-Caveat Lector-

Many people seem to think of New York as a scary town. As a native-born
Manhattanite, I've never really found it that scarey, considering how many millions of
people live there. However, a recent event really made my hair stand on end.

I don't have the exact details, but it seems that in the early hours of one morning a
week or two ago, a group of six armed police broke into the apartment of a man on
NY's Upper East Side, woke him at gunpoint, dragged him out of his building in
handcuffs and shackles and hauled him off to jail.

His crime? His little dog--looked something like a cute little Shitzuh (a little tiny 
didn't have a license.

This man had been ticketed and had failed to appear at a court hearing for having an
unlicensed dog. Can you imagine?

The story made the front pages of the Daily News.

That, and the fact that you can now get a $200 ticket for getting caught in a traffic
intersection (causing gridlock) have made NYC a very scarey town. Let's hear it for
Rudy Guiliani.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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