Star Signs and the Labyrinth:


In their first article, Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx showed us how they
found the labyrinth with the help of star signs. Now they tell us more
details about their findings and this legendary gigantic construction.
According to old manuscripts it is the largest man made building ever.
Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx

You cannot only find there are more then 3000 rooms but also the tombs of
the fourteen first pharaoh's and the 'Circle of Gold' (an enormous room
completely in gold). When they are right, The Hall of Records' must be
there! Bauval, and Hancock, take note!

Many are searching for a 'Hall of Records' at Giza or not far from it.
Either beneath the Great Sphinx or under the Great Pyramid itself is
concealed a 'Hall of Records' in which is preserved the entire knowledge of
a lost civilisation. In it you can find the secrets of all profound science
(knowledge of all history and astronomy, maps of the earth, etc). But is
it? Is this the right place to look at? Not according to old manuscripts.
25 years ago the French Egyptologist Albert Slosman translated that the
'Hall of Records' is in the Labyrinth! He wrote 10 books about his
findings. Unfortunately they weren't translated into English. That's where
our adventure started.

When putting the map of the Nile alongside the map of the Milky Way there
clearly is a visual resemblance. Several important stars from the Milky Way
correspond with places where temples and pyramids have been built. The data
came from the astronomical centre. The Old Egyptians kept the positions of
stars and planets there. Together, these data formed specific geometrical
combinations of which the major harmonic laws were deduced. Diodrus of
Sicily confirms this search for living in harmony on earth with the consent
of the heavens. The following is written in chapter 89 of his first book:
nowhere else can be found such an exact observation of the positions and
the movements of stars and planets as with the Egyptians. They possess all
observations, which they made year after year, going back to incredible
ancient times!"

This confirms the high priests being "Masters of Mathematics and Numbers",
and this from time immemorial. With these astronomical data and based on
their "Mathematical Celestial Combinations", they were able to make
predictions on planetary movement, their rotation time and many other
stellar phenomena, and all this without effort.

The story starts thousands of years ago. Exhausted from a war which had
lasted for millennia it was decided to unite the followers of Seth and
Horus. It was then that it was decided to build an astronomical centre. The
year: 4608 BC, when the area of the Bull began, 365 years after the
enormous work was completed. On the day that God had predestinated for this
event, Athothis would officially declare the unification of Egypt. Some
research tells us that the first day of Thot was 19 July 4243 BC. From then
on, the Sothic era began, in addition to the classical Egyptian calendar.

Undoubtedly there was a deeper significance in all this. This was not only
the celebration of the unification, but also of certain cycles of sun, moon
and stars.

Next to these two calendars they also used a moon-calendar, counting
alternately 29 and 30 days, and fitting in a cycle of precisely 25 years of
365 days. The French researcher Schwaller de Lubicz noted that this time
span matched 309 moon-periods. He calculated;
25 x 365 = 9125 days
9125 / 309 = 29.5307 days per moon-period.
This result is of extreme accuracy.

The modern astronomy uses a moon period of 29.53059 days, a difference of
only one second! This Egyptian calendar can be considered - and rightly so
- as a wonder of precision.

Let's return now to the unification of Egypt. At the bank of the Nile a
public worship took place. Two high priests addressed the Nile and spoke:
"Your Heavenly sources enable us to live, because they allow our lands to
be flooded every year." To the public they said: "From now on you will live
in harmony with God's laws and orders, because they will grant you life on
earth as well as in heaven. Fertilise the earth for your work and in turn
it will provide you with cereals!" To the heads of both fractions they
swore: "Your authority remains the symbol of all your actions because the
way you govern will determine the happiness of your people."

With their hands raised to heaven, they spoke to God: "Oh Lord of eternity,
You who knows everything! May Your law and orders rule from this day on and
may our lives be trouble-free. May our children follow our example. May
Your heavenly wisdom, which You offered us by means of the "Mathematical
Celestial Combinations", fill us all and inspire us to restrain from evil
actions which could provoke your anger."

It was after this memorable day that the construction of a large astronomic
centre began. Its name was "Circle of Gold" and it contained two temples:
"The Double House of Life" and "The Temple of the Lady from Heaven: Isis".
Two different schools were in it: those studying the nightly firmament and
reproducing it on earth; and others preferring a more mathematical study,
where everything was theoretical, without watching the sky.

This given, they possessed an incredible amount of possible combinations in
relation to the sun, planets and stars of the zodiac. Because the Egyptians
divided the twelve constellations of the zodiac into three, this gives us
thirty-six possibilities.
When multiplying the planets with this number it gives 7 x 36 = 252.
Once more multiplied with twelve it gives 252 x 12 = 3024.
That's how many chambers this building had!
Herodotus had seen a part of it and written about it in his book.

The description of Herodotus:

"Herodotus is my name, l am from Halikarnassos and am now telling the world
about the research I did to keep the memory of the past alive and to
immortalise the great, impressive works of the Greeks and other people."

That could really count as opening words. I was highly interested and could
have read the book at one sitting. Luckily my common sense told me to stop.
It would take me several days and I didn't have that time now. Rapidly I
looked through the index and opened the book on the page about the labyrinth.

"As a token of their unanimity they decided to leave a memorial and that
led to the building of the labyrinth, which is situated not far from the
southern bank of the Moiris lake, in the neighbourhood of a place called
crocodilopolis. l have been there and it is beyond all description. If you
would make a survey of all city walls and public buildings in Greece, you
will see that all together they did not ask so much effort nor money as
this labyrinth. And the temples in Efesse and Samos aren't exactly nothing
either! It is true, the pyramids make you speechless and each and everyone
of them equals many of our Greek buildings, but they cannot stand
comparison with the labyrinth."

I was overwhelmed by these words. The Gizeh pyramids are considered the
most impressive buildings from ancient times. And yet, according to
Herodotus, who also made an elaborate description of the pyramids, the
labyrinth surpassed them all! Realising this excited me terribly. Eagerly I
went on reading his report: "To start, it has a dozen indoor gardens of
which six on a row at the northern side and six at the southern side. They
are built in such a manner that their portals are face to face. An exterior
wall without openings surrounds the entire complex. The building itself is
a two-storeyed one and has three-thousand chambers of which half of these
are underground and the other fifteen-hundred are on the ground floor."

Again I had to stop reading. Three-thousand rooms with indoor gardens and
one single ring wall encircling the building. More gigantic than this is
not possible! Half of the rooms are above and the other half under ground.
Imagine rooms with a length of only two metres, then the total length would
be three kilometres! That gave me dizzy-spells. This had to be the largest
building ever! No doubt about it. Why wasn't it known better? Could it be
vanished from the earth?
It was still there in 448 BC.
Has it been taken apart since then and used for other buildings?
I called Gino.
"Gino, this is Patrick. I have a few questions.
Do you know whether any large, new buildings have been built in Egypt after
450 BC?"
"Why do you ask this?"
"I have read the description of the labyrinth in the histories of
Herodotus. It must be unbelievably large! Something like that can only
disappear if it would be pulled down! Hence my question."
"Let me think. No, I know nothing of any large monuments being built after
that date. Pyramids haven't been built anymore and temples have mainly been
maintained, there hasn't really been much building."
"Not even by the Romans?"
"Not that I know of. But of course it could have been used to build houses."
"Have you ever read anything about that?"
"No, never.
If it is really that big, then at least something had to be written down
about it."

After this short conversation I was sure: the largest building ever still
It lay hidden somewhere under tons of desert sand.
Where was I with my text. Oh, yes, here!

Intrigued, I continued reading:
"I visited and looked at the fifteen-hundred ground-floor chambers myself,
so I speak from personal experience, but for the underground chambers I
have to rely on the authority of others, because the Egyptians refused to
let me in. There, the tombs can be found of the kings that originally built
the labyrinth, and of the holy crocodiles.
So I have not been there and everything I know about it, I know from
hearsay. The rooms on top of them have indeed been shown to me. you would
not believe they were built by human hands The passages interconnecting the
chambers and the winding paths from court to court were breathtaking in
their colourful variety, as I walked in full admiration from the courtyard
to the chambers, from the chambers to the colonnades, from the colonnades
to again other chambers and from there into still more courtyards. The
ceiling of all these places where made of stone, just as the walls which
are covered with relief-figures. Each courtyard is surrounded with a row of
white marble, seamless columns."

Good God, I groaned. What luxury!
And nowhere is mentioned that it had been plundered or demolished!
But then where was this monumental labyrinth, with the tombs of the twelve
kings? Undoubtedly, there must be the biggest treasures ever to be found in
Egypt. Tutankhamen's treasury is nothing compared to this.
That is something you can be sure of. I became more and more excited.
If the upper rooms were gone, then at least the underground rooms would
still be there. Just a question of finding a trace of the gigantic wall and
the fundament of the colonnades. Once those would be found, one would
easily be able to reach the fifteen-hundred chambers where messages from
ancient times lay waiting to be deciphered.

This possibility fascinated me utterly.
It is impossible to make a more sensational discovery!
The whole world would be extremely excited when this still unknown wonder
of the world would be opened up.

Yet, to find it, I first had to discover a link with the place where I had
to look.

==== continued ====

End note:
Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx have permission from the Egyptian
authorities to excavate the Labyrinth. Investors can reach Patrick Geryl at
32+(0)3+324 8476(phone 18:00 hrs Belgium time), or 32+(0)3+384 2016(fax),
Gino Ratinckx can be reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or tel:

This article appeared in "Quest", Vol.2, No.3.

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