-Caveat Lector-

    Our name was taken in vain the subject article by Al Hidell which
appeared in _Paranoia:  The Conspiracy Reader_ Issue 21, Fall 1999 (page
28), PO Box 1041, Providence, RI, 02901 [$20.00/year]:

    "The A-albionic conspiracy research group takes the LaRouche viewpoint a
step further.  In their view, Britain is indeed a major force working for
world domination.  However, they believe that there is another force
battling Her Majesty behind-the-scenes:  the Vatican.  In the case of the
Balkan conflict, it is interesting to note that the British are on the side
of war, while the Vatican has repeatedly condemned the violence."

Lloyd Responds:    "Al Hidell" has it totally wrong on this one!  The
Vatican has not condemned the Balkans conflict other than to urge peace as
usual!  When one compares the Pope's shrill condemnation of the Gulf War (no
blood for oil) backed-up by his US Bishops shouting the same, one can only
presume that the Pope supports the Balkans war as a chess move in his Europe
from the Atlantic to the Urals [EU] program and the Church's long-time
rivalry with and desire to dominate the Eastern Orthodox Church!  This
Virgin Mary obsessed Pope has long cherished the Fatima prophesy of
"converting Russia" to Roman Catholicism.   Further, the Balkans war
conforms nicely to the Pope's proposed alliance with Islam..."better a
Saracen than a Gnostic" or the geopolitics of "faith versus modernism".

    Our analysis indicates that Britain switched sides in the Balkans mess
[under the cover of putting the Labor Party in power] in a Geopolitical
judo-move designed to array China and Russia against America.  The original
Bush-British policy was to support Belgrade in opposition to the
Vatican-German-EU policy of supporting Catholic Croatia and Islamic Bosnia.
After the Clinton victory in America, Britain's policy became untenable and
had to be abandoned.  Now, Britain in a clever judo-move is trying to induce
America and the European Union (EU) to over-extend and crash on the rocks of
a renewed anti-American block lead by Russia and China even while attempting
to enshrine NATO as the overlord of the EU.

    It is very important to note that Britain was able to maintain its
anti-Iraq policy [supported by the Queen herself in an address to Congress
after the Gulf War] by the clever inside-outside strategy of supporting the
impeachment drive within America and offering the friendly hand of fellow
left-liberal Tony Blair in friendship from without.  In spite of a
disinclination and Vatican opposition, Clinton renewed and preserved the
genocidal hot/cold war against Iraq.

    Hidell has a section head on page 28 that sums-up the essence of his
misconceptions:  "The US:  Dominated or Dominant".

    Lloyd Responds:

    Of course, the US is dominant as the only "super power" nation state.
The question should be, which social/economic power organs are dominant in
determining its policies at this time?

    A-albionic thinks the Clinton Administration has primarily functioned at
the behest of the Vatican based on Clinton's Georgetown-Jesuit-CIA
introduction to world politics under the tutelage of Jesuit disinformation
and propaganda agent, the Irishman Carroll Quigley.  This situation was made
possible by the connivance of the Rockefeller interests which are the
long-time rivals of the Queen's "Empire of the City" financiers for world
domination of natural resources, international trade, governments, and the
major Corporations.

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
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