-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: what the Canadian military doesn't want you to know..

File-Tampering Now Subject of Criminal Investigation

OTTAWA (AP) - A special military police unit led by a Mountie has opened a
criminal investigation into the possible destruction of documents from army
medical files.

``We have enough information to form a theory that the documents in question
were indeed shredded,'' RCMP Insp. Russ Grabb said Thursday in announcing
that his preliminary investigation has become a formal criminal investigation.

Grabb said they are looking into whether any laws were broken when a medical
memo was removed from the files of soldiers who served with the UN in Croatia
in 1993.

The memo warned that the soldiers had been exposed to bauxite, an aluminum
ore, and PCBs, a potentially cancer-causing substance once used as an
electrical insulator. The soldiers filled sandbags with bauxite, work which
left them coated with caked, reddish dust.

During the last two weeks, Grabb and his people looked into the situation and
finally concluded a formal investigation was needed.

The military announced last month a board of inquiry would look into the


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