-Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for September 6, 1999

       A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
    #635 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/6/99

      A Service of AMERICAN ATHEISTS
    "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
     And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Prayer and hoopla in Texas: Judge OKs invocation
   * American Atheists press release on "See You At The Pole"
   * California Atheists to challenge Promise Keepers on Saturday
   * British secularists speak out on reorganization of House of Lords
   * Southern Regional Atheists Meet, September 26
   * Union County Atheists meeting
   * Resources
   * About this list...

      "Moment of Silence" Replaces Prayer At Some Games

The sound of Christian prayer echoed at a Houston area football game
on Friday night following a temporary restraining order barring the
school district from punishing any student for leading an invocation.
Marian Lynn Ward, daughter of a local Baptist pastor, was elected by
fellow students to deliver what Associated Press described as
"inspirational remarks" prior to kickoff.  Santa Fe School District
officials, though, said that they would enforce a ruling from the 5th
Circuit Court of Appeals which had allowed school prayer at certain
events such as graduation ceremonies, but prohibited the practice
during athletic contests, and dismiss any students attempting to
organize or lead an invocation.

Kelly Coghlan, a Houston attorney who has represented parents and
students in a legal effort to allow school prayer, filed an appeal
with the local U.S.  District Court late Thursday.  Judge Sim Lake
then issued his temporary restraining order, saying that the threats
by school board officials violated the constitutional right to free
speech.  He said that district guidelines based upon the Circuit Court
ruling "clearly prefer atheism over any religious faith."

At Friday's contest between Santa Fe and Crosby high schools, the
crowd cheered as Ms. Ward was accompanied by the school principle to
an announcer's booth.  "Since a very good judge that was using a lot
of wisdom this afternoon ruled that I have freedom of speech tonight,"
Ward declared, "I'm going to take it..."

According to the Ft.  Worth Star-Telegram newspaper, Ward then "asked
God to keep the players safe, and prayed that players and fans would
show good sportsmanship and that God would bless the evening."

"God, thank you for this evening," added Ward.  "Thank you for all the
prayers that were lifted up this week for me.  I pray that you'll
bless each and every person here tonight, In Jesus' name I pray.

Ward later described the experience of leading the prayer as
"surreal," saying that she was "overwhelmed."

At other high school games throughout the state, there were
disingenuous moments of "silence."  The crowd booed at the
Richland-Stephenville game when it was announced that there would be
no pre-game invocation.  An unidentified announcer then implored,
"Let's join in a moment of silence for player safety and
sportsmanship.."  A similar announcement was made at the
Halstrom-Crowley face-off at Birdville Stadium, according to the Star

Players held an end zone "prayer huddle" at Mustang-Panther Stadium in
Grapevine; officials there said that no formal pregame prayers had
been planned for the current athletic season.

Reacting to the District Court restraining order, attorney Frank
Colosi of the ACLU said that school districts can still be sued for
resisting the appellate court ruling.  He added that attempts to have
cheerleaders or other students lead a prayer during the official game
would be turning the athletic field into a public forum.  "The (Santa
Fe) school district is setting a precedent," Colossi said.  "Now
they're going to have to allow anyone to say anything they want --
whether it's religious, political or satanic."

"When another student says, 'Hey, I want to say something,' and the
school district refuses, they are discriminating and could be sued."

(For further information on the "Texas prayer wars," visit the Texas
American Atheists State Director web site at



(The following press release is being sent to national media tomorrow
in anticipation of this year's "See You At The Pole" prayer event
slated for September 15, 1999 -- Ed.)

Sept. 7, 1999


Atheists claim "See You At The Pole" event is "Majority Rule Religion"
"Free Speech" claim is a ruse - event is violation of First Amendment
Bill of Rights should be posted in classrooms instead of

1999's "See You At The Pole" (SYATP) event, a yearly exercise by which
Christian students use specific flagpoles, those located only on
public school property, for religious exhortations, "is not, as some
would have you believe, an issue of free speech or free association,"
noted Ron Barrier, National Spokesperson for American Atheists.

The mass usage of public school flagpoles is scheduled for Wed., Sept.
15, 1999.

"Although the American Center for Law and Justice, a law firm started
by television preacher Pat Robertson, claims that this event is
'student-led and student-initiated,' this is simply not the case.  It
is a premeditated attempt at child recruitment in the public schools -
spearheaded and instigated by adults, pastors, churches and other
outside evangelical organizations," he added.

"Evangelical groups are attempting to control the public school forum
by attempting to coerce students to publicly identify their religious
inclinations.  Not only is this type of 'loyalty oath' illegal, it is
'majority-rule religion' which is the type of sectarian harassment our
Bill of Rights is designed to discourage," Mr. Barrier noted.

Mr. Barrier added that "TV shows, interviews and reading the SYATP
materials make it very clear that free speech is not the issue.

    "It's a show of force, not a show of faith," he said.

According to Mr. Barrier, "Common Ground, a series of pamphlets
distributed in churches by Search Ministries, Inc., gives explicit
instructions to parents as to how to train their children to
evangelize and recruit in the schools.  The instructions include 'bait
& switch' tactics as well as various 'confidence' schemes."

Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists, noted that "the real
agenda of SYATP officials is to target young people for evangelism.
They want access to school children in an environment where parents
are liable to exercise the least amount of control over their child's
welfare and ethical upbringing."

"American Atheists suggests that the Bill of Rights be posted in
classrooms across the country, instead of the so-called commandments,"
stated Ms. Johnson.



When the Promise Keepers roll into Stockton, California this coming
weekend with their traveling evangelical road show, members and
supporters of American Atheists will be there to speak out against
their theocratic social agenda for the nation.

Join us this coming Saturday, September 11 for a peaceful
demonstration outside Stagg memorial Stadium, University of the
Pacific in Stockton, California.  The picket lasts from 7:00 a.m.  to
11:00 a.m., and appropriate signs and banners will be provided.  There
will be an informal lunch after the demonstration at a nearby

Contact American Atheists California State Director Dave Kong through
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or at (415)-771-9872; or visit the California AA web
site at http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/affilcal.htm for directions
to the picket and other information.  We look forward to seeing you
this Saturday in Stockton as we speak out against the Promise Keepers!



(Editor's note: The following statement was sent to AANEWS from the
National Secular Society of Britain concerning proposed reforms within
the United Kingdom's House of Lords.

The National Secular Society (UK) was founded by Charles Bradlaugh and
has been opposing religious privilege for 130 years.)

Herewith a text of the address made by Keith Porteus Wood, General
Secretary, to the Royal Commission on the Reform of the House of

                    THE REFORM OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS

Given at the Final public Hearing of the Commission, 27 July 1999 by
Keith Porteous Wood, FCCA, the Society's General Secretary prior to
answering questions posed by members of the Commission on the
Society's views and its written Submission

The National Secular Society has been opposing religious privilege for
130 years.  Arguably the most glaring example of this privilege today
is the 26 Church of England bishops who sit in the House of Lords, as
of right.  Our research confirms that Britain is the only Western
democracy to have religious representatives in their Parliament, as of
right.  Yet, not only does the Government want to retain these 26
bishops, it wants to compound the inequity by introducing religious
representatives of other denominations and faiths.  It is undemocratic
for these representatives to make laws binding on a population that
largely considers religion to be irrelevant.  The number of
non-religious people in our country is growing.  Their franchise would
be further eroded with every additional religious appointee.

Religious belief and practice in Britain is at its lowest ebb, and in
accelerating decline.  Given that an increasing majority of young
people do not believe in God, this trend will continue.  Around 90% of
the English population does not attend any church and only around 1%
of the population takes Church of England communion.  The Church even
refuses to publish the latest attendance figures, presumably because
the levels are so low and are declining so rapidly.  An LSE professor
told the Sunday Times last week "If the [attendance] figures continue
like this, the establishment of the church could be in the balance."
Roman Catholic attendances in England are dropping still more rapidly
- "haemorrhaging," according to an official source.

Yet even if many more attended church, there would still be no
justification for either Anglican or Catholic bishops in the Chamber.
They are remote and unrepresentative of their flock; they are middle
class, middle aged and nearly all of them are white.  And they are all
male, unlike their congregations who are predominantly female.  Yet it
is these very women who would be most affected by the bishops'
often-dogmatic stances.  This particularly applies to Catholic bishops
on such issues as contraception and abortion.

A surprising opponent of Catholic bishops taking up seats in the
Second Chamber is the Roman Catholic magazine The Tablet.  It warns
that any Catholic bishops in the Chamber would not represent the
opinions of British Catholics, but would represent instead the
interests of the "Holy See."  Does the Commission really want the
Vatican to nominate members to our Parliament?

Religious leaders continually demonstrate their inability to provide
moral leadership to the nation.  Religious representatives do not
posses any special moral insights that would be denied to other
members of the new chamber.  On the contrary, most of these religious
representatives would represent morally absolutist views out of line
with the country as a whole, and sometimes even their own members.
What could we expect from the Vatican, for example, given it has just
attempted to stop women raped in Kosovo from being given
'morning-after' pills?  These women are not even Catholics.

We are particularly concerned about religious representatives'
attitudes to Human Rights, when even Anglican bishops voted last year
for religions to be exempted from the Human Rights Act.  This was
self-serving.  But, far worse, the bishops seem unable to grasp the
very concept of universal human rights.  An Anglican bishop told me on
Radio 4 in May that "We're very committed to human rights, but not
where that trespasses on religious rights."

If religious representatives were banished from the Second Chamber,
religion would continue to be represented there.  The new chamber
would comprise those of all faiths and none, in approximate proportion
to the population.

Existing temporal peers identify themselves as acting from religious
motives, and those who profess no religion should not be regarded as
any less capable of making good moral and ethical judgments - the
Bishop of Oxford, one of the Commissioners, has acknowledged that.

A major practical problem is numbers.  We believe that the new chamber
will be overwhelmed by religious appointees if other denominations and
faiths are admitted.  The C of E's refusal to concede any of its 26
seats creates an expectation for an unreasonable number of additional
seats for other denominations and faiths.  The English Catholic
bishops want more than a token presence and could (on the basis of
their higher church attendance) claim more seats than the C of E.  So,
already, we are up to over 50 seats without the remaining
denominations and faiths.  How many representatives will the three
largest Jewish sects demand, or the larger Muslim community with its
Shi'ite and Sunni sects?  No matter how many seats are offered, they
will never be enough.

Those left out, or those who feel they have insufficient seats, will
claim discrimination - and perhaps racism.

If such a plethora of religious seats ensues, the extension would be
well-nigh irreversible, however much a failure it is.  There is just
one solution that overcomes all the concerns I have catalogued: the
solution we invite the Commission to propose is an entirely secular
chamber.  Establishing such a chamber would remove a disturbing
undemocratic anomaly and demonstrate that Britain really is prepared
to let go of its feudal past and to modernise its Parliament.

Further information about the National Secular Society is available on
its website www.secularism.org.uk.



Mark your calendar, and plan to get there -- by car, plane, or even
the famous choo-choo.  American Atheists will host the Southern
Regional Atheist Meet (RAM) on Sunday, September 26 in Chattanooga,
Tennessee at the beautiful Radisson Read House at 827 Broad Street.
The Regional Atheist Meet (RAM) is a one-day conference organized by
American Atheists which features lectures, panels and social events.

   Speakers for the Southern RAM include:

* Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists speaking on "The Need
for Atheist Activism."

* Frank Zindler, biologist and expert on the creationism-evolution
debate.  Mr. Zindler will speak on: "Scopes Retried: Where's Darrow
When We Need Him?"

* Carletta Sims, Tennessee State Director, American Atheists.  Ms.
Sims will discuss her role as an activist defending the wall of
separation between church and state in the Bible belt.

* Allen Snyder, Department of Philosophy at West Virginia University
will discuss his intellectual journey toward Atheism.

* Michael Chandler, Assistant Vice Principle will discuss his fight to
preserve the First Amendment in DeKalb County, Alabama schools.

* Conrad Goeringer, Contributing Editor and Staff Writer for American
Atheist Magazine will speak on "Apocalypse Now?  Date-Setting, 'Signs
& Wonders,' the Antichrist and Other Artifacts of the Millenarian

And...  * A special guest appearance by a leading constitutional
attorney who will address the problems encountered with state and
countries infringing on the Bill of Rights!.

Check your membership newsletter or the American Atheists web site at
http://www.atheists.org/tn/ for more details -- but mark your calendar
now, and plan on joining us at the Southern RAM!



Atheists in the Newark, N.J.  and Union County area are invited to
gatherings hosted by the new UNION COUNTY ATHEISTS group.  Gather at
the new meeting place, University Diner which is right next to Kean
University at 580 Elmora Avenue, every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.  Contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/atheists for
further information.



* For information about American Atheists, send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please include your name and postal mailing

* For a free catalogue of American Atheist Press books, videos and
other products, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Kindly include
your postal mailing address.

* The American Atheist Magazine is now on the web!  Check out select
articles from the current or back issues, as well as special web-only
features.  Visit us at http://www.americanatheist.org

* If you are a current member of American Atheists, sign up for our
e-mail discussion group, aachat.  We have over 120 participants who
discuss topics such as Atheism, religion, First Amendment issues and
lots more!  Contact Margie Wait, the Moderator, through

                                               ABOUT THIS LIST...

AANEWS is a free service from American Atheists, a nationwide movement
founded by Madalyn Murray O'Hair for the advancement of Atheism, and
the total, absolute separation of government and religion.

You may forward, post or quote from this dispatch, provided that
appropriate credit is given to AANEWS and American Atheists.  Edited
by Conrad Goeringer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Internet Representative for
American Atheists is Margie Wait, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe,   send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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