-Caveat Lector-

Dumb students are not just a US phenonomen. Worldwide, students are
dumber. The New Dumb World Order?

Or is the N.W.O. dependent on world wide mass stupidity?

September 1 1999  EUROPE
Charles Bremner on the exam howlers that signal a decline in French

'Capitalism was a remarkable idea by Marx'

MANY French school-leavers are passing the admired baccalaureate
examination barely able to express their thoughts and with only the haziest
idea of history and culture, according to two teachers.
Inured to laments about declining standards, the educational establishment
will find it harder to dismiss their book's conclusions, drawn from answers
to this year's baccalaureate tests.

Guy Morel and Daniel Tual-Loizeau, who teach in a lycée at Le Mans,
procured hundreds of marked papers as ammunition for their attempt to sound
the alarm over the dumbing down of the examination that still serves in
Britain and elsewhere as a model of educational rigour.

Timed for a launch with next week's new school year, Educational Horror
makes grim reading for those parents and state officials who have been
comforting themselves with the thought that 70 per cent of pupils take le
bac, with an 80 per cent pass rate.

"Far from being little geniuses, today's lycéens on the whole have no or
little mastery of basic knowledge," say the teachers, who blame the State
and teachers for rewarding linguistic incompetence and ignorance. They say
papers are being passed with "incomprehensible sentences, syntactic
incoherence . . . and gross geographical and historical confusions".

Among gems, they cite: "Capitalism was a remarkable idea by Karl Marx";
"Victor Hugo wrote Ruy Blas while Georges Pompidou (President, 1969-74) was
reigning over France."

Poor grasp of literary criticism was typified by lines such as: "Jacques
Prévert (the 20th-century poet) wrote Paroles because he was going out at
night and had things to say." Asked what type of verse Hugo used, another
replied: "Language with a lot of punctuation."

The teachers also lambasted colloquial style, such as "Madame de Warens is
Rousseau's girlfriend. Rousseau was with Madame Bazile, but he got dumped .
. . he blew his chances."

On geography, pupils could usually identify only those French towns that
have first division football teams and almost none could place the Saône, a
major river.

The authors make much of gaffes in syntax and spelling, the bane of pupils
because so many word endings are not pronounced. In one telling howler, a
candidate wrote: "Dès l'enfance, on est ensaigné par la TV" - "From
childhood we are blooded by television." What was meant was "enseigné" -

Such sloppiness was hardly surprising, the authors say, given that no less
an authority than Claude Allegre, Minister of Education, committed a howler
last year when he wrote in the visitors' book at an agricultural fair: "On
voit que la recherche à penetrée le monde agricole." An Alevel student
would know that when saying "one sees that research has penetrated the
agricultural world"' there should be no accent over the a and no extra e on

The two teachers say that everyone is aware of the crumbling standards, but
neither the State, teachers nor parents are "ready to break the taboo and
question the way in which these [examination] results are achieved."

The main complaint, that teachers are forced to boost pupils' self-esteem
at the expense of basic standards, is a familiar one elsewhere, but less so
in France where the system has long prized knowledge and rigour.

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