-Caveat Lector-

> Ashley Rye wrote:
> >
> > ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> >
> >        And I got a call from a lady in America who is the head of
> >        Parents Against Ritual Abuse. And I was talking to her,
> >        again, not about shape-shifting reptilians, but about the
> >        ritual abuse of children in America, and she said during this
> >        conversation, "Do you know, about 12 of my clients have
> >        actually reported that, during the rituals, they've seen the
> >        participants turn into reptiles." And, she said, "I've always
> >        taken it to be that they're dressing up to confuse them."
> >
> >        But when you take all of this together, Rick, all this
> >        emerging information, and since I've gone public on it,
> >        obviously, in the book, you start to attract people who know
> >        they can talk to you, because, you know, the thing that keeps
> >        this quiet most of the time is that people who know things
> >        and have seen things think, "Well, who's going to believe
> >        me?"
> >
> >        And, interestingly-and this is a true story also, and it kind
> >        of sums up the way this has been unfolding-when The Biggest
> >        Secret was at the printers in January, I got a call in
> >        America from a guy, he was just a guy who read my other
> >        books, and he said, "Hey, you got a new book coming out?"
> >
> >        I said, "Yeah, it's at the printers now."
> >
> >        He said, "What's it about?"
> >
> >        I said, "Well, you'll have to read it because some of it is
> >        so bizarre, if I told you about it, well, you'd think this is
> >        crazy."
> >
> >        So anyway, we go on chatting about what you do and where
> >        you've been and all this stuff. So then, after about ten or
> >        fifteen minutes into this conversation, he says, "Hey, you're
> >        going to think I'm mad," he said, "but have you ever come
> >        across anyone who has seen people in positions of power, like
> >        Bush, Gorbachev, Kissinger, turn into reptiles?"
> >
> >        I thought, "Shit, not another!"
> >
> >        I said, "Well, why do you ask the question?"
> >
> >        He said, "Because I keep seeing this." He said, "When they
> >        come on the television, I keep seeing them turn into
> >        reptiles."
> >
> >        So, the story has gone on-interestingly, too! I can't
> >        remember the exact word now, but I was interviewed on a radio
> >        station by the guy who does reverse speech. Have you come
> >        across that?
> >
> >        Martin: Yes, I have.
> >
> >        Icke: Well, he wanted to talk to me about some reverse speech
> >        they'd taken from a guy Ken Bacon-do you remember the guy who
> >        was the Pentagon spokesman, or White House spokesman-Pentagon
> >        spokesman, I think, during the Kosovo war, and they had done
> >        some reverse speech on him and said, "Do you know what this
> >        means? We can't work it out."
> >
> >        And it was clear as day. He was making a statement about the
> >        war to the press, and in reverse it said something like, "We
> >        are the people of the snake and we"-something like, I can't
> >        remember the exact wording now, I've got it on tape in
> >        America, basically-"we are the people of the snake and we
> >        look after our own" was basically the theme of what he said,
> >        clear as day, and I nearly dropped off the chair.
> >
> >        So, there is something in all of this which holds the key to
> >        understanding so much about how the world has been
> >        controlled, where this world is actually controlled from, and
> >        I would strongly suggest that what we are looking at with the
> >        Kissingers and the Bushs and the Rockefellers and the
> >        Rothschilds and all these people, are actually the
> >        three-dimensional, physical expressions of a
> >        lower-fourth-dimensional consciousness and manipulation. And
> >        the physical Illuminati are merely the three-dimensional
> >        expression of the fourth-dimensional control of planet Earth.
> >
> >        And, interestingly too, when you go back and back and back,
> >        and you follow how the White race came out of the Near and
> >        Middle East, with these bloodlines within them, and you pick
> >        up one of those White races called the Phoenicians-they
> >        actually worshipped a guy called, one of their dieties was
> >        called, St. George, in Cappadocia, who they said defeated the
> >        dragon. And because the Phoenicians actually went around
> >        3,000 B.C. to Britain and took what we now call the British
> >        culture-which, indeed, in various forms has become the world
> >        culture-St. George in Cappadocia (Cappadocia is in what we
> >        now call Turkey) became St. George of Britain.
> >
> >        And another diety that the Phoenicians worshipped and took to
> >        Britain was St. Michael, who, it was said, of course, threw
> >        the serpent into the abyss-or threw the serpent onto the
> >        Earth for the final battle and all this stuff. This
> >        battling-with-serpents stuff goes on and on.
> >
> >        The other thing that I'm connecting in The Biggest Secret-and
> >        more and more people are beginning to do this-is the
> >        connection between the Earth and Mars, because it seems to me
> >        that the cataclysms which destroyed so much of the Earth,
> >        which the geological record, as well as the ancient legends
> >        and accounts talk about, the massive cataclysms, probably one
> >        that destroyed what became known as Atlantis and there were
> >        later ones, too, were the same cause of that cataclysm, some
> >        renegade or out-of-control celestial body of some kind
> >        actually destroyed Mars. I'm just reading books about
> >        compilations of the evidence that's been gathered about Mars,
> >        and there is tremendous evidence that Mars was actually a
> >        planet with an atmosphere very much like the Earth's, in the
> >        very near past, certainly the last 20,000 years, even 10,000
> >        years, possibly. And, I think there was a tremendous
> >        connection between a civilization on Mars and the Earth, and
> >        when this cataclysm destroyed Mars, the surviving "Martian"
> >        people, who could-well, I suggest, be what we call the White
> >        race today, genetically-actually came and settled here and
> >        re-emerged, eventually, as the Sumerian culture, the Egyptian
> >        culture, and those great civilizations of the ancient world.
> >        Interestingly, the connections between their symbolism, their
> >        dieties, their legends, and the planet Mars are absolutely
> >        extraordinary. So, there is something big-time to look at
> >        there.
> >
> >        And what Arizona Wilder has said, in that in her preparation
> >        and training to conduct the rituals, because she was
> >        obviously a Cathy O'Brien-type,
> >        multiple-personality-created-robot to do these rituals, she
> >        said, what she was told by the insiders during her training
> >        was that the White race and this reptilian race have actually
> >        been at war with each other for a long, long time, not just
> >        on planet Earth. And that somehow the reptilians want more
> >        than anything the blond-haired, blue-eyed genetic stream
> >        because there's something in the blood that they want. She
> >        also suggests-I don't know if this is true, I'm just quoting
> >        her-that the desperate need to conduct rituals and drink
> >        human blood, particularly blond-haired, blue-eyed blood, is
> >        because there's something in there that they want, is
> >        actually part of their need to hold this human
> >        three-dimensional form, through which they can operate from
> >        the fourth dimension. And if they don't get this blood, then
> >        they genetically start to fall-apart, in terms of the
> >        three-dimensional, apparently, human form.
> >
> >        Whether that's true or whether it's not true, and obviously I
> >        don't know that, when you look at totally unconnected sources
> >        who talk about the involvement of the elite in these rituals,
> >        and stuff like that, they say again and again, that some of
> >        the most famous people in American politics, business,
> >        banking, and Britain too, like the Royal Family, are actually
> >        addicted to blood-drinking, and particularly addicted to an
> >        adrenaline that enters the blood at the point of sacrifice.
> >        And it's like a theme, like I say, which you can follow back
> >        with these bloodlines, right back to the ancient world. And
> >        when I talk to therapists around the world who work with
> >        satanically abused people, those who survived, trying to give
> >        them their minds back, they tell me that the deities their
> >        clients tell them are used in these rituals today are exactly
> >        the same deities that the Babylonians were using and the
> >        Cainites were using and the Phoenicians were using, right
> >        back in the ancient world.
> >
> >        So, The Biggest Secret for me, in summary, is that an
> >        extraterrestrial race has interbred with humanity, creating
> >        particular hybrid bloodlines which they can work through from
> >        this dimension very close to ours, and that as it expanded
> >        over the thousands and hundreds of years to the present day,
> >        they've managed to expand their power out of a power base in
> >        the Near and Middle East, other places too but particularly
> >        there, until today they are actually in control of the
> >        planet.
> >
> >        And it is the ultimate control because they're controlling
> >        the planet from another dimension, but most of humanity
> >        doesn't even think that there are other dimensions. And this
> >        suppression of knowledge about other dimensions, the
> >        suppression of knowledge of the nature of life, the nature of
> >        frequencies and vibrations, and the eternal nature of
> >        consciousness, for reasons that this Illuminati has created
> >        religions to suppress-indeed, make so off-limits for many
> >        thousands of years just talking about these things-is to
> >        suppress the very knowledge or even perception that there
> >        could be any other dimension or any other levels of life,
> >        which means that they can go on controlling humanity from
> >        levels of existence that most of humanity doesn't even accept
> >        exist. I mean, you can't get better forms of control than
> >        that.
> >
> >        Martin: Ok. A couple of questions come to mind from what
> >        you've just said. One, which is not a question that I would
> >        particularly ask, but I'm sure other readers might: Have you
> >        encountered any credibility issues since you have gotten into
> >        the reptilian subject?
> >
> >        And then, after you cover that: Obviously there is a Divine
> >        Hand overseeing the entire planetary transition. What would
> >        you say to those readers who despair over the apparent
> >        hopelessness at the hands of these elite controllers?
> >
> >        Icke: Right, well, yeah, that's a big question. First of all,
> >        let's answer the credibility thing. Let's make very clear
> >        where I'm coming from. First of all, I really do not give a
> >        shit what anyone thinks of me and what I do. What I care
> >        passionately about is trying to uncover what's going on so
> >        that it can be stopped and changed, and I care passionately
> >        about everyone having the right to hear all information and
> >        not just that which will lead us to a certain limited
> >        conclusion. I am completely emotionally detached from how
> >        people receive what I do, because if I wasn't, you'd just go
> >        crazy.
> >
> >        People have a right to believe whatever they want to believe,
> >        and that includes the right to dismiss whatever I say. I
> >        don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with the
> >        suppression of the communication of information. So, how
> >        people receive it is completely up to them, and it's their
> >        absolute right to accept it, accept a bit of it, or just
> >        dismiss the lot. That's up to them. So, I don't have a
> >        problem with that, it's of no importance to me how people
> >        receive it. It's important to me that they have the right to
> >        have access to it.
> >
> >        On the other side of it, however, I would say this: I've
> >        spoken all around the world about this, and The Biggest
> >        Secret has now been out for a few months. I mean, you know,
> >        we're now into 30,000 print-runs on this book. I mean, it's
> >        extraordinary, the interest in it. And, what has staggered me
> >        is that I've actually stood up on public stages all over the
> >        world and talked about this, and the reaction, while it has
> >        been one of astonishment to start with, it actually makes
> >        sense to incredible numbers of people when they sit long
> >        enough to hear the evidence. Because I'm not standing up
> >        there and asserting this is what's going on, that's what's
> >        going on. I'm saying this is the information, this is what
> >        people are experiencing, look at the support of it in the
> >        ancient world. There is a case to answer here, something is
> >        going on.
> >
> >        So, the way it has been received has been staggering. What I
> >        find disappointing-it doesn't really matter to me, but I find
> >        disappointing because of it's effect-is the way that some
> >        conspiracy researchers, who are always saying that there's
> >        suppressed information and all this stuff, actually want to
> >        suppress the information I'm presenting that they don't like
> >        as well.
> >
> >        Martin: Right.
> >
> >        Icke: It's extraordinary. I mean, people talk about freedom,
> >        Rick, and yet they don't understand what it is. So often,
> >        when I talk to people about freedom and they say, "Yeah, we
> >        want freedom." If you talk to them long enough, you find that
> >        they don't actually want freedom. They want the freedom to
> >        replace an imposition they don't like with an imposition they
> >        do!
> >
> >        You know, this is when you get the Christian Patriot
> >        Movement, of which I have great sympathy in the way that they
> >        are trying to expose some levels of the conspiracy, but you
> >        know, I don't see much of a difference between an imposed
> >        culture and imposed thought through the Illuminati being
> >        replaced by an imposed thought through "one nation under
> >        God". Because when you say, "Well, whose God are we talking
> >        about here?" Their's, of course, is the Christian version of
> >        God. That's no more freedom than anything else. So, I find it
> >        sad that, even though "divide and rule" is actually the
> >        foundation of all control by the few of the many, throughout
> >        human history, without it you couldn't do it, that conspiracy
> >        researchers and people in some of the religions still fall
> >        for this scam of divide and rule.
> >
> >        So, actually, some of the most fierce abuse that I've had
> >        since the book came out has not been from the public,
> >        actually, it's been from some other conspiracy researchers
> >        who can't get their head around anything beyond the physical.
> >        You know, be my guest. But surely whether we agree with each
> >        other or not, what a boring world if we did agree with
> >        everything we all said. Surely if we're going to get to the
> >        heart of this, we need to focus on what we're all agreed on,
> >        which is the need to expose that this world is controlled.
> >
> >        Now, I might have a certain view, based on the information
> >        that I've uncovered, of who is controlling it and all that
> >        stuff, but let's say, "Well, I don't agree with you on that,
> >        I can't get my head around that, I haven't done that research
> >        anyway, so I don't know." But let's agree on what we agree
> >        on, and let's go together, united, behind the desire for
> >        freedom in the world. But instead of that, once somebody
> >        writes anything or says anything that's different, to even
> >        the conspiracy norm, because that norm has now started to
> >        emerge, another bloody prison, then other conspiracy
> >        researchers start laying-into and abusing each other. I mean,
> >        some of the stuff that goes around on the Internet with
> >        conspiracy people abusing each other, I mean, I reach for the
> >        sick-bag. I mean, the statement that "a few can't control the
> >        world" is a piece of cake to knock down.
> >
> >        But the third point that you make is a very, very important
> >        one because this is a whole area of research and
> >        understanding which I'm now moving deeper and deeper into. We
> >        are multi-dimensional beings. We have part of our
> >        consciousness working directly through the physical form, in
> >        three-dimensional embodiment, in three-dimensional awareness,
> >        but we exist on all other dimensions. In the end, we are
> >        everything. You know, everyone is the same energy
> >        consciousness, we are everything in the end.
> >
> >        There's only an "I", not even a "we", when you get to the
> >        highest level of all this. But, I've actually talked about
> >        this in bits and pieces in previous books, but I'm beginning
> >        to understand this more and more, now.
> >
> >        I suggested in And The Truth Shall Set You Free that we could
> >        well be living inside a vibrational prison, that somehow a
> >        vibrational net had been thrown around this third dimension
> >        which made it very, very difficult for three-dimensional
> >        embodied consciousness-if you like, the consciousness that's
> >        looking through the eyes and hearing through the ears-to
> >        connect with its multi-dimensional self.
> >
> >        And it seems to me that this lower fourth-dimensional level,
> >        that this elite-controllers group works on, and I want to
> >        emphasize this, Rick, very, very strongly-when I talk about
> >        reptilians, I am not talking about all reptilians. Just as
> >        when we talk about the Illuminati, we're not talking about
> >        people in physical form. I'm talking about a particular
> >        group. I'm sure the reptilian form is a massive constant
> >        across great chunks of this galaxy and beyond, and I'm
> >        certainly not saying that anyone in reptilian form-any time
> >        anyone sees anyone in reptilian form, and there are a lot of
> >        people who do-and say, "I didn't get bad vibes from them."
> >        Quite right, because we're not talking about ALL reptilians,
> >        we're talking a group that appears to take a reptilian form
> >        because that's how people keep seeing these people in power.
> >        So, I would emphasize that very strongly because we don't
> >        want to get into this "good guys/bad guys" crap or we lose
> >        the plot again. The truth is never black or white; it's
> >        always a shade a gray, it seems to me.
> >
> > Visit Ash's Mural Gallery at:
> >
> > http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/3517/Ash/index.html
> >
> > -> Send "subscribe   iufo " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ->  Posted by: Ashley Rye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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