-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Sno0wl wrote:
>> Altho I've heard some guys claim they had sex with females who
>> 'pressured' them, because the guys said they felt that if they didn't,
>> their 'manhood' would be questioned....
>Part of the old, standard college line. Seems to me I remember that if
>you weren't willing or showed reluctance, the first thing the guy said
>was that you were probably were--"frigid."
>Same old same old.

No, what I'm referring to is the exact opposite....the female is more
than willing and initiates foreplay, while the male claims to feel
pressured to 'go along' with it because it's 'expected', and if they
don't they'll be accused of being "mama's boys' or gay...

So in this case, it is the women accusing the men of 'frigidity'....

June ;-)


                So many things you want to see
                And as you ask I'll set you free
                But as you fly
                You'll touch the sky
                And touch the heart
                Within me

                          Fly away.

                    -- Bob Childs
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