-Caveat Lector-

Dear Yair Davidi:

    I cannot recall calling you an Establishment agent.  If I did, I should
have made it clear that I would suspect you only of being an unconscious

    I would think you would be "controlled" via an especially acute morphic
resonance with your social organism facilitating the transmission of memetic
messages from the Royal Family of Great Britain.

    I continue to read much of your material with interest and good will.
-----Original Message-----
From: yair davidi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robert Happy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 9:06 AM

The following notice was sent to me. It speaks of the possibility that
the Israelite Identity movement (of which Brit-Am is one version) is all
part of a "conspiracy". The ideas are similar to those expressed by Lloyd
(A-Albionic research) in the past. In my opinion all these "conspiracy"
people are a little
"crazy" and even (in some cases) driven and backed by negative forces.
Nevertheless every now and again they come up with insights and bits and
pieces of information
that may be valuable.
Two close friends of mine are addicted to conspiracy theories so I
renew my acquaintance with them.

Lloyd Miller also has interesting ideas and information on occasion.
He once said that Yair Davidy is a secret agent of the Establishment.
This was news to me. It was so secret even I did not know about it.
If true, it was also good news. Being an agent means that all those years
of deprivation and sacrifice in which I conducted research under diffficult
circumstances were to be remunerated. It was not to be merely a labor of
love. Being
an agent means that I am on somebody's payroll. Somewhere there should be a
waiting for me. I only have to go to the HEADQUARTERS and ask for my salary.
Unfortunately nobody can tell me where these headquarters are.
My address is well known but no  body representing an "establishment" has
sent anything.
Maybe they are unaware that I am an agent of theirs?
Maybe I should ask Lloyd Miller to inform them?
Maybe Loyd Miller would give me an advance since he is the only one
who seems to know about my "employers"? If Lloyd Miller would give me say a
I would sign over to him whatever my establishment "employers" are going to
pay me.
Lloyd Miller would have a bargain and I would have a $1000!

All jokes aside I am re-posting what was sent because it is interesting.
The ideas expressed in this conspiracy tract are mostly untrue  but it is
worth the while of those
interested in this subject to know that such ideas exist.
I am re-posting it in full and adding short comments.

At 06:19 PM 8/21/99 -0700, you wrote:

>Shalom Mr. Davidy,
>I was asked to forward the following to anyone who might
>have supporting evidence or a rebuttal statement. Any
>response from you will be forwarded to those who sent
>the message to me. Thank you.
>>Date:         Sat, 21 Aug 1999 02:24:00 -0400
>>From:         Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject:      [CTRL] British monarchy & Jews of Amsterdam, Bank of
>>      CFR, RIIA
>>-Caveat Lector-
>>excerpts from: http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.6/bofe.html
>>Dave Hartley
>>"The doctrine of British-Israelism and the Lost Ten Tribes was
>>intended to forge a political alliance between the British
>>monarchy and the Jews of Amsterdam, through a merger of the
>>Arthurian Imperial tradition with Cabalistic interpretations of
>>the Hebrew scriptures.

Henry-viii, Elizabeth-i, and Oliver Cromwell did have sympathetic relations
with the Jews
of Holland. Henry-viii appealed to Jewish authorities on the Bible when
he made the break with Rome.

The Jewish authority who backed him was one who believed
in the return of the Ten Tribes though he did not necessarily identify them
with the English.
But he risked his life and position to help Henry.
The legends of King Arthur in part where influenced by Jewish legends
about King David and Moses.

>>What had happened was that after the expulsion of the Jews from
>>Spain in 1492, some of them went East to the Ottoman Empire -
>>the Islamic world being at the time more religiously tolerant
>>than Christendom. Within Europe itself many of the Jews moved to
>>Italy, particularly Venice, while other Jews and marranos
>>migrated from Spain and Portugal to Amsterdam.
>>The Jewish merchants and bankers of Amsterdam were seen by the
>>British Monarchy as desirable allies in the financial and
>>political war with Spain, as well as in the spiritual war with
>>the Vatican. Amsterdam thus became the springboard for the
>>return of the Jews to England, from which they had been expelled
>>in 1290.
>>To forge ties between Jewish merchants and British Imperialists,
>>John Dee created the concept of British-Israel,

John Dee did go (as an agent of Elizabeth-i) to consult with the Maharal
of Prague who was the foremost Jewish authority in his time and a
descendant of
King David. He was also a profound philosopher whose works are still
studied and are worth studying.

>>which gave the
>>British and the Jews a common racial identity,

AS far as I know there is no clear unequivocal evidence that they believed
they were
descended from Israel though they may well have done so and sometimes talked
as if it was self-evident.

>>and invoked
>>biblical prophecy to show the inevitable triumph of British
>>Imperialism: the British, as Abraham's seed, were to inherit the
>>earth. Dee also introduced the Jewish Cabala to the British
>>ruling class and its interlocking network of European royal

The Kabbala is Jewish mysticial understanding of the Scriptures. It is
interesting and does reveal important truths. It is also quite complicated.
It requires an intellectual and emotional effort over an extended period.

Some of the people in the "British ruling class" are quite intellectuall
but they have other interests and concerns and many are somewhat "limited"
as we all can be.
Jews who study Kabbala tend to concentrate on prayer and
influencing events through good deeds etc.
British intellectuals were more into Classical Greek and Latin studies
though there
always were a few profoundly religious individuals who took the Bible very
Some christian scholars in Europe did take an interest in the Kabbala.
It was quite fashionable at times. I read a little about it once. I do not
see what
political significance it could have. If somebody would enlighten me on
this matter,
I would appreciate it.

All this set the stage for the later absorption of
>>European Jewish merchants and bankers into British society.

My impression is that if you have a little money, a British education and
upbringing, and make
a reasonable conversationalist then British society will more or less
accept you, -with

>>In essence, the dissemination of the British-Israel doctrine was
>>an intelligence coup carried out by the British Monarchy."
>>"For example, in the 1890s, as Britain began to fear a
>>militarist Germany, Cecil Rhodes and William Stead founded a
>>secret society to revive support for British Imperialism.
>>Members included Alfred (later Lord) Milner and Arthur (Lord)
>>Balfour. As governor-general of South Africa, Milner recruited a
>>youthful group of administrators from Oxford and elsewhere.
>>These were known as Milner's Kindergarten. To promote their
>>geopolitical ideals, they established Round Table Groups in the
>>British dependencies and the U.S., as well as think tanks like
>>the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on
>>Foreign Relations. The stated intention of the society was to
>>spread British upper class ideals to the world's masses. In
>>practice, however, the Round Table Groups were principally used
>>as an outlet for anti-German propaganda. In this case - to
>>counter the growing power of Germany

Many "conspiracy" theories are pro-German.
Who backs la Rouche?
Who backs the other anti-semites?
it is interesting to note that after the Russian Revolution in 1917 the
government under Kerensky
was liberal and democratic.
It also was allied with Britain against Germany.
The German army sent Lenin in a sealed car and a chestful of gold
Russia to use his agents (and Germany's) to take over the government  by
force and pull
Russia out of the war. This is what he did.
How come the Conspiracy people never talk of this?
How come they never mention the concerted effort of European
powers during the Second World War to (together with Germany)
exterminate the Jewish people?
How come the Vatican used its network of monasteries to smuggle
Nazi war criminals to South America? etc.

>>- appeal was made to
>>Britain's former colony in the New World: namely, to America.
>>It was the Round Table connections of "Colonel" E. M. House, the
>>principal advisor to President Wilson, that lead in 1913 to the
>>establishment of the Federal Reserve and the graduated Income
>>Tax in the U.S. You needed both of these, of course, to provide
>>the financial basis to create an American war machine. World War
>>I broke out the following year. But prior to the outbreak, House
>>wrote to Wilson: "Whenever England consents, France and Russia
>>will close in on Germany and Austria."
>>"It is easy to see what was going on if you look at the history
>>of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The first
>>edition was published in Russian in 1901.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were a Russian forgery.
Incidentally the Russian Czar considered the English to be racially
"Jews" and he hated both of them.

Afterward it was
>>translated into English by George Shanks and issued through the
>>Eyre and Spottiswoode Publishing House, the printer of all
>>official releases by the British Royal Family. Coming from such
>>a prestigious printer, the book quickly sold 30,000 copies
>>before being withdrawn under pressure from the Rothschilds. But
>>a few years later Henry H. Beamish founded "The Britons," a
>>"Society to protect the Birthright of Britons, and to eradicate
>>Alien influence from our politics and industries." The Britons
>>proceeded to distribute The Protocols worldwide.

At one stage the British Secret service did distribute the Protocols in
This shows that in Britain (as well as America) there are Nazi-like
These are of non-Israelite origin and do damage to Britain and America as
well as
to the Jews.

>>In short - the battle with the Vatican long since won -

not so. no battle and no victory. The Vatican is still a force and in the
run Germany may be its major hope.


With all due respect but some of the people included under the term
>>Monarchy<< do not appear the type capable or inclined to conduct
secret macninations and maneuvres.

>> kept the Jews on a short leash, through a carrot and
>>stick policy. Assimilation into society and support for a
>>homeland was the carrot, while The Protocols was the stick."

On the one hand Jews can be very gifted and succesful but they are human.
They are vulnerable. Even when they want to they cannot always do very much.
People who help the Jews usually do so out of sympathy or idealogy.
There was a movement in Britain to help the Jews obtain their own state and
to help them.
This was known as Restorationism. It has been described by Franz Kobler
("The Vision Was There")
and by Barbara Tuchman ("The Bible and Sword").
It was a native British movement and a genuine expression of the British
character in its positive revelation.

>>Your comments requested:

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