Furrow Has FEDERAL Gun Dealer's License

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

(I'm back. Thanks Bob!)

In addition to known, current and active links Buford Furrow has to the
FBI, Air Force intelligence, the NSC and of course Aryan Nations and the
EXTREME Neo-Nazi group The Order, we NOW find that Furrow possessed a
FEDERAl firearms dealers license which allowed him to legally buy
weapons from gun manufacturers wholesale and resell them commercially
for profit. As such licensing is under the jurisdiction of the BATF, and
they would SURELY have been aware of Furrow's links to the Neo-Nazis AND
his incarceration for both mental instability and for assault, this
implicates the BATF as well in the engineering and unleashing of
mind-controlled gunman/patsy Furrow.

This person has been in prison for threatening 2 Fairfax Psychiatric
Hospital hospital staffers with a knife, while ALREADY incarcerated for
deranged and sociopathic behaviors.

While so incarcerated, this person blathered easily to LAW ENFORCEMENT
OFFICIALS about his recurring desire to shoot and kill lots of people
and the court system was MADE AWARE of these statements; YET, he was
soon back on the street. (Shades here of Eric Harris and Jefferson
County Sheriffs dropping the ball insofar as investigating reports of
Harris's threats of violence and murder.)

To the casual observer--which includes most of us whose minds are
saturated with mass media "news" of 5-10 second sound bites of blatant
self-serving sloganeering from unending hordes of "official" clones--it
might seem rather odd that Furrow would have been able to extract
himself from custody/incarceration in light of these actions and
statements on his part. However when one takes into account the truly
IMPRESSIVE list of ties Furrow has to various and sundry FEDERAL law
enforcement, military and intelligence agencies, it's easy to understand
how so many exit doors opened so easily for Furrow. They needed him: he
had a job to do.

Incredibly, while living with his father in Olympia Washington, Furrow
lived right next door to a gun wholesaler, Olympic Arms,  which has it's
own shooting range in the basement.

A salesman currently working at Olympic Arms named Jesse Chester said he
had no knowledge of them ever having done business with Furrow, because
"we only deal with federally licensed dealers."

Unbeknownst to this fellow and just about EVERYBODY else, THAT'S WHAT

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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