-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, August 29, 1999
20th Century Heroes
Augusto Pinochet is being persecuted by the global elite and Marxist Left,
not because of alleged crimes against humanity,
but because he led one of the few counter-revolutions that succeeded in
ousting a Communist regime.

Vol. 12, No. 20
September 30, 1996

Roots of Subversion
by William H. McIlhany

Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Abbé Augustin Barruel

The years 1796 to 1798 saw the publication of two important presentations of
evidence concerning an international conspiracy, then only decades old,
which had devastated France and was threatening the entire civilized world.
That conspiracy had coalesced into a continuing organizational structure
with the founding of the Order of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt on May 1,
1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

The conspirators in the Order came from the top levels of society, and their
ultimate goal was the destruction of all existing religious and political
institutions, all forms of traditional religious faith, and all governments.
They were committed to a campaign of worldwide revolution to destroy the
existing order. They hoped that the continuing organizational structure they
established would eventually succeed in imposing on the world a "solution"
to the chaos they had caused: a totalitarian world government -- a "new
world order."

Evil Exposed

In 1785 the Elector of Bavaria, Carl Theodore, discovered the secret papers
of the Illuminati, which revealed the evil plan. He published and
distributed the papers to all endangered heads of state. The two important
studies published from 1796-98 were substantially based on this primary
source documentation.

One of those works, Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and
Governments of Europe, published in Dublin, Ireland in 1797, was written by
John Robison, a prominent scientist and professor at the University of
Edinburgh. His work, which was originally circulated in Great Britain and
THE NEW AMERICAN Republic, was reprinted in 1967 by Western Islands, the
publishing arm of the John Birch Society, under the shortened title Proofs
of a Conspiracy. It is still available in paperback (contact American
Opinion Book Services at the above address).

The second work, much lengthier and more detailed, is Abbé Barruel's Memoirs
Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, the subject of this review. Born in
France in 1741, Abbé Barruel was educated by the Jesuits and entered the
Society of Jesus. During suppression of the Jesuits in France, he resided
for some years in Moravia and Bohemia and traveled in Italy as a tutor for a
young nobleman. In addition to Memoirs, he wrote several other books prior
to his death in 1820, including his History of the Clergy During the French

Originally in separate volumes, Memoirs consists of four parts. The first
two volumes, originally published in French in 1796, concern the
anti-Christian and anti-monarchical conspiracy of 1796 and expose certain
French and European philosophers of the early to mid-18th century,
particularly members of the French Academy in Paris.

To illustrate the vicious philosophical campaign against Christianity,
Barruel focuses on the works of Voltaire. As for the anti-monarchical
campaign, he examines the works of Montesquieu and Rousseau. Modern-day
advocates of a limited constitutional republic who may wonder what is wrong
with opposition to monarchy should keep in mind that the conspiracy which
Barruel traced -- from philosophers whom he called the "sophisters of
impiety" to the Illuminati -- targeted all religious and political
institutions and forms of government, including the infant American
Republic, and sought as the ultimate goal an international totalitarianism.

Rise of the Order

One of the principal weapons used by the sophisters of impiety, particularly
Diderot, was the publication of the Encyclopédie beginning in 1751, and its
eventual Supplement. The conspirators hoped that this work would become the
standard reference for all learned and literate persons on virtually all
subject matter. Barruel demonstrates at length that it was used as a
comprehensive, subtle carrier of propaganda and indoctrination favorable to
subversive strategy.

The third part of Memoirs concerns the Illuminati. Therein Barruel presents
in greater detail than Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy the primary source
documents captured from the Order. The rapidly growing influence of the
Order in, and outside of, Bavaria is carefully traced both before and after
the French Revolution.

Barruel recounts the European freemasonic conference at Wilhelmsbad in the
summer of 1782, at which Weishaupt's representatives recruited the
leadership of French, German, and other European Grand Orient freemasonry
into the Illuminati, thus bringing those bodies under the Order's control.
Much evidence in Barruel's and other contemporary sources testifies to this
fact. The leaders of the Illuminist French Grand Orient ran the Jacobin
clubs and were responsible for planning and orchestrating all the major
events of the French Revolution.

In the final part of Memoirs, Barruel reviews the tragic success of the
Illuminati's first experiment in subversive destruction, the French
Revolution of 1789, from which France has never fully recovered. Barruel's
review of this episode, along with historian Nesta Webster's outstanding
1919 work The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy, provide a fairly
complete history of the Conspiracy's first attempt at organized subversion.

Sounding the Alarm

It would be hard to overstate the influence Robison's and Barruel's works
had on events in America for several decades after their publication. In
1799, George Washington read Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy, which only
reconfirmed his awareness of the danger to our Republic from Illuminists who
tried to bring revolutionary Jacobinism to our shores. Five years earlier
Illuminist agents Genet and Fauchet had used front organizations
("democratic societies") to trigger the so-called "Whiskey Rebellion" in
Pennsylvania. Only Washington's public exposure and opposition with armed
troops stopped this early campaign of sedition without bloodshed.

Regrettably, during Washington's Presidency his Secretary of State Thomas
Jefferson was closely allied to the French agents behind the Whiskey
Rebellion. Perhaps simply deluded by his idealism at this time, Jefferson
unsuccessfully opposed Washington's efforts to stop the conspirators.
Jefferson defended Weishaupt and referred to Barruel's Memoirs as the
"ravings of a Bedlamite."

Other prominent Americans did their best to warn the public of the
Conspiracy's attempts, and they relied on Robison's and Barruel's works.
They included Jedidiah Morse, author of early history and geography
textbooks and the father of Samuel Morse; Yale University president Timothy
Dwight; and Seth Payson, author of Proofs of the Real Existence and
Dangerous Tendency of Illuminism (1802), which summarized Robison's and
Barruel's works and included evidence from Morse of Illuminist efforts in

President Washington and Jedidiah Morse were the outstanding American
"alarmists" of their time, and they were attacked by their enemies just as
members of the John Birch Society and other "conspiratorialists" are
attacked today. Washington's and Morse's weapon was the truth, and Barruel's
Memoirs and Robison's Proofs provided them with indispensable ammunition.

Interestingly, some historical personalities very close to, and devoted to,
the Illuminist conspiracy valued and relied on the accuracy of Barruel's
Memoirs. Among them was the British poet Percy Shelley, who not only
"treasured" his copy but marveled at length over its descriptions of the
destructiveness he hoped to see occur. French socialist leader Louis Blanc
used Barruel's evidence as the basis for linking the early communist
movement to its Illuminist origins. Barruel's Memoirs were translated and
published in all major languages.

Of course, both Robison and Barruel were attacked by a few contemporary
friends of the French Revolution, and have been attacked by orthodox
historians ever since. Most of these criticisms are exercises in clarity of
hindsight and are based on mistakes in translation or factual errors or
omissions that always result when history is written chronologically close
to the events. Anyone who has studied the major 19th and 20th century
historians of the Master Conspiracy, as well as the primary source documents
now available in reprint, can attest to the substantial accuracy of
Robison's and Barruel's works.

Some have noted a distinction between Robison's thesis and Barruel's.
Robison correctly argued that the Illuminati invaded and captured
continental European (not British or American) Grand Orient free masonic
lodges in order to use them as tools for infiltration and revolution. On the
other hand, Barruel argued that the Illuminati was a natural outgrowth of
freemasonry in its tracing of a pre-Illuminati philosophical plot against
altar and throne involving numerous French freemasons. Once again, students
of the Master Conspiracy today enjoy the benefit of much more data and a
much larger perspective.

Crucial Reading

The new one-volume reprint of Memoirs includes Barruel's complete text, as
well as a fine introduction by Fr. Stanley L. Jaki. It does not include,
however, a postscript written by English translator Robert Clifford, which
was published at the end of volume four of the 1798 London edition. The
postscript, entitled "Application of Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinism to the
Secret Societies of Ireland and Great Britain," provides another 50 pages of
evidence concerning the Illuminists' efforts to organize sedition and

This reviewer cannot recommend too highly that any American who wishes to be
well informed in the fight for freedom carefully read Memoirs Illustrating
the History of Jacobinism. Barruel's impressive presentation provides
thoughtful and penetrating insight not only into the events he reviews, but
also into the strategies and tactics that the same Master Conspiracy that
began as the Order of the Illuminati has employed ever since. Reading
Memoirs will also provide one with added confirmation that the Master
Conspiracy thesis advanced by British historian Nesta Webster and John Birch
Society founder Robert Welch is overwhelmingly established by both logic and
a physical mountain of evidence.

But don't just take this reviewer's word for it. Consider the words of
British statesman Edmund Burke, author of Reflections on the Revolution in
France, who said of Barruel's Memoirs: "Certain we are, that no book has
appeared since the commencement of our labours, which was more necessary to
be read, and weighed attentively, by every person of any property, whether
hereditary or commercial; every person holding any rank in society; and
every person who has within him a spark of zeal, either for the honour of
God, or the welfare of mankind."

 © Copyright 1999 American Opinion Publishing Incorporated



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