(c) 8/28/99 Ian Williams Goddard

   RADAR data from the NTSB pertaining to the TWA
   Flight 800 crash that was recently acquired by
   independent researchers and Insight magazine
   was presented yesterday at a press conference
   seen on C-Span and reported by UPI. The newly
   acquired RADAR data does these three things:

   (1) RADAR data supports claims of significant
   Navy activity close to the Flight 800 crash.
   The RADAR shows some 30 boats/ships within 30
   miles of the crash that move around 30 knots,
   consistent with large Navy ships. Most of the
   ships move in group formation in or toward the
   reported-to-be active military-warning zone
   W-105. RADAR also reveals a plane flying above
   those 30 vessels that makes sharp u-turns and
   powerful accelerations in an odd back-and-forth
   flight pattern, as if engaged in some exercise.

   Aerospace Daily (8/28/96) reported that, while
   warning zone W-105 was active, Navy officials
   claimed "a ship never checked in to use it."
   Now, RADAR reveals for all to see that many
   Navy-ship-like vessels did in fact occupy the
   warning zone. Not only should no non-military
   vessels or aircraft be in an active warning zone,
   but no vessels or aircraft fit the profile of
   the activities revealed by the RADAR data better
   than military vessels and aircraft. The RADAR
   evidence (plus witness accounts of Navy ships)
   clearly indicates that the official claim that
   the closet Navy ship was 185 miles away from
   the Flight 800 crash must be a false claim.

   Consider further that FBI spokesman James
   Kallstrom admitted that some of the vessels
   below the Flight 800 crash were in fact "Navy
   vessels that were on classified maneuvers"
   It seems that about 30 ships fit that profile,
   yet none aboard have spoken publicly about the
   spectacular view of the crash they could have
   had. The Navy also had a wargame called "Global
   Yankee '96" scheduled in the area at the time
   and yet the official Navy claim remains that the
   closet Navy ship to the crash was 185 miles away.

   FIRO Report:

   (2) The RADAR data refutes the claim made by
   the CIA and the NTSB that the plane climbed
   sharply after the initial event, looking like
   a rocket to witnesses. This is because the
   RADAR data shows that the ground-speed of the
   main fuselage sharply INCREASED after the
   initial event, where as, due to gravity, the
   ground-speed of the jet would DECREASE if it
   starting climbing as the CIA claimed. So the
   RADAR data is in conflict with the official
   scenario. At the following webpage you can
   see this in a report written by Tom Stalcup,
   Research Assistant and doctoral candidate in
   Physics at Florida State University and head
   of FIRO (Flight 800 Independent Researchers

   (3) The RADAR data proves that significant
   evidence about activity around Flight 800 was
   withheld from the public and was released only
   after the efforts of independent researchers.
   It also draws into question how the CIA and
   NTSB could produce the crash-trajectory
   simulations that they did with the RADAR data
   that they had. You can even see the significant
   discrepancy between primary RADAR returns for
   the main fuselage and the NTSB simulations shown
   side-by-side in NTSB Exhibit 22C, pages 17 and 23:
   INSIGHT: "New Radar Data, New Questions" 9/20/99:

   UPI: "Group has new look at TWA 800 crash" (8/27/99):


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