-Caveat Lector-


 Author: Ralph McGehee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Forum: alt.conspiracy
 Date: 1999/08/02
 Subject: Deadlier Deceits

 "Spinning The American Public."

 A former senior Clinton Administration official charged that
 the new multi-agency plan to control the dissemination of
 information abroad is aimed at "spinning the American

 Presidential Decision Directive 68, ordered the creation of
 the International Public Information (IPI) system -- and said
 "information aimed at the U.S. audience should be coordinated
 integrated, deconflicted and synchronized with the IPI to
 achieve a synergistic effect."  PDD 68 does not distinguish
 between what would be done overseas and what would be done at
 home... it talks about a news war...  The target is the
 American people."  Washington Times 7/29/99 A1.

 PDD 68 orders top officials from the Defense, State, Justice,
 Commerce, and Treasury and the CIA and FBI to meet and set up
 a core group.  Coordinating this massive agglomeration will
 inevitable produce fact-blindness especially when you include
 the misinformation operations of the CIA.  If there is any
 plan to distinguish fact from fiction, IPI should know about
 CIA deception operations -- but CIA will never reveal those
 details to anyone.

 One major role for the CIA is the creation of false evidence
 to support its operations -- it refuses to share those
 details with other agencies.  Internally it even restricts
 details of such operations using strict need-to-know and
 compartmentation policies.  So when it conducts many and
 massive deception operations those deceits inevitably will
 end up in the domestic media and will shape our foreign
 policies.  With the creation of the IPI these stories will
 be disseminated world-wide and especially domestically.

 What are some types of CIA False Evidence operations?  The
 CIA forges documents and places them where they will be
 discovered and disseminated widely.  (It effectively
 demonizes targets even the most honorable while glorifying
 sponsored "demons").  It sets off bombs, blaming them on
 targets.  It plants "Communist" or now probably "terrorist"
 weapons shipments and arranges for them to be found as it
 broadcasts details of such widely.

 It buys foreign media and employees and book publishers,
 establishes policy-making think tanks and their publications,
 it employs foreign radio and television stations -- all used
 to disseminate its deceits.

 As one example -- It kept the media riveted for months as it
 told of Cuban troops in Angola raping Ovimbundu girls.  The
 villagers were outraged, captured the Cubans, and over a
 period of months held a trial, proclaimed them guilty and
 then executed the Cubans with their own weapons -- the only
 thing wrong with the story was that it was all made up.

 Doctored photographs, false atrocity stories, falsely
 attributed scholarly books written criticizing or blaming
 this or that movement or target (over 1000 titles published
 in one period) make up more of its arsenal of lies.  Its
 operations in academia sponsor or subvert thousands of
 domestic academicians and untold numbers of foreign
 academics.  It also sponsors numerous politicians and their
 groups and media operations.  (One sample of the massive
 nature of the deceptions it employs I include at
 http://come.to/CIABASE -- these it used in Chile and they
 led to the empowerment of Pinochet.)

 I have had a number of experiences with the disinformation/
 deception operations.  Perhaps the most pervasive and
 destructive were CIA lies re Vietnam from 1950 through 1998.
 But I found that it also lied most effectively in its
 intelligence and -- in the facts that it suppressed.

 So this is what the American people can expect under the new
 IPI.  To appreciate its terrible power I recommend reading
 George Orwell's classic "1984."

 Ralph McGehee

 Attachment --

 details of a similar group in the Reagan Administration that
 was declared illegal:

 The House Committee on Foreign Affairs, in 1988 ruled that
 the Office of Latin American Public Diplomacy (S/PLD) was
 designed to "establish, maintain and manage private domestic
 entities engaged in fundraising, lobbying, propaganda and
 manipulation of the media in contravention of  U.S. laws and

 The Office of Public Diplomacy 1983-87 operated out of the
 State Department and produced documents, speeches,
 publications, and background papers for dissemination to the
 public and press.  It issued a of stream vituperative white
 papers and pamphlets; i.e. "The Managua Connection: the
 Sandinistas and the Middle East Terrorists" and "Revolution
 Beyond our Borders."  Reich and staff gave presentations to
 hundreds of civic groups, rotary clubs, and university
 audiences.  The presentations were filled with innuendo,
 rhetoric and misinformation.  Propaganda Review Summer 88 26

 The staff report of 9/88 confirms that S/PLD was managed by
 the NSC, in close contact with DCI Casey and Oliver North.
 A year earlier, the comptroller general of the GAO had
 condemned these operations as illegal.  The report discusses
 the prominent role of George Bush's national security adviser
 Donald Gregg.  In "foreign policy" similarities to a CIA
 covert operation were no coincidence given that the chief
 architects were DCI Casey "and a veteran of the CIA's
 clandestine media operations, Walter Raymond, regarded as the
 CIA's leading propaganda expert."  Z Magazine 11/88.

 A 1986 State memo mid 86 called for U.S. to background media
 on 1) three-ring circus in Libya; 2) threat of resurgent
 terrorism and threats to Libya's neighbors; 3) likely Qadaffi
 successors; 4) plight of Libyans under Qadaffi.  A Poindexter
 memo to the President said that during the NSPG meeting you
 will be presented with a plan by State and CIA in which a
 series of closely coordinated events involving covert
 diplomatic, military and public actions proposed.... through
 disinformation program.  This a massive disinformation
 program to lead to overthrow Qadaffi.  Reagan signed NSDD
 specified deception and disinformation program to dissuade
 Qadaffi engaging in terrorism, to bring about a change in
 leadership, etc.  Nine days later the Wall Street Journal
 said "U.S. and Libya on a collision course again."
 Washington post also ran stories.  Woodward, B. (1987).
 Veil 472-5

 Circa 79-88 "La Prensa" has received covert funding from CIA
 and from a secret net of North's.  In July 79 President
 Carter authorized CIA to fund domestic opposition and La
 Prensa.  CIA used cutouts to send printing equipment to La
 Prensa.  After congress cutoff aid in 84 the National
 Endowment for Democracy, NED, spent over 1 million on
 anti-Sandinista media and political groups, many of which
 were tied to CIA.  NED was closely supervised by Walter
 Raymond, Jr., a CIA propaganda specialist who was detailed
 to the NSC in 82 by Casey.  Columbia Journalism Review
 8/88 34, 35

 From 1983-86 the Office for Public Diplomacy for Latin
 America (S/LPD), was an interagency group based in the State
 Department but run by the NSC.  The Principal officer was a
 former CIA covert ops officer sent to NSC with the approval
 DCI Casey.  It produced pro-Contra literature, arranged press
 conferences, speeches, and placed favorable editorials in
 U.S. newspapers by paid consultants who did not disclose
 their connection to the administration.  In 1985, and 1986
 it paid $400,000 for pro-Contra public relations work to
 International Business Communications (IBC).  GAO report
 concluded S/LPG's white propaganda activities violated a ban
 on arranging covert propaganda.  ICA 5-6, 34.  S/LPD's
 principle officer Lawrence L. Tracy defending organization
 says he made Col. North's slide show and created a display of
 weapons and documents that president Reagan opened on
 3/13/86.  Iran-contra Affair.  (Congress Committees) 626-629

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