FYI. Hmmm.....


"The Transformation That Really Wasn't"

Once again, Bill and Hillary, along with the biased in-their-favor media,
have played the nation.  For those who believe that Bill & Hillary are at
odds re the Puerto Rican terrorist group, think again. For those who believe
that this is a carefully orchestrated Carville-style political ploy, to make
Hillary look "tough," you just might be right!

Bill knows he's done. He has nothing else to prove. He's finished. No third
term for him. Hillary, on the other hand, not only has NY Senate
aspirations, but wants to someday get elected POTUS. So, why not use his
presidential powers, his waning days in the spotlight, to help make wife
Hillary into something she's not.

What better way to show her independence from husband and President of the
US than to disagree on an issue that will, in the end, make her seem tough
on crime. Make her seem nothing like the liberal that she really is.

Proclaim to be for the death penalty. Wasn't that same issue that sunk Mario
Cuomo's candidacy several years ago?  Hillary and handlers will not make
that same mistake.  Instead, they will use whatever group, whatever issue,
even hubby's presidential powers, to package Hillary into something she's
not -- a New Yorker.


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