-Caveat Lector-

Curious facts and stories


© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

We have recently been hit with a wave of curious stories. For example, there
recently appeared a report about illegal immigration from Mexico. Strangely,
it wasn't about Mexican illegal immigrants. It was about OTMs -- Other Than
Mexicans -- slinking across our southern frontier. Apparently the United
States Border Patrol's Tucson and Yuma sectors, over the past two years,
have apprehended 119 mainland Chinese, 31 Bulgarians, 15 Cubans, 10
Lebanese, 10 Poles, nine Filipinos, nine Indians, seven Iranians, six
Romanians, and six Russians.
What's so curious about these figures? China, Bulgaria, Cuba, Poland,
Romania and Russia -- six of the ten countries mentioned -- are part of the
"former" Communist bloc. Of the OTMs caught trying to penetrate that
particular sector of the U.S. border, 187 out of 222 were either from
Communist countries or "former" Communist countries.

Here's another interesting story: The Russian General Staff is preparing for
a large military exercise called "Combat Commonwealth 99." This giant war
game will involve forces from Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and
Kyrgystan. The drill will commence with operations carried out by the Air
and Air Defense forces. The exercise will simulate defense against a missile
strike on the "former" Soviet Union (now dubbed the "Commonwealth of
Independent States").

Here is another curious story: Last Saturday Russian news sources told of a
high level Kremlin meeting chaired by Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin. The
meeting was about improved methods for protecting the Russian people in the
event of a thermonuclear war. Sources reported that a new civil defense
doctrine was being prepared. Itar-Tass said, "Participants at the meeting
believe that protection of the population is the most important task of the

Another curious fact reared its head in Khabarovsk, Russia, last Sunday.
According to railway chief Aleksandr Strelnik, the amount of freight hauled
on Russia's Far Eastern Railway has recently jumped by 49 percent. No
explanation was offered for this increase. As you might guess, tourists are
not exactly flocking to Siberia, and the local economy is said to be
stagnant. Of course, the Russian Far East is noted for being one of the
world's largest repositories of mothballed tanks, self-propelled guns,
armored personnel carriers, hydrogen bombs and missiles. A dramatic increase
in Siberian rail traffic could mean that the repository is being tapped.

Here's another item: Last Sunday they were celebrating Airborne Trooper Day
in Moscow. General Aleksandr Lebed, himself an old paratrooper, attended the
festivities and offered an alarming prediction about growing unrest in the
North Caucasus (i.e., Chechnya). Lebed said that "complications in the North
Caucasus might lead to a state of emergency in the whole of Russia."

On Monday, the day after the general's statement, there was a huge gun
battle in the North Caucasus between "bandits" and Russian authorities,
leaving 10 dead and several wounded.

And yet another odd story appears: Adm. Dennis Blair, commander in chief of
U.S. forces in the Pacific, met with members of Congress and congressional
aides last week. According to Bill Gertz of the Washington Times, Adm. Blair
referred to Taiwan as "the turd in the punchbowl." On the subject of
defending Taiwan in the event of a Communist invasion, Adm. Blair was quoted
as saying: "I don't think we should support them at all."

Anyone familiar with the military knows that a ranking admiral wouldn't dare
make statements of this kind unless supported by the president. If any top
commander ever says something political that goes against policy, then he is
sure to be slapped down. And that leads us to what recently happened to Gen.
Wesley Clark, NATO supreme commander.

Well, he's not supreme for long.

It appears that Gen. Clark did something rather foolish last month when he
testified before a Senate committee about the Russians capturing Pristina
airport. When asked why he'd been caught off guard by the Russian march on
Pristina, Clark replied that he hadn't been caught off guard. According to
Clark, a higher authority had purposely allowed Pristina to fall to the

Uh oh. This was a naughty thing to have said. Everybody knows that only one
authority stands higher than a four star general. It's not nice to imply
that the president was to blame for the most embarrassing debacle of the
Balkan campaign. Obviously, this could not go unpunished. So it wasn't
surprising when President Clinton retaliated by cutting short General
Clark's term as supreme NATO commander by two months.

Worse yet, a story was leaked to Newsweek suggesting that Clark had risked
World War III by ordering an air assault to grab Pristina before the
Russians could reach it. Clark's subordinate, British Lt. Gen. Michael
Jackson, refused to carry out the order.

So now Gen. Clark -- who was Clinton's dromedary in NATO -- is now Clinton's
whipping boy. From henceforth Clark is to be depicted as an irresponsible
warmonger who almost unleashed a global holocaust.

What a wonderful twist. The president pushes NATO into an act of aggression
against a Slavic country. He enrages the Russian people, he enables Russia
to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops, he uses up precious cruise
missiles bombing a country that has no significance for our national
security, then he allows the Russians to capture the most significant
facility in the contested province. When this is pointed out by Gen.
Clark -- bang, crash, kaboom. Smoke curls up from a smoldering Clark.

Odd facts feed on each other, they multiply, and they bring us further
oddities. Last month President Clinton enacted sanctions against those who
were once called "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan. He failed to oppose U.N.
sanctions against anti-Communist rebels in Angola. He also declined to
support Colombia's request for $ 500 million to fight Communist insurgents
who now control 40 percent of that Latin American country. All across the
board there are these curious little facts.

Earlier this week China test-fired a new ballistic missile weapon, the
DF-31. It is road mobile and was made possible by Chinese thefts of U.S.
nuclear and missile technology. These thefts were facilitated by the lax
security measures of the Clinton administration.

Another curious tidbit: President Clinton's press conference last month was
weird. He joked and clowned with the press like a giddy teenager. He rested
his chin playfully on the palm of his hand. He grinned from ear to ear. He
even cackled.

No doubt there is something funny going on. But I'm not laughing.


J.R. Nyquist is a WorldNetDaily contributing editor and author of 'Origins
of the Fourth World War.'


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