-Caveat Lector-

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----- Original Message -----
From: Nadine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 7:03 AM
Subject: [synchronistic] East Timor/Australia

> From: "Nadine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ----- Original Message -----
> Hi, Everyone!!
> A note to let you know what is happening here and to ask for assistance.
> As you know Australia is readying to go into East Timor with other nations
> in a peacekeeping effort.  According to our news reports tonight, it seems
> as if we may be going in for more than that. Either way, the bloodshed
> end there.
> An example, and quite a shocking one, has been on our news yesterday,
> pictures of a father holding his toddler son in the streets of Dili.  The
> militia stopped him, hacked the father to death with machetes, and the son
> ran off down the street.  The militia followed the boy, picked him up,
> his neck, and threw him into a burning house.  This is one of many horror
> reports coming out of East Timor right now.
> The past few days, our RAAF has been flying planes in and out non-stop to
> bring non-Timorese out of Dili.  The Red Cross compound was attacked and
> refugees taken by gun point.  The area surrounding the UN compound has
> under fire, with people fleeing into the compound....children forced
> the razor wire to get them to safety.  The Australian Consulate has been
> attacked, and now closed, with only 3 consular staff remaining there.  The
> planes have now stopped flying in.  At present the University at Dili is
> burning to the ground.
> Australian and NZ ships are now readying at the port in Darwin.  One ship
> has just been loaded with 40 personnel carriers.  Our troops are on 30
> minute to 1 hour callout alert.  The Navy, Army, Air Force all ready to
> The hospitals at Darwin and surrounding towns have been emptied, ready for
> casualties.
> East Timor tonight has no power, water, communications, medical staff.
> doctors have been pulled out, only local nurses remain and they expect to
> killed.  UN Supplies on their way to the compound today were taken by the
> militia.  The compound is fast running out of supplies.
> In the port at Darwin there are 2 US Navy ships.  Our Prime Minister has
> requested US help in sending a peacekeeping force to East Timor.  The US
> avoided the issue.    The UN is waiting.
> THERE IS NO TIME TO WAIT.    East Timor is burning, the people are being
> forced to leave under gunpoint, nothing will remain for the Independence
> they have just voted for.
> So I have a request to all that wish to help. Two requests actually......
> 1.  Those of you who are politically active in US...would you please put
> pressure on your Federal representatives to give aid to Australia in their
> effort to keep the stability of our region here.
> 2.  Those of you who are healers or people of faith....would you please,
> we did with Kosovo, send healing and prayers to East Timor once a day
> some agreement is reached.  Much love is needed in the region right now.
> THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!    We had almost 100,000 people praying and
> meditating worldwide for peace and healing in Kosovo.  We can do it again
> for East Timor.
> A friend in Timor helped us organise the Kosovo healing/prayer effort.  He
> will need our help now.  Let's not let him down.
> Love and Light,
> Julie King in Oz
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