In a message dated 8/19/99 8:34:57 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

<< Subj:    Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid
 Date:  8/19/99 8:34:57 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid

 .c The Associated Press

  RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) - In an show of confidence with Brazil's
currency weakening, the central bank said Thursday that it will not draw on
the third part of a $41.5 billion aid package put together by the
International Monetary Fund.

 The central bank said it will waive the right to the $4.35 billion tranche,
despite the the real sliding to its weakest point in over five months. The
currency closed at 1.94 to the dollar on Thursday, compared to 1.91 on

 The bank's international affairs director Daniel Gleizer said he was
confident the real would soon regain strength after a shaky period this week.

 ``Any moment now, (the market) will realize the economy is growing more than
expected, inflation is low, and we are meeting all our fiscal targets,'' he
told reporters.

 The bank will give priority to repaying the $19.2 billion already loaned to
Brazil by the IMF and other lenders before drawing more, Gleizer said. The
latest tranche wasn't needed as the capital flow into Brazil remains positive.

 The loan was put together last year to support Brazil's economy as it was
rocked by financial instability. Markets have recovered significantly in
recent months, triggered by positive economic signs, but they have been
knocked by uncertainty this week.

 On Wednesday, the central bank acted to combat a slide in the real by
suspending a 0.5 percent tax on some forms of foreign capital coming into
Brazil. It also intervened on the currency market for the first time since
May, selling dollars to strengthen the real.

 In the weeks after after the government devalued the real in mid-January,
the real plunged to a low of 2.20 to the dollar. Prior to that, it was worth
around 1.20 to the dollar.

 AP-NY-08-19-99 2134EDT

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Brazil's Bank Will Not Use IMF Aid

.c The Associated Press

 RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) - In an show of confidence with Brazil's currency 
weakening, the central bank said Thursday that it will not draw on the third part of a 
$41.5 billion aid package put together by the International Monetary Fund.

The central bank said it will waive the right to the $4.35 billion tranche, despite 
the the real sliding to its weakest point in over five months. The currency closed at 
1.94 to the dollar on Thursday, compared to 1.91 on Wednesday.

The bank's international affairs director Daniel Gleizer said he was confident the 
real would soon regain strength after a shaky period this week.

``Any moment now, (the market) will realize the economy is growing more than expected, 
inflation is low, and we are meeting all our fiscal targets,'' he told reporters.

The bank will give priority to repaying the $19.2 billion already loaned to Brazil by 
the IMF and other lenders before drawing more, Gleizer said. The latest tranche wasn't 
needed as the capital flow into Brazil remains positive.

The loan was put together last year to support Brazil's economy as it was rocked by 
financial instability. Markets have recovered significantly in recent months, 
triggered by positive economic signs, but they have been knocked by uncertainty this 

On Wednesday, the central bank acted to combat a slide in the real by suspending a 0.5 
percent tax on some forms of foreign capital coming into Brazil. It also intervened on 
the currency market for the first time since May, selling dollars to strengthen the 

In the weeks after after the government devalued the real in mid-January, the real 
plunged to a low of 2.20 to the dollar. Prior to that, it was worth around 1.20 to the 

AP-NY-08-19-99 2134EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP news 
report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without  
prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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