggest strongly
that this is no coincidence. The torch is actually being described in
Revelation 17:4 as is the woman. The woman in Chapter 17 is the symbol for
the super-nation that is code-named "Mystery Babylon." But this is not the
only connection between the Statue and the woman of Revelation 17:4.

The crown of 7 spikes is also being described in Revelation 17:9. Here we
see the woman referred to as sitting on 7 "horas". This is the same word
that the mystical religion of Freemasonry doctrines uses from the Greek
mystics who kept the doctrine alive from Ishtar worship. The idea of the
enlightenment of the sun god Shamesh-Utu…or Rah in the Egyptian language
was that it would be shined to all of the 7 "horas" or continents of the
world. These Greek mystics used that Greek term "horas". Marvin
Trachtenberg in his book on the Statue of Liberty

(Viking Press, 1977) refers to the crown's 7 spikes as doing just that. It
was to enlighten the 7 continents with Shamesh's occultic wisdom.
Revelation 17:9 uses that same terminology.

Now, the KJV and the NASB English versions translate "horas" as meaning
"mountain." Mountain is indeed the normal meaning of the word in Greek. But
the Greeks general and overall root word basis was "large land mass" for
which mountain usually fit the definition. Unfortunately some new
translations miss this point entirely and have translated the word "horas"
as meaning hill. This comes from the erroneous assumption that the verse is
referring to the 7 hills of Rome and that the woman is Rome. This is a
wrong assumption. Moulton & Milligan's Greek Vocabulary cites that the
correct word for "hill" in Koine-Greek (and in other Greek dialects) was
the Roman word "bounos" and this was always the word that was to be used
when referring to the 7 hills of Rome. After all, this was the Greek word
that was borrowed from the Romans. Everyone referred to Rome's 7 hills as
"bounos" …and not "horas". Therefore, the assumption that Revelation 17:9
refers to the 7 hills of Rome is complete error. The verse then must be
referring to the continents where the Woman's enlightenment rays are
flashed from her 7 spikes in her crown.

Now some skeptics will point out that no crown is mentioned in Revelation
17:4. However, Revelation 18:7 calls her Queen and what do all Queens wear
to prove their position as a Queen? A crown. This is also substantiated by
Isaiah 47: 1-9… where in the KJV she is referred to as a Lady…but in the
original Hebrew the word designates female royalty as either Queen or
Princess. So here again we have a connection between the woman and another
scriptural passage that is very subtle in its attempt to signal to us the
identity of this woman. It is a signal that couldn't have been known nor
comprehended for 1800 years.

The Statue of Liberty -- The Largest Idol Ever Made By Human Hands.

In doing the research into the statue, I discovered that no statue has ever
been made that was as big as the Statue of Liberty. The previous record
holder was the Colossus of Rhodes.

We can recognize the match-up between the Woman of Revelation 17:4-5 and
America when we realize that the Statue of Liberty is actually the goddess
Ishtar of Babylon…the mystery goddess of Babylon who was the goddess of
personal freedom and liberty. Ishtar was called the goddess of love and
sexual freedom, the Queen of Heaven and the Queen of Babylon. Most
importantly, Ishtar was called The Mother of Immigrants, AND she was called
THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES… Then of course, if we throw in the facts that we
know about the Babylonian symbolism of the Statue and relate it back to
Revelation 17:4, 9… we then have the link between the Statue of Liberty and
Revelation 17 and 18.

Understanding the phrase "Mother of Harlots."

Let's examine what the term "mother" means. The term refers to the act of

Birth or of bearing to fruition of something in its most generic form. In
this case, the reference is obvious in that the woman is bearing forth or
starting something. In regards to apocalyptic symbolism the connotation is
that of a "starting point."

The term "Harlot" of course means prostitute. The term in Koine-Greek is
"porneoh" and refers to sexual relations in exchange for money.

Now, those who wish to claim that Revelation 17:1-9 is all-symbolic of a
false church fails to understand the basic terms here. They make the
mistake of separating chapter 17 from chapter 18. Then they fail to
understand that the terms are clearly referencing the goddess Ishtar and
her doctrine of holy prostitution. Salvation by sexual prostitution is the
key doctrine of the mystery religion of Ishtar. Indeed Ishtar's religion
was always called a "mystery." In Revelation the key aspect of the
mentioned prostitution is money and power. This is the whole ongoing theme
of chapter 18, especially verses 3, and then 9-19 and 22-23. Then again in
Revelation 19:2. So, Revelation 17 has nothing to do with spiritual
harlotry as one thinks of the metaphors for Israel. In Revelation 17 and 18
this Mystery Babylon plays spiritual harlotry primarily in the aspect of
money and power. Of all the reasons in scripture given for her divine
destruction all the reasons reference back to the abuse of power and money
and her rejection of God's sovereignty. See chapter 9 of my book: "America,
The Babylon."

Now, let's see if we can organize this material into an easy to see chart
to compare the scriptural description and put it side by side with what we
know about the Statue of Liberty.

Below is a link to the official US government website for the Statue of

http://www.nps.gov/stli/prod02.htm#Statue of

Description Woman of Rev 17/18 Statue of Liberty Ishtar

Robes Rev 17:4 scarlet and purple scarlet and purple Robed, nude/semi-nude

W/ gold edging w/ gold edging ?

And precious gems designed with jewelry always bejeweled

Golden cup Golden cup Golden cup initially either a golden cup

Rev 17:4 with bad smell changed to a torch or a torch, sometimes

w/ smelly natural gas a sword and armor as

warriorress of freedom.

Cup contents "bdelugma"-- smelly gas torch is fueled by smelly goddess
liberty with a

as in "breaking wind" natural gas torch to enlighten world

KJV= abominations see small gold amulet pic

Term "Mystery Babylon" "Libertas, one of the Ishtar worship was THE mystery
means "secret" secret doctrines of Masonry original "mystery" religion or
hidden in this Greek "Liberty enlightening the world"

term w/ occult light of sun-god Utu.

Term Mother of Harlots Mother of Exiles "Mother of Harlots"
phonetic sound similar to introduced prostitution
Greek word for heavy breathing to human race and
of lusting. made it holy sex as a way of salvation.

Term Queen Rev 18:7 Wears a Queen's Crown "Queen of Heaven"

Term 7 "horas" Rev 17:9 Crown of 7 spikes w/ each to Ditto-- same as large
land mass is the root reflect the occult light of sun-god Statue of Liberty
meaning also mountain. Utu to each of 7 continents of
NEVER means "hill." the world.
Can be used for continent

Concept association with immigrants "Mother of Exiles" patron goddess of
Revelation 17:1, 15 Emma Lazarus poem at Statue Base immigrants

See also the book: "The Statue of Liberty Revisited -- Essays" and this
book was edited by Wilton S. Dalton and Neil G. Kotler, Published by
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

The Statue of Freedom:

This statue stands atop the United States Capitol building on top of the
dome. This building is of course the location where both houses of Congress
meet to conduct the business of the nation and pass laws. The Statue of
Freedom was designed by another Mason, Thomas Crawford. He too designed the
statue to be his rendition of the Roman goddess "Libertas." We have already
covered the connection between Libertas and Ishtar, so we won't restate the
facts on this issue. Suffice it to say that this statue shows the goddess
in the garb of a warrioress… another character trait of Ishtar. She was
also called the warrior goddess because she would fight for personal
freedom and liberty. So, we have the second largest idol made by humans
hands and it stands atop the location where our lawmakers meet. We again
have another occultic symbol over the heads of lawmakers of the USA. Is it
any wonder the nation is in the shape it is in?

See the links to the US Library of Congress website:


See also the government publication:

"We, the People: The Story of the United States CAPITOL" published by The
United States Capitol Historical Society, in cooperation with the National
Geographic Society, Washington D.C. The 1964 edition. This references the
Statue of Freedom as being the "goddess Freedom" of Rome… i.e. "Libertas".

Other Idols of the US Capitol building:

There are numerous statues and paintings of some of the classical gods of
Greece and Rome. One thing government tourism booklets don't tell you is
that these deities were borrowed …from Babylon herself.

Here is a picture of the god "Mars" which the Babylonians/Sumerians
referred to as Mardok/Marduk/ and or Baal/Bel. Baal is the infamous name
which the Old Testament prophets were constantly battling to keep the
Israelites from worshipping after the glory days of Solomon. So, here again
is another large idol located where our lawmakers meet.


There are other lesser known deity statues and paintings in and on or
around the US Capitol building. Search the US Library of Congress website
for various statues of the Capitol building. You'll find statues of
"Athena, Minerva" and many

more. You'll also see numerous paintings in the earliest years referring to
the Capitol as the "Temple of Justice."


The are just too many coincidences when we compare the characteristics in
the scriptures relating to the woman called "Mystery Babylon -- "Mother of
Harlots" with that of Ishtar of Babylon and the Statue of Liberty and the
Statue of Freedom. What we conclude:

The Statue of Liberty is the woman being described in Revelation 17/18 and
especially 17:4-5, 9 and 18:7 along with Isaiah 47:1-15. We say this
because we know that the Statue of Liberty is actually the
artist/sculpture's vision of Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon!!! This makes
the Statue of Liberty the largest

Idol ever made by human hands, and the Statue of Freedom being the second
largest idol and it stands atop the building where our lawmakers meet.

Is it any wonder that our Congressional lawmakers seem to be so perpetually
"screwed up?"

The reference to "Mystery Babylon -- Mother of Harlots" is referencing
Ishtar, the Mother of Harlots of Babylon…and her "mystery doctrines" such
as salvation by sex for money. There are numerous other statue of other
pagan deities in the US Capitol building and around the nation's capitol
city. America is indeed the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18.

This magazine article is copyrighted
Copyright 1999 by R.A. Coombes
All publishing rights reserved
Permission granted for personal private to reprint this article from a
No commercial re-publishing of this article is permitted without prior
written consent.
Revelation 18:
2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is
fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of
every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the
merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of
her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her
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