-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.igc.org/igc/pn/hl/99081724338/hl3.html

> Originally posted in IGC member conference: ai.news
> Date: August 12, 1999
> Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /* Written 3:43 AM  Aug 12, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> in ai.news */ /* ---------- "USA/PHILIPPINES: World leader in le"
> ---------- */
> * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
> International * News Service 151/99 AI INDEX: ACT 50/06/99 12
> August 1999
> USA/Philippines
> World leader in lethal injections sets deadly example
> The scheduled killings of eight people in the USA and Philippines
> during the next seven days are linked by a deadly connection
> extending beyond the calculated cruelty of executions and their
> affront to human dignity, Amnesty International said today.
> The fingerprints of the USA -- world leader in killing prisoners
> by lethal injection -- mark the executions carried out in the
> Philippines, Amnesty International said. We are witnessing the
> deadly fruits of an international working relationship between an
> old hand and a newcomer.
> As part of his governments plans to resume executions after a
> 20-year gap, the then Philippines prisons chief, Vicente Vinarao,
> reportedly visited several US states in 1997 to learn from their
> experience of lethal injection. After witnessing an execution in
> Texas he was later quoted as saying that his own executioners
> would probably be sent to the United States for training.
> There have also been unconfirmed reports indicating that the
> Philippines authorities may have imported lethal injection
> equipment from the USA. But even if they did not import the
> technology, they have certainly imported the technique.
> Four men face death by lethal injection in the Philippines
> between 16 and 18 August. The USA has executed four prisoners in
> the past week. By 18 August it plans to have killed four more by
> lethal injection in Texas and Virginia.
> The USAs increasing resort to judicial killings -- against the
> global trend and often in violation of international standards --
> is setting an appalling example for the rest of the world,
> Amnesty International continued
> To in any way assist another country in learning how best to
> execute prisoners renders null and void repeated US claims to be
> the worlds leading force for human rights.
> The mode of execution in the Philippines was changed by Congress
> from electrocution to lethal injection in February 1996. Five men
> have been put to death since the country resumed executions in
> February 1999 with the killing of Leo Echegaray. One of them,
> Eduardo Agbayani, was executed in June for the rape of his
> daughter, who had pleaded for his life to be spared. President
> Estrada decided to grant him clemency, but the phone call to the
> death chamber came minutes too late.
> We deeply regret that President Estrada has not used the cruel
> debacle of that execution to lead the Philippines away from state
> killing, Amnesty International said. Instead, he is set to almost
> double his countrys judicial death toll within the next few days.
> At least one person is sentenced to death every day in the
> Philippines, where the death penalty is mandatory for a high
> number of offences. This happens despite persistent reports that
> suspects in criminal cases have been tortured in custody before
> their trial to extract confessions. Worldwide appeals for
> clemency continue to flood into US and Philippines officials.
> While there have been links between executions in the Philippines
> and US at an official level, a connection also runs through the
> abolitionist community.
> In 1998, members of the Journey of Hope, a US organization of
> murder victims and death row inmates relatives, travelled to the
> Philippines to campaign against the resumption of executions.
> Among them was Lois Robison, whose son Larry is scheduled to die
> in Texas on 17 August.
> As with any execution, the killing of Larry Robison will only
> create more victims, Amnesty International said. Rather than
> offering any constructive solutions to violent crime, his killing
> will be a final brutal act in a failure of crime prevention.
> Larry Robison was diagnosed as a chronic paranoid schizophrenic
> three years before his crime, but the Texas mental health care
> services repeatedly said that they did not have the resources to
> treat him unless he turned violent.
> Texas has had no such hesitation in devoting massive resources to
> its own brutal response to Larry Robisons crime, Amnesty
> International continued. By the time he is led to the execution
> chamber, it will have cost the state more than two million
> dollars to get him there.
> Larry Robison is set to become the 98th person executed in Texas
> under George W. Bushs governorship. The Governors 99th execution
> is scheduled for the following day. Governor Bush is currently
> campaigning to become the USAs next President under the flag of
> compassionate conservatism.
> The imminent execution of Larry Robison presents Governor Bush
> with an opportunity to begin to demonstrate that compassion and
> respect for international standards can yet become a
> characteristic of his leadership, Amnesty International said.
> Use of the death penalty in the USA and the Philippines has had
> other tragic connections. Alvaro Calambro is one of 63 people
> executed by the US so far during 1999. A Philippines national, he
> was put to death despite his borderline mental retardation and
> the violation of his rights to consular access, in addition to
> protests from the Philippines government.
> The Philippines use of the death penalty will only undermine its
> efforts to obtain clemency for Filipinos sentenced to death
> abroad, Amnesty International said.
> The framework of international standards built up over the past
> 50 years is a product of positive cooperation between
> governments. We are urging Philippines and US authorities to work
> together to honour such agreements, and to join the growing list
> of countries -- now more than half of all members of the United
> Nations -- which have turned their backs on the death penalty.
> ENDS.../
> Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton
> Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom
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<<Criminal Justice as implementor of social Darwinism?>>

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--- Ernest Hemingway
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