-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 6:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Witness to Airborne Explosion re Kennedy Crash Unavailable

>Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 01:10:02 EDT
>Subject: Re: Witness to Airborne Explosion re Kennedy Crash Unavailable
>X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 10
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>forwarded at the request of [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NewsHawk Inc.)
>In a message dated 8/6/99 11:45:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
><< Subj:     Witness to Airborne Explosion re Kennedy Crash Unavailable
> Date:  8/6/99 11:45:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NewsHawk Inc.)
> Reply-to:  <A
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Vineyard Gazette Reporter Unapproachable
> Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 14:09:51 -0400
> Folks,
> I just phoned the Martha's Vineyard Gazette, and spoke with a
> woman there. I asked her about the statement, in the early reports
> of the John F. Kennedy Jr. plane crash, that a reporter for the
> Martha's Vineyard Gazette had witnessed an explosion in the sky
> around the time of the crash.  She replied, "Oh, that story was
> completely bogus. What really happened was that someone was
> shooting off fireworks on Falmouth."   "Falmouth?" I said,
> "Is that an island?"  "Falmouth," she said, "is the closest
> point to Martha's Vineyard."
>   [At this point we ought to go to "mapsonus" or something,
>    and locate a map of Falmouth and Martha's Vineyard.]
> I said, "But this reporter witnessed an explosion in the SKY."
> She countered, "Well, they were shooting rockets up in the
> air, or something like that."
> Fearing that I might scare her off if I continued along this
> line of inquiry, I asked, "May I speak with the reporter who
> witnessed this?"  "Oh, no," she replied nervously, "we can't
> do that."   I said, "Oh, that's strange. What would be the
> problem with speaking to a reporter?"  She repeated,
> "We can't permit that."  I said, "Okay, can you at least
> give me his name?"  "No, we can't do that, either," she
> persisted."  Then she added, "He no longer works for us,"
> almost as if she were making it up, just to turn me away.
> And then when I responded in a surprised "Ohhh",
> she suddenly realized that that comment made matters
> worse, and, in a jolt of vexation, she sputtered,
> "Oh, no, no -- it has nothing to do with that incident;
> he went back to school."  "Oh," I said, "so is he a
> journalism student?"  After an answerless pause,
> I thanked her and said goodbye. I think she was relieved.
> What do you make of this, folks?  What questions would
> you have asked if you had called the Martha's Vineyard
> Gazette, at (508)627-4311 ?  What questions would you
> ask if you should decide to call the Martha's Vineyard
> Gazette at (508)627-4311 ?
>             John DiNardo   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >>
Blessings of Abundance and Health in all things Good.


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