Spin-meisters, G.W. Bush Jr. And The New World Order

We feel it necessary to address certain "rumors" now circulating which
have been generated by a "mill" of some renown.

The "mill" has recently put out an article in which they wax positively
ecstatic and giddy about their extensive elbow-rubbing with countless
"G-men" and other varieties of feds at the recent "Global Sciences
Congress" in Denver, Colorado.
These hordes of feds were cited by the "mill" as having provided same
with massive amounts of "information" (?) and play by plays on the ins
and outs of what's going on in the country right now; in terms
of which factions are vying with which other factions in the realms of
power politics and such, for control of the future direction of our nation.

Prominent among the claims made by these sources was that G. Dubya Bush,
handpicked by the lords of the New World Order to be our next President
(no, don't worry; no voting needed!), has in fact recently decided to
switch his allegiance to the cryptically-named "faction three."

OUR understanding of "faction three"--based on information from sources
OTHER than spooks or "G-men"--is that it pretty much represents the
'business as usual" crowd. In other words, the people who think that the
NWO's plans to exterminate and/or incarcerate hundreds of millions of
human beings are just a little extreme and what's much more important,
BAD FOR BUSINESS. They like things PRETTY MUCH as they are because they

We find it impossible to believe the gangsters and cutthroats of the
Bush empire have ANY genuine consideration or "benign" intentions at
heart for the PEOPLE in regard to their apparent conflict with the 'New
World Order". We see this conflict, if factual, as really nothing more
than squabbling and infighting for dominance among different factions of
gangsters and murderers.

There is no doubt George Bush Sr. and probably some or all of his sons
are MAJOR crooks, drug-runners and murderers. As in Iran-Contra, Panama,
 etc., etc., etc., etc. (though we can't be absolutely certain of this
in regard to his sons--only that Jeb and Dubya are BIGTIME drug-users
and dealers)

A good example of how the Bushes "do business" is the murderous rampage
waged against the innocent people of Panama by President George Bush;
all so he could topple from power and reel in his BUDDY Manuel Noriega;
before Noriega could go rogue on Bush and started spilling all kinds of
beans about just what kind of pies Georgy Porgy had his fingers in: make
that had his whole BODY in--up to the EYEBALLS.

Anyway, according to the line of "information" fed to the "mill" by
legions of spooky folks at Denver, Dubya and daddy (Heroin) Poppy Bush
have decided to bail on the New World Order and cast their lot with the
faction three crowd.

Corollary to this is the contention that Dubya, though a coke-fiend of
epic proportions and in addition an all-round cretin, is really not so
bad after all, and is probably responsible for the fact that the Texas
Department of Public Safety and the Texas Rangers have decided to
torpedo an already fast-sinking ship--the Clinton Administration/federal
government/NWO coverup about the Waco massacre.

Another corollary to this is that the reason anybody anywhere is hearing
ANYTHING about Dubya's coke habits and Poppy's coke/heroin importation
and distribution is for that very same reason: that the Bushes have
decided to throw their lot and their inestimably vast fortune behind
faction three as opposed to the New World Order. Therefore, in order to
bring Dubya and Poppy back into the New World Order fold, Dubya is
getting hell in the press over the cocaine issue, and if he doesn't come
back on board his presidential ambitions will be dust in the wind. In
fact this last aspect DOES make some sense and we made this EXACT point
in a recent article we published. AGAIN however, we CERTAINLY don't
believe that G. Dubya, Poppy or anyone associated with them in any way
has any genuinely benevolent agendas running at all.

Tangentially, we at NewsHawk have been getting prodded from various
quarters to "lay off' Dubya and Poppy on the "drug thing" for this very
reason--because they are better than they alternative.

Well, guess what. We don't agree. What's more, for the "rumor mill" or
anyone else to put such unqualified faith in the utterances of federal
spooks, spin-meisters and other weirdos on ANY issue seems to us the
absolute height of insanity--a common definition of insanity being 
repeating the same action over and over but expecting to get a different
result. In other words, no SANE person would expect to be getting
anything resembling "truth" from the mouths of these KINGS of lies and
disinformation who have utterly misled everyone in sight since the dawn
of time--or certainly since the dawn of color TV.

Trying to paint Dubya and/or Poppy as anything other than vicious,
vindictive, bloodthirsty murderers, pillagers and rapists is kind of
like saying up is down. We ain't buying it, thanks.

In fact, this entire latest line of hype seems to us to be clearly just
a new, improved and more subtle variety of triply-twisted
spin-doctoring. In an attempt to woo back decent conservatives and
others opposed to the New World Order, opposed to "faction three" AND
opposed to the thuggish brutality of the Bush crew, Dubya is being NOW
portrayed as some kind of King George valiantly struggling to slay the
New World Order dragon. Baloney. Fairy tales are fine……… for kids, not
for us. And even if Georgy Porgy Sr. and/or Jr. HAVE developed some
misgivings about the horrendous schemes of the New World Order, it won't
be long before they're brought back in line. COUNT on that. Don't
FORGET--it was in fact George Bush Sr. who as President in 1991 stamped
and approved the New World Order's charter and set it's course for
domination of the United States by the year 2000.

As for Dubya and Poppy's drug entanglements, we say LET THEM PAY, just
as so many millions of Americans have had to pay for drug violations
immeasurably less severe than the ones these two are guilty of.

And as for Waco--the truth WILL be told about what the federal pigs did
at Waco REGARDLESS of Dubya blatantly and crassly trying to use the
situation for his own political gain. That's the ONLY reason George Bush
Jr.--as governor of Texas--has purportedly thrown his weight behind
efforts to bust the Gestapo fed murderers about Waco. In fact, it is
exceptionally repulsive, grotesque and deserving of the utmost
condemnation for Dubya to attempt to capitalize politically on the
vicious murders of over 90 human beings.

The Bushes are certainly no better than Clinton. In fact they are pretty
much cut from the same cloth, no matter how "old" the Bush money is or
how much of a redneck white-trash Dixie Mafia thug Clinton is.

They ALL deserve nothing but the utmost condemnation and reprobation and
that's all ANY of them will EVER get from here.

A pox on BOTH their houses! DON'T be fooled. 

NONE of these people and 'factions' have ANYTHING like the best
interests of the people at heart or in mind. 

Dubya is a miserable drug-addled crook whose only serious rivals for the
gangster crown are his psychotic father and the lying dog who is our
current president.


John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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