NWO took over their website, an anti terminator seed website. Vaporized
it, made it a dummy site, but dead. What can they do? It's so amazing.

Received: from mb04.swip.net (mb04.swip.net [])
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        Sun, 29 Aug 1999 14:17:25 -0700 (PDT)
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          Sun, 29 Aug 1999 23:10:12 +0200 (MET DST)
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Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 23:11:03 +0200
Subject: PSRAST - Our web domain blocked! - Attempted suppression of
  our information
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Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and
Technology (PSRAST)


Our domain "www.psrast.org" was, on August 27, 1999, taken over by an
unkown agent and is inaccessible. All traffic to our website is now
directed to another site owned by "Globalworks corporation" (click here:
http://www.psrast.org and you will see). This is apparently a mock site, as
the "links" from the index page of "Globalworks" are just underlined text.
And the e-mail is returned as "host unknown".

We take this apparent *sabotage* act as a dubious recoginition of the
importance of our site (we have not heard of any other similar case). It is
however serious that such attempts at suppressing the free word occurs. The
biotech industry has taken similar actions before, like threatening
publishers and in one known case a TV station when they were about to
publish unfavorable facts (read: the truth) about genetic engineering. So
there are reasons to suspect them although we are not able to prove it at
this stage, if ever, as they are likely to cover their trails carefully.

On Friday the 27th August we we entered information at our website about
the warning for investing in Biotech that Europe's leading bank had sent to
over 1000 institutional investors  (see "Message to investors in
Biotechnology", URL: http://www.psrast.org/messinvest.htm). It was the
strongest blow against biotech shares so far. - Is it just a coincidence
that we were blocked out within 24 hours after this? Already before that
the webpage contained  enough information to dishearten investors - was
this the "drop"?

We are taking action to stop this intrusion and hope to be able to recover
our domain (including contacting InterNIC). If you are knowledgeable about
such matters, please contact us. For example we would need help to, if
possible, track the owner of the "globalworks" site.

We would greatly appreciate if you wanted to convey this information and
our new (temporary?) URLs, given below, to friends who may be interested in

URL in the US (may be more rapid than the other but has banners that


URL in Europe:



We are in great need of more sponsorship. We are still on the verge of
having to close down. At the same time as we are on the verge of a major
breakthrough (an additional reason for blocking us out?). Because of the
loss of our domain site, on-line sponsoring does not work (we can only use
free sites, and they don't support the cgi-scripts required for the on-line
service). So please mail either banknotes or checks or make a transfer in
accord with the instructions at:

http://psrast.webjump.com/sponsor.htm or


Although it becomes more and more apparent that the food biotech enterprise
is heading towards a crash, the industry is fighting hard. It is now
directing great efforts to Third World countries where legislation is less
developed, the countries are more or less "defensless" against pressure
from superpowers, being dependent on support from them, and corruption may
often be pronounced. At the same time, release of GE crops there is likely
to do much greater damage to biodiversity and the ecology because there are
more wild relatives to important GE crops. It is by the way ironic that the
EPA of the US, at approval of GE crop release in the US, considers the risk
for spread of transgenes to wild relatives, while the government of the US
does not hesitate to press hard to promote the spread of such genes in
countries where this risk is considerable. And is lobbying hard
internationally to achieve a global deregulation of Biotech crops.

So there are very strong reasons to continue campaigning so as to achieve a
global moratorium as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Jaan Suurkula, MD
                   Physicians and Scientists for Responsible
                     Application of Science and Technology
          A Global Network for impartial interdisciplinary evaluation
                       of the safety of new technologies

       E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: +46-322622966  Fax: +46-322620944
                   Website: http://www.psrast.org/indexeng.htm
                Winner of the StudyWeb Academic Excellence Award

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