-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.32/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 32</A>
Laissez Faire City Times
Aug 16, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 32
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
The Fifth Man

Project Morpheus

by Alex Cline

"So, the instructor was telling us about neutralization," Sam Colt

Sam was delivering his usual dramatic monologue. He doesn’t tolerate a
lot of questions: he always thinks I’m trying to make him reveal more
than he wants to. I just turn on the tape recorder and nod encouragingly
now and then.

" ‘Neutralizations are broken down into three categories,’ he said. ‘The
first stage is intimidation, which is by definition to make timid or
fearful; to inspire or affect with fear; to deter, as by threats; to
dishearten; or to abash.

"‘Intimidation, gentlemen...and lady,’ the platform instructor glanced
at the only female in the class, ‘is the preferred method of carrying
out a neutralization. If this method achieves less than the desired
result . . . well then it's time for more stringent actions.

"‘Coercion, the act of compelling by force of authority; or in simple
language, using force to cause something is our second method of
neutralization . . .

"‘And finally, if all else fails: Terminate the target. Do I need to
define the parameters of a termination, or do you all understand?’

"Smiles went around the classroom as the students acknowledged the
finality of the statement. Never before had a Carte Blanch License to
Assassinate a target been authorized. But, in this new environment, it
was not only authorized, but legal.

"Apparently a gray area existed in our law that allows political
assassinations as long as there is a National Security Finding by the
National Security Council (NSC)."

I should set the scene for Sam’s account. The Year: 1985. The Place:
Camp Peary, Va., a secret location known to the covert world as ‘The

Sam continued:

"It had been several years since I visited ‘The Farm’. The last time it
was a dreary winter. Bone chilling and gray the whole two week course.
But it was quite different now: it was spring and absolutely beautiful.

"The 10,000 acre Camp Peary facility was established in World War II as
a training base for Navy Seabees. (*)

"In 1951 it was transferred to CIA, and redesignated the Armed Forces
Experimental Training Activity (AFETA), which was to ‘develop prototype
training programs for military and civilian departments of the Federal
government.’ Currently, the facility is called the Special Training
Center, or STC.

"The CIA's Directorate of Operations, or DO as he/she is called, uses
the facility for training—ranging from the Basic Operations Course (BOC)
through advanced weapons and explosives training, driving techniques,
field surveillance, infiltration and exfiltration, and other clandestine
operations and paramilitary skills. BOC students are often seen in
near-by Williamsburg and neighboring communities, practicing
surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques, clandestine
communications methods, brush passes, servicing dead drops, etc.

"On occasion, personnel from the foreign intelligence services have been
brought to STC for training," Sam continued. "Such was true for this
course: MI6, Mossad, Danish Intel, and CIA were included among the

"Scattered around ‘The Farm’ are appropriate facilities for
trainees--such as physical training and driving courses, firing ranges,
explosives areas, and so on. Training requiring more extensive
facilities, or isolation, is carried in several other locations, such as
Harvey Point, North Carolina.

"In addition, STC is used as a general-purpose training and conference
facility by the rest of the CIA other Intelligence Community components.
The central administrative area contains classrooms, a library,
dormitories, cafeteria, bar, gym and swimming pool. There are outlying
lodges with sleeping and dining facilities for ‘off-site’ (i.e., ‘away
from Washington’) activities like administrative and planning
conferences, or short-deadline group writing projects (Interagency
Intelligence Memoranda, Special National Intelligence Estimates, and so
on). Secure communications equipment (such as "Green line" telephone,
STU-III telephone, fax and modem) and classified storage through TS/SCI
are available in the central administrative area, and by arrangement in
other locations.

"Traditionally, STC staff has been drawn from the ranks of CIA officers,
usually assigned to the Office of Training on rotation, but in recent
years contract trainers have been hired through the AFETA office located
in Williamsburg."

"Like many other government reservations that have been mostly
undeveloped and protected from public incursion, Camp Peary has a large
wildlife population, and hunting is a popular sport for staff during
turkey and deer season—and is especially fun if you are in a ‘special
weapons’ class."

Datura: a Fairy Tale

"But enough on ‘The Farm’, I need to keep on track here, Alex, so punch
me if I get sidetracked."

Sam Colt wanted to return to the neutralization issue which had prompted
the interview.

"Now before we go on to the neutralizations which as I explained were
authorized by a gray area in the law, I want to tell you a little fairy

"Once upon a time a long, long time ago, a boy called A'neglakya and his
sister A'neglakyatsi-tsa lived deep within the Earth. As often as they
could they came up to the surface to go on long walks—exploring the
land, watching and listening carefully to all and everything they
encountered on their journeys. Upon their return they told their mother
about everything they had seen. However, one day the twin-sons of the
Sun-god grew suspicious of them and they wondered what they should do
about the inquisitive pair.

Soon after, A'neglakya and his sister were once again on one of their
walkabouts, when they came upon the sons of the Sun-god. Casually the
twins inquired about their well-being:

" ‘We are very happy’ was the reply, and A'neglakya told the twins how
he and his sister could make people fall asleep and have visionary
dreams or let them ‘see’ the whereabouts of lost objects.

"Upon hearing this the twins decided that the two definitely knew too
much and that they should put an end to A'neglakya's and
A'neglakyatsi-tsa's doings. That day the sons of the sun-god let the
brother and sister disappear into the Earth forever.

"But, lo and behold, two beautiful flowers emerged from the ground in
just the same spot where the two had vanished. They were the same
flowers that the brother and sister had laid on the heads of the people
to give them visions. In their memory the Gods called the flower
A'neglakya and their children spread far across the Earth - bringing
visions to many people."

Sam concluded and paused.

"Cute," I said taking advantage of the pause. "But where are you going
with this?"

"I am going to botany lessons with this. The flowers which are mentioned
in the fairy tale are from the Datura family. This drug has been used
extensively by shamans for thousands of years. This Zuni legend about
the origin of Datura also provides an insight into the nature of it's
essential character. A'neglakya and his sister could ‘make people fall
asleep and have visionary dreams’.

"Since time immemorial various Datura species have been revered as
sacred visionary plants by practically all cultures who have come into
contact with it. There are many different species in this genus (e.g.
D.ceratocaula, D. ferox, D. innoxia, D. metel, D. quercifolia,
D.stramonium, D. tatula, D.wrightii, D. discolor, D. alba, D. fastuosa,
and the closely related Brugmansia species). Their distribution spans
all warm and tropical regions of the world. Daturas usually grow as
herbaceous annuals, whilst the Brugmansias even grow into small trees.
The most striking feature, shared by all species are the beautiful
trumpet-like flowers, ranging in color from white to pinkish purple, and
in some varieties even to bright golden yellow and red. The flowers
exude a beautiful, narcotic scent, especially at night.

"The seed capsules of the Datura species are typically the size of a
walnut and are covered with thorns that may become quite sharp and spiky
as the plant matures. The appearance of these seed-capsules has given
rise to the English common name, ‘Thornapple’ and the German
‘Stechapfel’. When the 'apple' is ripe the capsule opens up into four
segments, thus releasing its little black to pale-brown seeds. The
Brugmansia fruits are more succulent and usually have a smooth surface.
The seeds are similar colors, sharply angular and generally larger than
those of Datura (approx. 0.75 cm).

"It appears that Daturas have always played a significant role as
‘culture plants’ and evidence regarding their uses both in Asia and in
the New World dates back at least 3000 years. In both hemispheres
Daturas were regarded as sacred and especially valued for their power to
induce visionary dreams, to see the future and to reveal the causes of
disease and misfortune.

"From historical accounts recorded by the Conquistadors we know that the
Aztecs, who had a detailed knowledge about numerous sacred and medicinal
plants, were familiar with several types of Datura species. One of these
Daturas was called Toloache and is probably D. innoxia. It was used as a
painkiller in certain initiation rituals and given as a narcotic to the
ritual sacrifices. For this purpose the preferred method of
administration was either by enema or as a rolled-up leaf suppository
which reduces some of the less pleasant side effects of the drug.
Another type of Datura (D. ceratocaula), called Atlinan by the Aztecs,
enjoyed a particularly sacred status. It was regarded as the sister of
Ololuiqui, another sacred hallucinogenic plant.

Reserved to Priests—and Spooks

"These plants were so sacred that only the priests were allowed to use
them. With their help they held counsel with the Gods - divining the
outcome of future events, discovering the whereabouts of lost or stolen
objects and prognosticating the causes of diseases, especially if black
magic was suspected. As a medicinal remedy they prepared an ointment for
cracked soles and injured feet, made plasters for ulcers, pustules and
infected wounds and skin sores, and used it for poultices to treat
rheumatic aches and pains.

"In many areas of South America, various Brugmansia species are
cultivated and used in much the same way as Datura species are
elsewhere. To this day the ground seeds are mixed into the Chicha, the
sacramental corn beer (Zea mays) found everywhere on that continent. The
combination of Datura seeds and alcoholic drinks appears to be a global
phenomena. It is a documented practice amongst all kinds of unrelated
tribes throughout the Americas. Datura was imbibed in China (mixed with
wine), and even became popular in Europe during the Middle Ages (mixed
into beer). While in the New World the beverage was generally used
within a ritual context, in the Old World the brews were generally
consumed for more recreational purposes.

"In the Andes Datura (probably D. arborea = Brugmansia arborea) is known
as Chamico. Here, as in other parts of South America it is taken as a
tea, or smoked to induce visions. Apart from its sacred significance it
is also regarded as one of the most ancient healing herbs. It is thought
that the ancient Peruvian healers and shamans employed Datura's narcotic
and anesthetic properties when performing ritual or medical operations
(e.g. skull trepanations).

"The Auruks who are at home in present day Chile still use Datura in
much the same way as their ancestors did. It not only plays a
significant role as a shamanic plant but is also widely used as
medicine. They even give a brew of the leaves (D. ferox) to unruly
children - trusting in the powerful plant-spirit to teach the children a
good measure of respect. The Jivaros prepare a drink with roasted maize
and the juice of Brugmansia sanguinea fruits for the same purpose. It
seems that one of the properties of the Datura but most especially the
Brugmansia yields the drugged individual to an open slate of

"Which brings us to a Datura derivative called Scopolamine.

"I Use Scope"

"Early in this century physicians began to employ scopolamine, along
with morphine and chloroform, to induce a state of ‘twilight sleep’
during childbirth. A constituent of henbane, scopolamine was known to
produce sedation and drowsiness, confusion and disorientation,
incoordination, and amnesia for events experienced during intoxication.
Yet physicians noted that women in twilight sleep answered questions
accurately and often volunteered exceedingly candid remarks.

"In 1922 it occurred to Robert House, a Dallas, Texas obstetrician, that
a similar technique might be employed in the interrogation of suspected
criminals, and he arranged to interview under scopolamine two prisoners
in the Dallas county jail whose guilt seemed clearly confirmed. Under
the drug, both men denied the charges on which they were held; and both,
upon trial, were found not guilty. Enthusiastic at this success, House
concluded that a patient under the influence of scopolamine ‘cannot
create a lie... and there is no power to think or reason.’ His
experiment and this conclusion attracted wide attention, and the idea of
a ‘truth’ drug was thus launched upon the public consciousness.

"The phrase ‘truth serum’ is believed to have appeared first in a news
report of House's experiment in the Los Angeles Record, sometime in
1922. House resisted the term for a while but eventually came to employ
it regularly himself. He published some eleven articles on scopolamine
in the years 1921-1929, with a noticeable increase in polemical zeal as
time when on. What had begun as something of a scientific statement
turned finally into a dedicated crusade by the ‘father of truth serum’
on behalf of his offspring, wherein he was ‘grossly indulgent of its
wayward behavior and stubbornly proud of its minor achievements.’

"Because of a number of undesirable side effects, scopolamine was
shortly disqualified as a ‘truth’ drug. Among the most disabling of the
side effects are hallucinations, disturbed perception, somnolence,
amnesia, and physiological phenomena such as headache, rapid heart, and
blurred vision, which distract the subject from the central purpose of
the interview. Furthermore, the physical action is long, far outlasting
the psychological effects. Scopolamine continues, in some cases, to make
anesthesia and surgery safer by drying the mouth and throat and reducing
secretions that might obstruct the air passages. But the fantastically,
almost painfully, dry ‘desert’ mouth brought on by the drug is hardly
conducive to free talking, even in a tractable subject.

"Not until the end of World War II and upon the recovery of documents
from Dachau, did we find that a slightly different form of Scopolamine
existed. An improved version of a twenties serum was actually introduced
to us in the OSS by a Nazi Scientist who had reams of records on the
drug as a ‘truth’ serum. The number of plants in the datura family
seemed to have differing physiological effects on the subjects. When
scientists from our research and development section got hold of this in
the 50's, work began on testing...live tests and practical applications.
This adaptation of drugs then came into focus under a very special

Project Morpheus

Sam stared off in the distance with a dreamy smile.

"Morpheus: the fashioner or molder, because of the shapes he calls up
before the sleeper (classical mythology) the god of sleep and dreams.

"The implications of Morpheus are absolutely enormous, but we’ll have to
get into it after lunch."

With this statement, Sam Colt and I adjourned for lunch. A datura
sandwich maybe? I thought.

(to be continued)



(*) I have supplemented Sam’s account with some material located at the
FAS website (http://www.fas.org/irp/overhead/peary.htm ).


We encourage Internet researchers to research the information provided
in The Fifth Man series. Even though it is fiction, you may be surprised
at what you can find on the Net. If you have reasonable questions,
please feel free to email the author at the following email address:


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 31, August 16, 1999
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
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