-Caveat Lector-

Southern Poverty Law Center Report on the National Alliance

The neo-Nazi organization that may have inspired the Oklahoma City bombing
continues to flourish.

West Virginia-based National Alliance--headed for two decades by one of
the Patriot movement's intellectual godfathers, William Pierce--is growing
at unprecedented levels.  In recent years, Pierce has aggressively used
the internet and the airwaves to bring in hundreds of new recruits, among
them, followers of the anti-government Patriot Movement and members of the
nation's armed forces.

In expanding his organization, Pierce has capitalized on the Oklahoma City
bombing.  The government's chief suspect Timothy McVeigh is reportedly a
zealous advocate of Pierce's inflammatory 1978 race war novel, THE TURNER
DIARIES.  The book depicts a truck bombing remarkably similar to the
Oklahoma City blast.

Pierce has warned of more terrorist attacks.

The organization's growing influence among Patriots and the military, plus
its ideological connections to the Oklahoma bombing, make it the most
dangerous hate group operating in North America today.


Pierce's long-range goal is to ignite a worldwide race war and establish
an Aryan utopia in North America--a fascist society free of Jews, blacks,
other racial minorities, and most important, the "traitors" to the white
race so openly hated by Pierce and his neo-Nazi followers.

As his organization and influence grow, Pierce has made his objectives
clear.  "We are in a war for the survival of our race...that ultimately we
cannot win...except by killing our enemies."

William Pierce, fascist

Pierce is the ultimate fascist---a neo-Nazi's neo-Nazi who has described
Adolf Hitler as the "greatest man of our era."

An intellectual in a movement not noted for its great thinkers, the
soft-spoken, pespectacled Pierce holds a doctorate in physics from the
University of Colorado.  From 1962 to 1965, he was an assistant professor
of physics at Oregon State University. From 1965 to 1966, he was employed
as a senior research scientist by the Advanced Materials Research and
Development Laboratory of United AIrcraft's Pratt and Whitney Division in

Like many racist intellectuals of his era, the Atlanta-born Pierce began
his sojourn into the extremist right as a member of the JOhn Birch
Society.  In 1966 he abandoned his job and the Birchers for full time
neo-Nazi activism, apprenticing under Ameica's then most notorious
neo-Nazi, George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.
Pierce soon became one of ROckwell's most trusted lieutenants.  After
ROckwell's assassination in 1967, Pierce quickly rose to the top of the
organization.  By the early 1970s, he was leading a neo-Nazi splinter
group--the National YOuth Alliance--that became today's National

In 1985, Pierce moved National Alliance headquarters from the Washington,
D.C., suburb of Arlington, Virginia, to a 265 adcre site in rural
Pocahontas COunty, West VIrginia.  He said he wanted to escape constant
reminders that the white race was in decline and that the country had been
taken over by "non-whites, race-mixers, homosexuals and feminists."

Under Pierce's leadership, the National Alliance is committed not only to
a racist agenda, but to a fascist one as well.  In Pierce's imagined Aryan
utopia, those whites who remain after all non-whites and other "enemies"
are purged will not have an equal voice.  "In the long run, ...we want an
honest government, not one which hides behind the carefully managed
illusion that tens of millions of voters are its real rulers."  Pierce
envisions a government "more like a holy order than like any existing
secular government today."

The central task of this new government "will be to reverse the racially
devolutionary course of the last few milleninia and keep it reversed: a
long-term eugenics program involving at least the entire populations of
EUrope and AMerica." A period of "temporary unpleasantness" will precede
this long-term effort to rebuild the Aryan master race.  Pierce wrote in a
recent report to his members.  "All the homosexuals, race-mixers, and
hard-case collaborators in the country who are too far gone to be
re-educated can be rounded up , packed into 10,000 or so railroad cattle
cars, and eventually double-timed into an abandoned coal mine in a few
days time."

"Modern Day Goebbels"

Pierce is the white supremacist movement's undisputed master of
propaganda.  HIs skills have earned him a reputation as a "modern day
Goebbels.  Thousands of copies of the National Alliance's pamphlet, "Who
Rules America," have been distributed.  The tract, which claims that a
Jewish cabal controls the media, the government and the world monetary
system , is a staple of the group's vast propaganda machine, National
Vanguard Books.

Through that operation, Pierce markets his own two powerful racist novels,
HUNTER, published in 1989, and his most widely known work, THE TURNER
DIARIES.  Pierce also sells another racist diatribe, SERPENT'S WALK,
published in 1991 with Randolph D. Calverhall listed as its author.

Long before its recent notoriety involving McVeigh, the National Alliance
was arleady the stuff of white supremacist legend due to its connection s
in the early 1980s to a violent gang of racist terrorists later known as
the Order.  The Order's leader RObert Mathews was a National Alliance
member and a TURNER DIARIES devotee who tried to bring the book's race war
scenario to life through a string of murders and robberies.

Mathews died ifn a shoot-out with federal agnets in 1984, and eventually
some two dozen members of his group were captured and sentenced to long
prison terms.

The Militia Project

In the fall of 1995, Pierce turned his attention to the Patriot Movement,
announcing an effort he called his "militia project."  His apparent aim is
to develop contact with and exert influence over the hundreds of Partriot
militia organizations that today operate in all 50 states.

As Pierce explained in the September 1995 issue of the National Alliance
BULLETIN, a publication sent only  to the organization's members:

Some of the militia groups in the United States are being badly misled in
the ideological realm and are in need of some Alliance input.  Any member
interested in working with a non-Alliance militia group should write to
Dr. Pierce, detailing any past or current contacts he has with a militia
group and also mentioning any opportunity of which he is aware for
establishing a new contact with a militia group in his area."

Recently, the National Alliance began using Patriot terminology to promote
the group's materials.  In the January 1996 BULLETIN, Pierce reprinted an
ado touting the National Alliance's catalog as "our big book catalog for
patriots, listing over 400 books, tapes, and videos which America's
enemies don'w want you to see."

Using the Internet

A month before Pierce began his "militia project, the National Alliance
began disseminating its propaganda to a global audience through a
sophisticated, well-designed site on the Internet's World Wide Web.  In
October 1995, two months later, Pierce reported that the Alliance's
Internet page was being accessed by more than 500 users each day.  In
1996, he said that figure had more than tripled to an average of 1,764
users daily.

The site contains a membership application form, policy and position
statements, essays from the group's erratically-published, magazine,
NATIONAL VANGUARD, transcripts and audio files of the National Alliance's
radio show "American DIssident Voices" and articles from FREE SPEECH, a
newsletter for the group's radio listeners....

"Our message can be expected to have more of an impact on someonwe who
wants to see it and looks for it on the Internet than on some Joe Sixpack
who finds an unrequested leaflet in his screen door or under his windshile


Recruiting the military

Another major focus of Pierce's recent recruiting drive has been the
military--an effort that came to light in late 1995 during a murder
investigation in North Carolina.

In April 1995, National Alliance recruiter RObert HUnt, 23, rented a
billboard near the main gate  of the sprawling FOrt Bragg Army base in
North Carolina where he served with the 82nd Airborne Division.  THe
billboard read: "Enough! Let's start taking back America! National
Allliance!"  and carried the telephone number of the group's local message

Eight months later, in nearby Fayetteville, on the night of December 7,
1995, a black couple--Jackie Burden, 27, and Michael James, 36--were shot
to death as they walked down a quiet neighborhood street.

Three active duty soldiers--two of them avowed neo-Nazis assigned to Fort
Bragg's 82ndAirborne--were charged with the shootings.  Pfc.  James Norman
Burmeister, 20, of Thompson, Pa., and pvt. Malcolm Wright Jr., 21, of
Lexington, Ky., were charged with two counts of first-degree murder and
conspiracy to commit murder.  A third soldier, Spc.  Randy Lee Meadows,
21, of Mulkeytown, Ill., was charged with conspiracy to commit first
degree murder.

Meadows, who chauffeured the other two soldiers the night of the murder,
pleaded guilty.  Burmeister was convicted of murder in February and was
sentenced to two concurrent life terms after the jury deadlocked between
the death penalty and life imprisonment.  Wright's trial was set to begin
on March 31.

Police searching Burmeister's off-post room after the murders found a Nazi
flag and a variety of white supremacists literature, including numerous
National Alliance publications and a pamphlet detailing how to join the

Pierce wrote in the BULLETIN that the soldiers had never "had any contact
with the alliance."

The Gospel according to William Pierce

THE TURNER DIARIES is a scurrilous piece of racist fiction that National
Alliance leader William Pierce describes as a "handbook for white
victory."  The novel's apocalyptic tale istold by Earl Turner, an
underground terrorist group called the ORDER.  Through TUrner's diaries,
the book offers a glimpse of Pierce's imagined future in a fascist
America: "From tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles and trees...the
grisly forms hang...each with an identical placard around its neck bearing
the printed legend, 'I betrayed my race.'"  (Ch 23)

The book is much revered by racist revolutionaries because its powerful
message taps into their most enduring fantasy--a race war won by whites.
THe novel offers a revealing glimpse of Pierce's secret self-image, a
daring and romantic figure fighting to the death to save the white race
from destruction.  Pierce, of course, has never done any such thing.  But
some of his followers, such as Mathews and possibly McVeigh, have tried.
McVeigh was reportedly an avid fan of the novel which he once peddled at
gun shows and, prior to that, handed out to this Army buddies.

Pierce recently observed that THE TURNER DIARIES had been"effective in
educating and inspiring a substational portion of the people who have rad

Nevertheless, shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing, Pierce attempted to
distance himself and the book from the tragedy labeling as "total
nonsense" the similarities between that bombing and one described in his
novel.  Pierce argued that the bomb that destroyed the MUrrah Federal
Building was "a standard terrorist bomb that any knowledgeable  terrorist
is familiar with."

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