-Caveat Lector-

Previous post stated:

>>             But after a 1992 campaign in which Clinton weathered
             questions about infidelity, the draft and smoking
             marijuana, and then the past year in which he survived
             the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, that old pattern has
             been replaced by something new.

             "You can keep your head down and plow through it,"
             said Republican strategist Ralph Reed, a Bush adviser,
             "and after you have, you're a stronger candidate because
             people see you're not going to be knocked out by it."

Is this the same Ralph Reed who headed the Christian Coalition for several
years?  What kind of Christian is he if he's not concerned about drug use?
And wasn't Pat Robertson involved in British Israel?



Ralph Reed's Change of Heart Challenged by TIA
May 7, 1996


Communications Director 202-639-6370

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 7) -- The Interfaith Alliance today challenged
Christian Coalition Executive Director Ralph Reed to match his words with
his actions to demonstrate he means what he writes in his new book. Reed
calls on religious conservatives to "love our enemies", extending even to
the Christian Coalition's well established political targets such as gays
and President Clinton.

"As hard as he may try, Ralph Reed can't have it both ways. If he is truly
intent on turning towards tolerance and civility, we applaud him. But his
first step should not be to write a book about the tactics of unnamed
religious conservatives. He needs to examine his own tactics; specifically
to distance himself from the well documented extreme language of his very
own boss, Pat Robertson. Anything less leaves his writings suspect," said
Rev Dr. Albert Pennybacker, Chairman of The Interfaith Alliance.

"While Ralph Reed seeks to attract mainstream Americans with the bait of
tolerance and civility, his boss, Pat Robertson continues to indoctrinate
his political troops with the incendiary language of hate prejudice and
fear," said Rev. Dr. Albert Pennybacker. "Such talk has no place in America.
While Reed takes a 'holier than thou' stance on bashing others in his book,
Robertson's fundraising mail is filled with diatribes similar to the extreme
rhetoric Reed says he condemns."

The Interfaith Alliance is a non-profit organization with 49 chapters in 23
states organized to provide the mainstream religious community with a voice
against those who use religion to push an extreme political agenda. The
Interfaith Alliance has members from more than 30 different faith
communities who have come together to promote the positive role of religion
in American public life as a healing and constructive force.

"Ralph Reed has been walking a political tightrope that is beginning to
fray," said Jill Hanauer, Executive Director of The Interfaith Alliance.
"It's amazing that the same person who compares his organization's tactics
to guerrilla warfare can then summon the nerve to claim a sudden election
year conversion to a new covenant of civility."


Reed recently stepped down as executive director of the Christian Coalition
to launch an Atlanta-based political consulting firm to assist conservative
candidates in 1998 and 2000.


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