Bush Still Won't "Crack" on Coke, Hard Drug Use

Bob Anderson for NewsHawk, Inc.

Reporters are really starting to give "Repulicrat" G.W. Bush a rough,
steamy time of it regarding unsinkable allegations Bush did (and surely
DOES) engage in some serious white power recreation when nobody's
looking. And we're not talking about skiing either, folks.

Astounding! Major media hacks are actually working to "out" G.W. Bush on
his prolific drug use.


In our view however, this can only mean the New World Order-backed
political juggernaut backing Bush's ascendancy to the presidency is
rethinking their position. 

Well, that might seem to be relatively good, or at least neutral, news
anyway… . Unfortunately there's one major black cloud to this potential
silver lining. They may decide to back "Democan" AL GORE instead!! It's
just out of the frying pan and into the fire for the beleaguered,
disabled, politically challenged American electorate.

Bob Anderson for NewsHawk, Inc.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
WIRE:Aug. 18, 6:42 p.m. ET
Bush just says no to drug questions
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A testy Texas Gov. George W. Bush refused on
Wednesday to answer questions about whether he has used illegal drugs
and said those who did not like his silence should vote for someone else.

In news conferences in Austin and New Orleans, the drug issue that has
begun to dog his frontrunning campaign for the Republican presidential
nomination took centerstage even though Bush tried to dismiss it as
``trash-mouth politics.''

In Austin, the governor became visibly irritated in a brief news
conference at the Texas capitol and chastised a reporter for asking
about drugs.

``Somebody floats a rumor and it causes you to ask a question, and
that's the game in American politics and I refuse to play it,'' he
snapped. ``That is a game. You just fell for the trap. I refuse to play.''

He blamed unnamed adversaries for planting the drug rumors.

``I think they are being planted. I know they are being planted and they
are ridiculous and they're absurd and the people of America are sick and
tired of this kind of politics and I'm not participating.''

He turned away to answer a question on a different subject when a
reporter asked if he was denying drug use by calling the rumors ``absurd.''

Later, in a news conference during a campaign trip to New Orleans, Bush
again refused to respond to the drug rumors.

``If the voters don't like that answer, if the voters want me to
inventory something I did 25 or 30 years ago, then they can vote for
somebody else,'' he said.

But, in response to a reporter's question, he acknowledged that it was
``reasonable'' for voters to consider a candidate's past. ``I think it's
very reasonable and I think it's important for people to trust the
person for whom they're voting,'' Bush said.

The issue of Bush's possible use of illegal drugs goes back to the days
when he was, by his own admission, a heavy-drinking bachelor in Houston
and Midland, Texas.

He has steadfastly refused to say whether he used illegal drugs by
giving a pat answer: ``When I was young and irresponsible, I was young
and irresponsible.''

The issue became more pronounced after the New York Daily News recently
asked 12 presidential hopefuls if they had ever used cocaine. Bush was
the only candidate who refused to answer the question.

Vice President Al Gore, running for the Democratic presidential
nomination, has admitted smoking marijuana.

Copyright 1999 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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<font face="geneva, arial, helvetica" size=2 color="#3366cc"><b>WIRE</b>:Aug. 18, 6:42 
p.m. ET</font><br clear=all>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size=6 color=#3366cc><b>Bush just says no to drug 
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<!--Reuters News Service-->
<img src="/images/reuters.gif" width=138 height=15 vspace=2 alt="Reuters"><br>
<font size=3>
&nbsp;<p>    AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A testy Texas Gov. George W. Bush
&nbsp;refused on Wednesday to answer questions about whether he has
&nbsp;used illegal drugs and said those who did not like his silence
&nbsp;should vote for someone else.
&nbsp;<p>    In news conferences in Austin and New Orleans, the drug
&nbsp;issue that has begun to dog his frontrunning campaign for the
&nbsp;Republican presidential nomination took centerstage even though
&nbsp;Bush tried to dismiss it as ``trash-mouth politics.''
&nbsp;<p>    In Austin, the governor became visibly irritated in a brief
&nbsp;news conference at the Texas capitol and chastised a reporter
&nbsp;for asking about drugs.
&nbsp;<p>    ``Somebody floats a rumor and it causes you to ask a
&nbsp;question, and that's the game in American politics and I refuse
&nbsp;to play it,'' he snapped. ``That is a game. You just fell for
&nbsp;the trap. I refuse to play.''
&nbsp;<p>    He blamed unnamed adversaries for planting the drug rumors.
&nbsp;<p>    ``I think they are being planted. I know they are being
&nbsp;planted and they are ridiculous and they're absurd and the
&nbsp;people of America are sick and tired of this kind of politics
&nbsp;and I'm not participating.''
&nbsp;<p>    He turned away to answer a question on a different subject
&nbsp;when a reporter asked if he was denying drug use by calling the
&nbsp;rumors ``absurd.''
&nbsp;<p>    Later, in a news conference during a campaign trip to New
&nbsp;Orleans, Bush again refused to respond to the drug rumors.
&nbsp;<p>    ``If the voters don't like that answer, if the voters want
&nbsp;me to inventory something I did 25 or 30 years ago, then they
&nbsp;can vote for somebody else,'' he said.
&nbsp;<p>    But, in response to a reporter's question, he acknowledged
&nbsp;that it was ``reasonable'' for voters to consider a candidate's
&nbsp;past. ``I think it's very reasonable and I think it's important
&nbsp;for people to trust the person for whom they're voting,'' Bush
&nbsp;<p>    The issue of Bush's possible use of illegal drugs goes back
&nbsp;to the days when he was, by his own admission, a heavy-drinking
&nbsp;bachelor in Houston and Midland, Texas.
&nbsp;<p>    He has steadfastly refused to say whether he used illegal
&nbsp;drugs by giving a pat answer: ``When I was young and
&nbsp;irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.''
&nbsp;<p>    The issue became more pronounced after the New York Daily
&nbsp;News recently asked 12 presidential hopefuls if they had ever
&nbsp;used cocaine. Bush was the only candidate who refused to answer
&nbsp;the question.
&nbsp;<p>    Vice President Al Gore, running for the Democratic
&nbsp;presidential nomination, has admitted smoking marijuana.
<FONT FACE=arial size=2><I>Copyright 1999 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. 
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.</I></font>
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