-Caveat Lector-

Birth Control Campaigns Among Kosovo Inhabitants

WASHINGTON, AUG 3 (ZENIT).- Today the Population Research Institute
(PRI) released additional evidence confirming the partnership between
the UNFPA and the Yugoslavian government to target and reduce the
Kosovar population. Officials in the Serbian government, including
Milosevic himself, have openly admitted their intent to reduce the
Kosovar ethnic population.

"The state must find a way ... to limit or forbid the enormous birthrate
in Kosovo," Rada Trajkovic, Serbian Minister for Family Affairs, said in
a recent report on Yugoslavian demographics.

At the same time, Stirling Scruggs, head of UNFPA's external
communications, confirmed that UNFPA was invited by Milosevic's regime
to specifically target the Kosovar population. "We were invited into
Kosovo by the Yugoslavian government to conduct a needs assessment and
follow up later with regular programs," Scruggs stated in the
July-August 1999 edition of "PRI Review."

Steven Mosher, president of PRI, said, "The UNFPA is in complicity with
Milosevic's 'stealth' ethnic cleansing campaign against the Kosovar
population. The UNFPA has admitted that it is working hand-in-glove with
the Milosevic regime, which the world knows has recently attempted the
forceful extermination of its Kosovar minority. Thanks to the UNFPA,
Milosevic will now achieve his aim of reducing the ethnic Albanian
population of Kosovo by other means. The targeting of Kosovar women and
families will continue, aided by U.S. tax dollars, as the UNFPA engages
in what might be called 'silent ethnic cleansing.' "

The UNFPA, on the other hand, has denied any involvement with
Milosevic's campaign to reduce the numbers of ethnic Albanians in
Kosovo. In a press release dated July 29, 1999, it attacked the PRI for
providing information it described as "false," and spoke of its
commitment to "reproductive health."

Steve Mosher was quick to reply. "Anyone who thinks the UNFPA is
concerned with 'reproductive health' should think again. The UNFPA is
not interested in healthy reproductive systems, but in ones that have
been disabled by abortion, sterilization, and contraception. The
organization's very name betrays its purpose. We are talking about the
U.N. Population Fund here, not the U.N. Reproductive Health Fund."

The UNFPA's "regular programs" include abortion-inducing "morning after"
pills, originally shipped into the region for alleged rape victims,
along with shipments of crude manual vacuum aspirators, which PRI has
confirmed will be used for abortions by trained NGOs. ZE99080306

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