As always, Caveat Lector and . . . Cui Bono?


Extremely reliable Source-
"Underground" Rumors of Planned School Massacre

This is an URGENT message to parents, students, school staff and law
enforcement in this country.

A source who has previously provided NewsHawk with very significant
information regarding the Columbine MK-Ultra/Manchurian Candidate
slaughter, widely recognized as a knowledgeable and highly credible
person, not long ago passed this following information on to us.

This person, a Denver-area resident with his ear to the ground in more
than one part of town--so to speak--has advised us that rumors have been
flying thick and heavy among the Satanist-tweakazoid factions of
Denver's goth/skinheard/Trenchcoat Mafia netherworld that school
shooting massacre is going to go down at Denver's CHERRY CREEK HIH
SCHOOL, at the beginning of the fall semester next week.

We both concurred however, that as with the trenchcoater threats for a
July 4 shooting massacre in Baltimore posted on the Internet AND right
at Columbine High School on the same day as the slaughter there (the
shooting spree of course ended up being in the Chicago area), the TIME
of this rumored impending incident may be correct (more or less) but the
LOCATION is probably deliberately falsified.

Considering what's at stake here, which may be the lives of YOUR
CHILDREN, we advise EVERYONE who receives this email to post it as far
and widely as humanly possible--especially to residents of the greater
Denver area.

Forewarned is forearmed.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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