From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                 New York Post
                 August 21, 1999

                  BANK MADE KILLING ON MOB
                  By AL GUART

                 The Bank of New York raked in up to $240
                 million a month in fees as its crime-ridden
                 counterparts in Russia used the bank to loot
                 depositors and launder billions, documents show.

                 BNY is at the center of an international money
                 laundering probe in which officials allegedly
                 funneled billions to off-shore accounts at the
                 behest of banks controlled by the Russian mob.

                 The well-regarded bank raked in huge profits by
                 charging at least one crime-plagued Russian bank,
                 Inkombank, a whopping $56 per money wire
                 transfer - as much as six times higher than a
                 standard rate, documents obtained by The Post

                 For example, BNY made 3,131 money transfers
                 for Inkombank in November 1993 totaling $1.8
                 billion. The following month, the bank moved $2.1
                 billion in 3,079 transactions.

                 In the first three months of 1995, BNY made
                 $720 million transferring funds on behalf of
                 Inkombank, according to an internal memo
                 written to BNY president Thomas Renyi.

                 "Inkombank is our largest generator of fee income
                 and they are now the largest clearing bank in
                 Russia for domestic transactions," the memo said.

                 An April 1996 letter, written to Fed chairman
                 Alan Greenspan to help Inkombank set up a
                 satellite office in the city, revealed that the bank
                 made 250 payments to BNY each day.

                 "In Russia, our bank is the leading clearer of U.S.
                 dollar payments as well as a major processor of
                 credit," the letter stated. "Needless to say, this is a
                 very important and profitable relationship for our

                 That letter was penned by BNY senior vice
                 president Natasha Gurfinkel Kagalovsky, who is
                 at the heart of the burgeoning scandal.

                 "Having worked with all of the top banks in
                 Russia, there is no question that Inkombank is one
                 of the most stable, sophisticated and
                 technologically advanced commercial banks in
                 Russia," she wrote.

                 The letter was written after Russian banking
                 authorities issued a scathing 200-page audit
                 revealing the bank appeared to be engaged in
                 criminal activity, and recommended severely
                 curtailing its activities.

                 The report was widely publicized, but did not stop
                 BNY from continuing to do business until
                 Inkombank folded last October, claiming $1.5
                 billion in losses.

                 Meanwhile, BNY will be slapped with a massive
                 class-action lawsuit in the next few weeks for
                 "aiding and abetting" Russian organized crime in
                 ripping off shareholders and depositors of up to
                 100 Russian banks, lawyer Emmanuel Zeltser

                 "Everybody knew for years what was going on,"
                 Zeltser said.

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