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Executive Order Targets Internet
by Pat Gaffney

On August 5th, 1999, the President of the United States issued an
Executive order to form a 'Working Group' designated to target "UNLAWFUL
CONDUCT ON THE INTERNET". The tasking of a working group in lieu of a
study group is indicative of an offensive posture. An offensive posture
is one that is authorized to actively work within the bounds of existing
laws, whereas a 'Study Group' is tasked with passive study and
reporting...This analysis was completed by a former CIA analyst.
Feds Want Authority to Secretly Crack Personal Computer Codes
Associated Press

The Clinton administration reportedly plans to ask Congress to give
police authority to secretly go into people's personal computers and
crack their security codes
The National Security Council: Tool of Presidential Crisis Management
By Anthony Wanis St. John

NSC's work and structure are subject to executive privilege. What do
they do? Who are they? What restrictions apply?
The National Security Agency
Europe Blows Whistle on That Great Eavesdropper
By Simon Davies

Europe Blows Whistle on That Great Eavesdropper, the NSA. The top secret
agency is spying for the U.S. in ways that other nations find
increasingly alarming and intrusive.

U.S. Fears Canal Closure...Begins Secret Negotiations with Panama
Panamanian President-Elect Moscoso met with a group of unnamed U.S.
congressmen and General Charles Wilhelm, commander of the U. S. Southern
Command. Information obtained indicates that the U.S. government is
actively seeking to continue maintaining a Panamanian presence.


U.S. Drafting Plan for Computer         Monitoring System
By John Markoff
A response to Federal concerns about cyberterrorism creates its own


Caymans Loose Private Banking Status...Feds Targeting all Private
Banking Countries

Federal officials boasted Monday that they have finally breached Cayman
Islands bank secrecy with the aid of a former bank owner who provided
records that exposed hundreds of U.S. citizens as tax cheats.

Crypto Will Harm Society...Or So The Feds Want You To Think
Widespread use of encryption technology would be "devastating" for US
law enforcement and the national security establishment. Terrorists and
spies can cause unspeakable damage without even the possibility of being
stopped before it is too late.

How Real Is Real?--Confusion,
Disinformation, Communication
In the topsy-turvy world of deliberate disinformation, the basic rule,
to paraphrase Masterman, is that, rather than suppressing all enemy
agents and thereby forcing the enemy to rebuild his spy nets, it is
cheaper and more effective to "turn them around."


Looking out:
A view from China. Clinton and British intelligence.
The American public would be amazed by the extent British intelligence
has documented some of Clinton's activities and those of his friends.

Cyberwar & High-Tech Spying
Information warfare is now a reality. Get the 411 on the CIA's
Information Warfare Center and read the DoD's strategic assessment of
the Internet.
Spy vs. Spy

Spook Says He Questioned Chinese Embassy Target
A mid-level intelligence officer assigned to the CIA persistently
questioned the targeting of a building that turned out to be the Chinese
Embassy in Yugoslavia.

The General vs PBS
Lt. Gen. REINWALD was confronted by a PBS reporter...She was out of her


A National Security Archive Electronic Briefing
Tiananmen Square, 1989
The Declassified History
The Chinese army crackdown in and around Tiananmen Square on June 4,
1989 had an enormous effect on the course of U.S.-China relations. The
controversy continues to this day, as demonstrated by the reaction of
many concerning President Clinton's decision to appear in the square
with Chinese leaders during his June 1998 trip to China


The Clinton/China Connection -
the "Legal Team"
>From the beginning of his administration, President Clinton’s success
has depended upon creating an enabling environment to facilitate the
demise of our national security ... and you will certainly have to give
him credit for a job well done!

  The Iran Money Caper
The CIA’s Department of Treasury? It was necessary for some creative
banking. And what better way is there than to start your own ‘Department
of Treasury’. The new banking location was already in place. There was
only one question that remained. Who would be the CIA’s first ‘Secretary
of Treasury’?"

Battle brewing on missile defense
Mr. Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin agreed in Cologne,
Germany, to continue talks this fall on possible changes to the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The pact prohibits deploying missile
defenses that protect either side's entire national territory.


International News


China Says U.S. Wants To Become "Lord of Earth"
BEIJING (Reuters)...China compared the United States to Nazi Germany on
Tuesday and said NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia reflected Washington's
ambition to become "Lord of the Earth"

United States Installations on the Alert Against Possible Attack

An intelligence source quoted by Reuters said, "there are some new
indications that he may be reaching the point of possibly conducting a
terrorist attack."

UK Ex-Spy Denies Posting List
by Polly Sprenger
A list of British spies is making its way around the Net, but a tattling
former agent denies that he's the source.


On The Lighter Side

Sex, Wives, and Video Tape
President Clinton is caught on Video Tape giving a special welcome to a
foreign diplomats wife.
Road Signs
International Road signs do tell a story...as you will see here.

Foreign Travel Tips
Here are some tips for traveling abroad

This months online series
Nixon's Darkest Secret: Operation RedRock
Part 1: An Introduction to Life


Other Media Stories

Echelon--Rights Violation in the
Information Age
The spooks call it "signals intelligence", or SIGINT, in spook-speak.
What is Echelon? It’s a highly automated computer system for
intercepting and sorting through electronic communications for keywords,
numbers, and phrases. This includes voice telephone calls.

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This page was last built 08/21/99 05:49:29 PM


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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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