-Caveat Lector-

Vol. 12, No. 19
September 16, 1996

More on Conspiracy

Conspiracy: Where's the Proof?
by William F. Jasper

Is there any hard evidence of an Insider plot for a "new world order"?

Conspiracy theory is doing America real harm. Long incubating underground,
it has grown into the greatest enslaver of human minds since communism. It
irrationalizes thinking on every issue. It kills. It turns millions of
Americans against their own country. It undermines foreign policy by
vilifying our government's every effort.

- Ira Straus
Christian Science Monitor

"What is the milieu in which criminal groups of 'freemen' and Oklahoma City
bombers grow?" asked Ira Straus in a May 13, 1996 op-ed for the Christian
Science Monitor. His answer: "It is the underworld of conspiracy theory, a
subculture in which people share fantasies of fighting heroically against a
huge Conspiracy that is taking over the world."

The Straus essay, "When Conspiracy Theory Replaces Thought," is subtitled,
"The U.S. is threatened by Americans who believe Washington is part of a
plot to enslave us in a 'New World Order,'" and it is but one of the latest
and most blatant volleys in an ongoing campaign by the establishment media
to paint in blackest terms anyone who uses the dread "C" word.

Crackpots and False Patriots

In his Monitor piece, Straus defines the "problem" further: "For decades,
the John Birch Society has spread word of the Conspiracy: The international
bankers who pull all the strings. The ones who really control both the
Communist conspiracy and the United States government. The Trilateral
Commission. The Federal Reserve, which is ruining our money. The Council on
Foreign Relations - psst, they're out to destroy the Constitution, take away
our guns, and enslave us in a United Nations One-World Communist government.
Their code words: 'New World Order.'"

According to Straus, who is U.S. coordinator of the Committee on Eastern
Europe and Russia in NATO, "Once a mind is trapped in the circular logic of
conspiracy theory, it rarely finds a way out on its own." And this is a very
"dangerous" thing indeed, he assures us, because "crackpots" infected with
such "Birchist fantasy" are "capable of blowing up federal buildings."

Similar rantings spill out of False Patriots: The Threat of Anti-Government
Extremists, a slick, 72-page smear by the Southern Poverty Law
Center/Klanwatch, which is widely quoted in the media as an authoritative
source on "right-wing" fanatics. "The Patriot movement," claims the SPLC
diatribe, "is a potpourri of the American right, from members of the
Christian Coalition to the Ku Klux Klan - people united by their hatred of
the federal government."

After thus employing the most rancid of tactics to unfairly associate
everyone to the right of Bill and Hillary with violent KKK racists, the SPLC
tract darkly warns: "If America is to be saved, Patriots believe, our
government must be destroyed." Like Straus' screeching monitory, the SPLC
tirade warns that "Conspiracy theories fuel the [Patriot] movement":
theories of a "New World Order," a "United Nations-dominated global
government," and "an end to American sovereignty."

By now it is a tiresomely familiar theme redundantly shrieked by the usual
cacophonous chorus: Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, Louis Freeh, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, Time magazine, Anthony Lewis, Molly Ivins, Frank
Rich, Morris Dees, the Anti-Defamation League, the ACLU, etc. According to
the frantic refrains of this querulous choir, those who mention "conspiracy"
or oppose the "new world order" and the United Nations share culpability
with those terrorists who bombed the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. They
are, shrills the choir, "dangerous," "irrational," and "paranoid." Those who
take a principled, courageous stand for limited, constitutional government,
who seek change through legitimate, honorable means, and who speak out
against the abuses and usurpations of big government, are denounced as

Drawing the most practiced tactic from their slimy smear arsenal, the
"liberals" attempt to silence all opposition and debate by falsely and
cowardly tagging their adversaries with "fascist," "racist," "anti-Semite,"
"Neo-Nazi," "KKK" labels. It is a performance worthy of Lenin, who wrote:
"We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate,
revulsion, scorn, and the like, toward those who disagree with us." And the
most intense hate, revulsion, and scorn seems always reserved for
anti-communists who see conspiracy.

Attacks From "Conservatives"

The liberal-left, to be sure, holds no monopoly on hysterical antagonism to
"conspiracy theory." Many conservatives likewise erupt in paroxysms of pique
at the mention of anything that may sound even remotely related to
conspiracy. Or they roll their eyes and smirk in ostentatious displays of
smug superiority to the poor unsophisticated fools who "fall for grossly
simplistic answers to complex problems."

Radio maestro Rush Limbaugh epitomizes this type of pseudo-sophisticate. The
grand poohbah of broadcast blather and bombast reserves his most vitriolic
ridicule for those who express belief in power politics, ruling elites, and
the drive for world government, calling them "conspiracy wackos." Engaging
in the kind of reductio ad absurdum for which "liberals" are infamous,
Limbaugh offers his listeners a "pop quiz": "If Trilateralist A is driving
West at 60 miles per hour and Trilateralist B is driving East at 75 miles
per hour, how long will it take to control the country?" Or, even more
typical of the liberal-left he claims to hate, he fabricates a straw man,
falsely attributing positions to those he wishes to discredit, as in his
repeated false claim that the John Birch Society has called "[William F.]
Buckley a communist."

A similar but more highbrow approach is found among conservative
intellectuals such as Robert James Bidinotto, a longtime contributor to The
Freeman and a lecturer for the respected Foundation for Economic Education
(FEE). In a Freeman piece entitled "Conspiracy or Consensus?" Bidinotto
takes issue with those who see "deliberate direction" in "a kind of powerful
force dragging modern society down," or who "deduce that the world is in the
grip of a powerful, malevolently directed conspiracy." "Conspiracy theory"
is wrong, Bidinotto explains, because it is based on "false logic,"
"naïveté," and "explanatory elasticity." "Yes - there is a powerful force
dragging society down," he writes. "But that undertow is not an
international conspiracy; it's an intellectual consensus. What
conspiratorialists fail to appreciate is the power of ideas."

Being a "conspiratorialist" who was once (long ago) an unwitting dupe of
collectivist ideology and false "intellectual consensus," this writer fully
appreciates the "power of ideas." However, what Bidinotto and his fellow
"intellectual consensusists" fail to appreciate is the idea of power, and
the will to power of evil men - men who combine and conspire to further
their evil purposes, often using and promoting a fallacious "intellectual

Yes, there are certifiably "wacko" conspiratorialists out there today
promoting a dizzying array of theories about invasions by extraterrestrial
creatures, UFO abductions, CIA assassination schemes, papal plots for world
domination, Hitler clones in the Brazilian rain forest, etc. But are these
any more "wacko" than this offering from Mr. Bidinotto:

In the 1950s, the puppeteers of world events were supposedly the
"international Communist conspiracy." The conspiracy was centrally directed
from Moscow, from which it extended globally like the arms of an octopus.
Iron discipline held the conspirators together; highly publicized feuds
among various communist nations were merely clever propaganda, meant to lull
the West into complacency.

Recent Revelations

Amazing! Absolutely amazing! Mr. Bidinotto's mocking jab at the supposed
anti-communist paranoia and hysteria of the 1950s is an incredibly oddly
timed capitulation to the lies, innuendos, and treacherous deceits of the
liberal-left - incredibly oddly timed because even many of the arch-avatars
of the liberal-left pantheon are today acknowledging as true precisely what
anti-communists were saying for decades and what Bidinotto now ridicules.
Recently released documents from the Soviet archives and from the files of
the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) prove (as if more proof were
necessary) far more than these charges. The documents released in 1995 from
the Soviet archives, published in The Secret World of American Communism
(Yale University), and the NSA's "VENONA Project" show, for instance:

The American Communist Party (CPUSA) operated a clandestine apparatus called
the "Brother-Sun" network which worked directly with Stalin's NKVD to
penetrate the Manhattan Project, steal U.S. atom bomb secrets, and pass them
to the Soviets.
Much of the testimony of Whittaker Chambers about the huge Soviet secret
underground apparatus in the U.S. was true. Chambers' credibility had been
bitterly disputed by Alger Hiss' supporters for decades.
Moscow heavily subsidized the CPUSA in its early years.
Millionaire industrialist Armand Hammer laundered Soviet subsidies to the
Red "martyrs" Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were indeed Soviet spies and guilty
of atomic espionage.
As we have said, even many liberals have been forced to acknowledge these
truths. In a lengthy article in the Washington Post (of all places) earlier
this year, liberal columnist Nicholas Von Hoffman confessed: "The Age of
McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by
the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have
been taught." Likewise, ABC correspondent and syndicated columnist Jeff
Greenfield has noted: "The problem, of course, was that there were real
witches - not in Salem, but in America. That is, there were people who
believed that communism was the one true cause … and believed that in
serving Moscow by spying on the United States they were serving a 'higher

However, today - as in decades past - American high school and college
students are still subjected to the rabidly pro-Marxist, anti-anti-communist
propaganda of subversive textbooks. When it comes to reading about
communism, the Cold War, and related topics, their resources are still
likely to be The Paranoid Style in American Politics, by Columbia University
Professor Richard Hofstadter; The Politics of Unreason: Right-wing Extremism
in America, 1790-1970, by Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab; The Fear of
Conspiracy, by Cornell University Professor David Brion Davis; Danger on the
Right, by Benjamin R. Epstein and Arnold Forster of the Anti-Defamation
League; The Great Fear, by David Caute; and other left-wing fare that has
misguided the "intellectual consensus" of the past two generations.

Communist Phenomenon

Yes, Mr. Bidinotto, there was a communist conspiracy. And there is a
communist conspiracy. Communism has been, and remains, the single most
dramatically significant phenomenon of our century. It has enslaved billions
of souls across our globe and has murdered between 100 million and 300
million. Even if one accepts the notion that "the Soviet Empire
disintegrated" (and we do not: see the article on page 59), Communist China,
Cuba, North Korea, and other militant "Peoples Republics" continue as
before. And why should we now accept the received "wisdom" of
Sovietologists, Sinologists, and other so-called "experts" who were
terribly, dangerously, obstinately wrong for so many decades?

In a 195l decision upholding the convictions of U.S. Communist Party
leaders, the U.S. Supreme Court correctly labeled communism "a conspiracy."
This was exactly the same conclusion arrived at by the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee in its comprehensive 1953 report entitled
"Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments."

In 1956, the House Committee on Un-American Activities issued a 1,997-page
document entitled The Communist Conspiracy: Strategy and Tactics of World
Communism, which substantiated in meticulous detail the terrible enormity,
nature, and deeds of the global communist criminal operation. That same
year, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover stated that in confronting communism,
"the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so
monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

But we need not harken only to "right-wing" sources to establish this point.
V.I. Lenin himself, in his famous instructions What Is to Be Done?,
confirmed with his words what was obvious from his deeds: "According to its
form a strong revolutionary organization may also be described as a
conspirative organization … and we must have the utmost conspiracy for an
organization of that kind. Secrecy is such a necessary condition … that all
other conditions (number, and selection of members, functions, etc.) must
all be subordinated to it."

Why is this so important to understand? Because in fighting the evils of
communism (and its many collectivist permutations) it is imperative - as in
any battle - to know one's enemy. It has been said that "communism is not an
ideology in which men believe, but a conspiracy in which men participate."
That being an amply proven fact, it is the height of folly to persist in the
belief that it is solely "on the battlefield of ideas that the fate of the
world will be decided." Honest dupes and misguided idealists may be
intellectually converted, that is true, but those who have consciously
chosen evil are not likely to be converted by "ideas." They must be morally
and spiritually converted, or restrained by force. Sending missionaries into
troubled areas to help keep youngsters from going into a life of crime may
be a wise preventive measure, but without an essential police presence with
adequate investigation and enforcement efforts, common hoods and organized
criminal elements will soon overwhelm the unprotected.

Defining the Terms

In his instructions to the jury in the trial of Soviet atom bomb spies
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Judge Irving R. Kaufman gave this important
explanation of conspiracy:

For two or more persons to conspire, confederate or combine together to
commit or cause to be committed a breach of the criminal law of the United
States is an offense of grave character which involves a plotting to subvert
the law. It is almost always characterized by secrecy, rendering detection
difficult and requiring much time for its discovery. Because of this the
statute has made a conspiracy to commit a crime a distinct offense from the
crime itself. From the point of view of the law there is danger to the
public when two or more people conspire to do something that is unlawful
because by virtue of the aggregation of numbers the intent assumes a more
formidable disadvantageous aspect to the public.

The "aggregation of numbers" acting in secret to carry out unlawful acts
does indeed multiply the danger, making it far more formidable. "What is a
conspiracy?" Judge Kaufman asked, and then answered, "A conspiracy may be
defined as a combination of two or more persons, by concerted action, to
accomplish a criminal and unlawful purpose, or some purpose not in itself
unlawful or criminal, by criminal or unlawful means...."

"However," he pointed out, "it is not necessary in order to constitute a
conspiracy that two or more persons should meet together and enter into an
explicit or formal agreement for an unlawful scheme, or that they should
directly, by words or in writing, state what the unlawful scheme was to be,
and the details of the plan or means by which the unlawful scheme was to be
made effective." Kaufman explained:

It is sufficient if two or more persons, in any manner, or through any
contrivance, impliedly or tacitly, come to a mutual understanding to
accomplish a common and unlawful design, knowing its object, and that one or
more of them commit an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. In other
words, where an unlawful end is sought to be effected and two or more
persons, actuated by the common purpose of accomplishing that end, knowingly
work together in any way in furtherance of the unlawful scheme, every one of
said persons becomes a member of the conspiracy, although his part therein
be a subordinate one, or be executed at a remote distance from the other

Notice that it is not necessary that all members of a conspiracy be on the
same level, have the same motives, or the same knowledge of all operations,
plans, and goals of the conspiracy. In fact, rarely is that the case. There
is almost always a hierarchy in conspiracies of any size.

Conspiracies are a fact of human nature, present throughout all of recorded
history. Pick up a newspaper in virtually any city on almost any day of the
week and you will find a story about a grand jury issuing indictments for
conspiracy. Most people have no difficulty understanding and accepting this
idea of conspiracy. However, the idea of a global, self-perpetuating
conspiracy - a conspiracy immense enough to manipulate and control
governments and economies - seems to many a bit farfetched.

Historical Precedents

But it will not seem at all a foreign concept to those familiar with
history, for there are ample precedents recorded of vast, powerful,
transcontinental, transgenerational conspiracies. The diabolical cult of
Thugee, for example, was as vile and dangerous a criminal conspiracy as has
ever existed. The Thugs were a criminal secret society in India which
combined robbery with religious devotion that involved ritual murder
(usually by strangulation) and human sacrifice to the goddess Kali. This
transgenerational criminal conspiracy thrived during the 17th, 18th, and
19th centuries, but is believed by some historians to date back as far as
the 12th century. During their long reign of terror, the Thugs claimed
countless victims and it took an all-out "war" by the British colonial
government in the 1830s to finally deliver India from this terrible scourge.

As notorious and fiendish as the Thugee was the secret and infamous order of
the Assassins, whose very name posterity identifies with the most vile
criminality. Founded by Hasan Saba in 1090 in Persia, the Assassins, or
Hashishiyin (derived from their use of the narcotic hashish to ensnare and
inculcate fanatical adepts) soon spread their malefic influence throughout
Asia and the Middle East. While professing fidelity to orthodox Islam and
maintaining an outward facade of piety, Saba's sect, through which initiates
graduated in hierarchical degrees, was, in fact, an atheist-materialist
cabal motivated by an insatiable lust for power. This sect perfected the use
of murder, deception, corruption, and subversion to achieve its nefarious

Remember Capone?

Closer to our own time, we are all somewhat familiar with the huge criminal
conspiracy run by Al Capone. According to the World Encyclopedia of
Organized Crime: "Capone was a murderous thug without remorse.... He was
responsible for perhaps as many as one thousand or more murders, certainly
hundreds. Worse, for a decade the city of Chicago embraced this bragging,
boasting, strutting killer, its newspapers paying homage to him and quoting
his every cretinous statement, its citizens - a goodly portion of the
population - nodding tolerantly, if not approvingly, in his direction."

With the fabulous wealth gained from his criminal enterprises, Capone bribed
cops, judges, jurors, prosecutors, and reporters - and "gave generously to
charity." Notes the Encyclopedia, "Capone spent money lavishly on himself
and those about him, projecting the image of generosity, of a philanthropist
to the common man. Old-timers in Chicago still pay his bloody memory offhand
compliments about the so-called soup kitchens Capone established in Chicago
during the Depression to feed the hungry, little realizing that the crime
boss did this at the suggestion of attorneys attempting to improve his
horrible reputation when he was being tried for income-tax evasion." Much of
the public and many politicians were willfully blind, refusing to believe
that Capone was in fact the evil crime lord his accusers made him out to be.

So it was also with the crime bosses who followed after him. It wasn't until
after the New York State Police discovered a meeting of 61 top Mafia figures
on November 14, 1957 at a house in Apalachin, New York, that the FBI, the
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), and many others in law
enforcement even acknowledged the existence of the Mafia. Even J. Edgar
Hoover had frequently denied that such an organized crime entity existed.
"They're just a bunch of hoodlums," he would comment. Likewise, politicians,
prosecutors, and journalists would dismiss talk of a Mafia with
international ties, blood oaths, and family structure as the product of the
lurid imaginings of pulp fiction writers.

This writer once interviewed a chief of police who had pioneered in the
investigation of the U.S. Mafia and who told of his exasperation over the
years at trying to convince his IACP colleagues of the existence of the Mob,
and of his equal frustration with those who admitted to knowledge of the
Mafia but would not publicly say so, nor launch a concerted law enforcement
drive against these organized forces of evil.

Not until 1963, when Mafia defector Joseph Valachi testified before the
Senate Rackets Committee, did we even learn the name the mafiosi themselves
applied to their criminal syndicate: Cosa Nostra - "Our Thing."

The most infamous mobster since Capone is John Gotti. Even though his rise
to the top of New York's Gambino crime family left behind a trail of
corpses, the "Teflon Don," as he was glamorized in the press, seemed
untouchable. Time after time he skated free, basking in the glory of his
celebrity and mockingly protesting his total innocence. His attorneys and
defenders sneered at charges that he was involved in any criminal
enterprise. Gotti was merely a hardworking plumbing salesman and garment
center entrepreneur, a family man who lived by modest means, they argued.
"He's only on trial because the government hates it that people love him,"
declared Carlo Vaccarrezza, his loyal adman.

When Gotti was finally convicted on RICO charges in 1992, throngs of
supporters "spontaneously" materialized outside the courthouse with "Free
John Gotti" and "We Love You, John" placards. When the verdict was
announced, the thousand-or-so "demonstrators" rioted on cue, overturning
police cars, smashing shop windows, and battling the police. Perhaps this
made-to-order mayhem was the product of mere "consensus," but
conspiratorialists couldn't help noticing that this rioting mob had been
transported to the site on chartered buses, provided with pre-made signs,
and received direction from Gotti street hoods with walkie talkies and
cellular phones.

Mob/Red Partnership

The point is that the Mafia is a massive, transcontinental,
transgenerational, self-perpetuating criminal conspiracy that has operated
in this country since at least the turn of the century, and in Italy and
Sicily for perhaps three-quarters of a century before that. Yet only
recently has law enforcement succeeded in penetrating the surface of this
dark menace. It is important to note also that this criminal conspiracy has
long worked in concert with the communist conspiracy.

Much of what we know of the Mafia-communist symbiotic relationship has come
from communist defectors such as Maurice Malkin, a member of the Communist
Party's inner circle who had managed the Daily Worker and kept the Party
membership lists. Malkin, a founding member of the Communist Party, USA,
revealed details of this connection in his powerful autobiography, Return to
My Father's House:

The Communist Party of the United States has had an agreement with the Mafia
since 1924, with the arrival in the United States of Eneo Sormenti, alias
Vidali Contreras Victorio.... Upon his arrival he reestablished the
understanding between the Mafia and the Communists that was made in Italy by
Bordiga, a leader of the Italian Communist Party, and by Ercoli Palmieri
Togliatti, alias Ercoli.

The agreement called for the Mafia to do work for the Communist
International, such as murdering opponents, distributing counterfeit
currency and dope, stealing government documents such as seals and stamps
for foreign passports, and other jobs which Communist agents could not carry
out, but which the Mafia and its connections could.

According to General Major Jan Sejna of Communist Czechoslovakia, one of the
highest-ranking defectors ever from the Soviet bloc, the Kremlin launched a
major global effort in the 1950s to more thoroughly penetrate organized
crime in all countries. As told in Red Cocaine, by Dr. Joseph Douglas,
General Sejna explained the plan: "The Soviets reasoned that if they could
successfully infiltrate organized crime, they would have unusually good
possibilities to control many politicians and would have access to the best
information on drugs, money, weapons, and corruption of many kinds. A
secondary reason was to use organized crime as a covert mechanism for
distributing drugs."

"Rescued" by the West

Working hand in hand, these two globe-straddling conspiracies wield enormous
power. But this convergence of criminal interests and cooperation does not
alone begin to explain the incredible totalitarian communist advances during
the decades after World War II. The communists were relentlessly carrying
out their comprehensive plan for global conquest, as detailed in the
Programme of the Communist International, adopted at its 6th Congress in
Moscow, September 1, 1928. But, incredibly, they were also advancing their
diabolical design with indispensable help from the capitalist West (see page

More and more Americans began coming to the realization in the 1950s that
the advances of communism abroad and socialism at home had more to do with
policies and programs emanating from New York and Washington than from
Moscow. It was the vast transfusion of Western technology and money taken
from American taxpayers that time after time saved communism from collapse.
It was repeated betrayal by American diplomats, bureaucrats, and politicians
that turned scores of nations and hundreds of millions of souls over to
brutal tyranny. It was American officials who time after time appointed
communists and communist sympathizers to sensitive government posts and then
fought their removal when they were discovered. It was many of America's top
financiers, bankers, and industrialists who were arranging loans and
financial aid to the Kremlin.

Informed Americans became alarmed at the key role that several of the large
tax-exempt foundations - Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie, particularly - had
been playing in providing funds to individuals and organizations identified
with communism and socialism. Even worse, some of the foundations had
communists and subversives on their staffs and boards of directors (one of
the most egregious examples being the appointment of notorious Soviet spy
Alger Hiss to head the Carnegie Endowment).

In 1952, the U.S. House of Representatives established a formal committee to
investigate the foundations. In 1953, the committee's top researcher, Norman
Dodd, visited the New York City headquarters of the Ford Foundation at the
invitation of Ford President H. Rowan Gaither. At that meeting, Dodd later
recounted, Gaither brazenly told him that he and others who had worked for
the State Department and other federal agencies had for years "operated
under directives issued by the White House, the substance of which was to
the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United
States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."

The Seat of Power

It was growing obvious to many that that was exactly the course which our
government was following. Dr. Bella Dodd, a former member of the National
Committee of the Communist Party, USA, who left the Party and became a
committed anti-communist, recounted that on occasion top orders for the
Party came not from Moscow but from any one of three designated men at the
Waldorf Towers in New York - all of whom were extremely wealthy American
capitalists. "I think the Communist conspiracy is merely a branch of a much
bigger conspiracy," said Dr. Dodd. "I would certainly like to find out who
is really running things."

An important clue concerning "who is really running things" was revealed in
1966 when Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University published his
massive history, Tragedy and Hope. Professor Quigley, who had access to the
secret records of the international network of moneyed power elites who have
formed much of our governmental policies for decades, averred that "this
network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to
cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does

That same year, Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, published
his important essay entitled The Truth movement is only a tool of the total
conspiracy," and pointed to the West as the real seat of the conspiracy's

It is our intention, in the following pages, to present the truth about the
Conspiracy and the Conspirators, and their goals, strategy, and tactics, in
the hope that a sufficient number of Americans can be awakened and moved to
proper action - in time.

 © Copyright 1999 American Opinion Publishing Incorporated


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