-Caveat Lector-

All of this talk about rebuilding the temple; I believe that the temple
refered to in Rev., Ezek, and Daniel is the Body of Christ. Didn't Jesus
tell us that Himself? (John 2:19}
I also believe that the 7 years in Dan 9:27 is a two-part prophecy: 3&1/2
years of Jesus' Testimony (after the 62 "sevens" which began with the return
to Jerusalem from Babylon) and then His death and resurrection; thus putting
an end to sacrifice and offering by the sacrifice of Himself. The final
3&1/2 years (after the 7 "sevens" which began when the Jews returned and got
Jerusalem back?) is the 1260 days mentioned in Revelations. I feel that we
don't have to see a real temple built to fulfill prophecy.

>From: earthman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Israel Update -
>Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:25:47 +1200
>  -Caveat Lector-
>A few interesting points here.including where the Arc of the covenant
>(Government?) is
>the three precious gifts ,and Red Heifer 19
>We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Koenig's International News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 11:15 PM
>Subject: Israel Update - Corrected
>Note from Bill Koenig:
>Three weeks ago my step-sister, who works for a major airline,
>blessed my father and me with round-trip airline tickets to Israel.
>During our trip I had the opportunity to look into some areas of
>great interest to many Christians; status of the land on the Temple
>Mount;  the Temple Mount water;  the Ark of the Covenant;  the red
>heifer of Numbers 19;  the Third Temple vessels and items;  the
>Third Temple cornerstone;  and the reported Elijah sighting.
>Below are thoughts, observations, information and links for your
>I have also provided additional information on the status of the
>peace talks, some of this information was shared with you this
>Below is an excerpt and link to a Reuters article entitled "Jordan
>Says Ready To Cede Jerusalem Sites."
>The article states the responsibility for the Arab Mosques on the
>Temple Mount is being turned over to the Palestinians by the
>Jordanians. This is significant because this should make the land
>on the Temple Mount available for the final status talks with
>Israel, whether publicly or behind the scenes.
>Furthermore, the Shas political party wants land on the Temple
>Mount for construction of the Third Temple. The Shas are also an
>important part of Israeli Prime Minister Barak's peace coalition.
>So for Barak to continue receiving their cooperation and vote, land
>on the Temple Mount will likely become part of the negotiations.
>There are some who believe the Vatican is actively involved in
>behind the scenes discussions on the status of Temple Mount.  We
>have observed that everytime PLA Chairman Yasser Arafat signs an
>agreement with Israel he heads to the Vatican to meet with the Pope
>within 24 hours. These meetings have happened at least three times
>in the last four and a half years. And has had at least an
>additional three meetings with the Pope in the last six years.
>These meetings and the relationship between the Pope and Arafat are
>of much interest.
>The Vatican has also been outspoken about the status of Jerusalem.
>The believe it should be the capital of the Jews, the Christians
>and the Arabs. Israel does not agree and said they will not share
>it with anybody.
>Jordan Says Ready To Cede Jerusalem Sites
>Jordan is ready to relinquish its religious authority over Muslim
>holy sites in Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority, Jordanian
>Prime Minister Abdul-Raouf al-Rawabdeh has said.
>  ``If our Palestinian brothers want to take over this
>responsibility, Jordan is willing to cede this responsibility to
>them,'' Rawabdeh said in an interview broadcast Sunday night by the
>Saudi-owned radio station Middle East Broadcasting Center.
>  ``We are part of our Arab and Muslim nation. Our interest in
>Jerusalem is because we are part of this nation and we are not an
>alternative to our Palestinian brothers,'' he said.
>Jordan has in the past said it would hand over the authority to
>Palestinians once final status talks between the Palestinians and
>Israel are completed. Rawabdeh made no reference to the final
>status talk.
>Zechariah 14:8
>And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from
>Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them
>toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. (KJV)
>Ezekiel 47:1
>Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and,
>behold, waters issued out from under the
>threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house
>stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the
>right side of the house, at the south side of the altar. (KJV)
>One of the most talked about stories over the last few months has
>been the possibility of water flowing from the holy rock of Abraham
>and Isaac on the Temple Mount which was in the midst of the First
>and Second Temples. Today that rock is extended into the Dome Of
>The Rock mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
>Richard Kyle and I did extensive research into Solomon's Quarry
>under the old city.  This is an ancient rock quarry that begins
>under the north city wall just east of the Damascus Gate.   Richard
>had been there numerous times and has taken pictures previously.
>We saw water seeping in several areas.  This in itself is not that
>significant.  Jerusalem is virtually built on top of one large
>limestone rock outcropping.  There is water flowing through cracks
>in the rock similar to what is seen in the eastern United States.
>Water normally flows in the area called Zedikiah's Tears.
>There is one simple overall question; however, the answer is not
>that straight forward.  Question one: Is water flowing on the top
>of the Temple Mount?  The answer is no.  Next question. Is there
>water damage or seepage affecting the underground rooms requiring
>water to be pumped out of the ancient underground cisterns under
>the Temple Mount?  Answer - who knows.  We can say that water was
>pumped out of one cistern June 23rd and a second cistern (different
>one) July 4.  Was this to water the trees during a very dry year,
>empty a cistern, to make room for some additional unauthorized
>underground construction, the result of a water leak, water coming
>out of the rocks from springs or to get the Christian community
>excited?  Only the Moslem authorities know the real answer.
>Richard and I also noticed on the grounds of the Temple Mount, just
>north of the Dome of The Rock, some pumping devices that could be
>used to extract water from underneath the Temple Mount surface.  It
>has nothing to do with pumping any water within the Dome of the
>Rock or Al Aksa mosques on the Temple Mount as no one has seem
>water there.  We couldn't find out anything more conclusive during
>this specific visit.
>At this point all we can conclude is that there MAY be some seepage
>in the general area within the Temple Mount.  Sorry, we can not be
>definite as to the source of the water that has been seen pumped.
>But, this appears not to be the water flowing from the Temple Mount
>that the Bible speaks of.  That water will not be hidden!
>In a recent CBN article they stated, the "Ark of the Covenant" was
>built to hold the tablets with the Ten Commandments that Moses
>received on Mt. Sinai. The Ark was secluded in the Holy of Holies
>of the tabernacle, and later in the temple in Jerusalem.
>Here are three possibilities where the "Ark of the Covenant" might
>In the Monday, September 6, article by CBN it mentioned the
>possibility of the "Ark of the Covenant" being in Ethiopia.
>Does Ethiopia Hold the Lost Temple Treasure, the Ark of the
>Covenant? (CBN)
>Also,  Ron Wyatt (recently deceased) of Ron Wyatt Archaelogical
>Research claims to have found it under the cruxification site of
>Jesus Christ.
>Ron Wyatt's Archaeogical Research Web site
>And there are some who think the "Ark of the Covenant" is under the
>Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock mosque stands. Where the
>First and Second Temple stood before their destruction.
>Anyhow, these remain the top three candidates for the location of
>the "Ark of the Covenant."
>Below is a letter from Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute
>in Jerusalem.
>Below that is the link to the Temple Institute.  The Institute has
>duplicated most of the vessels necessary for the Third temple.
>Interestingly, in his letter he mentioned,  it will take nothing
>short of a miracle for the Holy Temple to be rebuilt within our
>Moreover, some think only the outer court and the altar will be
>built in preparation of the Temple Mount sacrifice of the red
>heifer. The same location the anti-christ will stop the sacrifices;
>and the place of the abomination of desolation. (Daniel 9:27: And
>he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the
>midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
>cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it
>desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be
>poured upon the desolate. (KJV))
>Many believe that the entire Third Temple will actually be
>completed when Jesus Christ comes back to reign.
>Miracles, Dreams, and Reality: Drawing Closer Towards the Holy
>Shalom and best wishes for the coming New Year of 5760 from the
>Temple Institute in Jerusalem.
>Almost twelve years have passed since the Temple Institute was
>established. In the course of these years, through the Institute's
>efforts, the subject of the Holy Temple has begun to penetrate into
>the collective consciousness and awareness of society. Many think
>that it will take nothing short of a miracle for the Holy Temple to
>be rebuilt within our lifetime. But the knowledge that the Holy
>Temple lies at the very heart of the Torah of Israel has become
>more widespread, and G-d's eternal commandment to "Build for Me a
>Sanctuary, that I will dwell among you" has once again begun to
>beat within the nation's heart. For this calling, itself the
>continuation of Jewish destiny, has not been revoked, but is alive
>and well and waiting to be fulfilled once again by the nation of
>Israel.  This in itself is the beginning of the "miracle" of
>rebuilding the Temple! G-d makes miracles for us every day, but
>only after we have done all that we can for Him. Thus the sages of
>Israel relate that when Israel left Egypt and came face to face
>with the Red Sea, the waters did not split until one man, Nachson
>the son of Aminadav, prince of the tribe of Judah, walked into the
>water as far as he could...until the water came up to his nostrils.
>Then he could go no further, and it was then, at that moment, that
>the sea split. When G-d saw that we had done all that we, as
>ordinary human beings, can possibly do. It was then that he stepped
>in. For G-d makes miracles happen every day, but it is we who give
>those miracles the legs to stand on in this world. The is exactly
>what the Temple Institute hopes to accomplish through its holy
>Some think that the Holy Temple is nothing but a dream. But the
>Institute's activities, which began in a modest little room in the
>Old City of Jerusalem, have blossomed over these twelve years into
>a world-renown organization that has brought a message of hope,
>pride, and spiritual yearning to hundreds of thousands around the
>globe. Since the days of that humble beginning, tens of Temple
>vessels have been created, educational material has been
>disseminated around the world, hundreds of accurate depiction's and
>illustrations have been published in a wide variety of books and
>other printed material; Temple-related films and tapes have been
>produced and more are on the way even now, and hundreds of
>thousands of visitors to the Institute's exhibition have had an
>experience that has drawn them closer to the prophets' vision of
>the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
>Now, as we approach the Jewish New Year of 5760, the Temple
>Institute prepares to present three precious gifts to the people of
>Israel...gifts that the world has been waiting nearly 2,000 to see,
>which will bring the reality of the Holy Temple much closer.
>The Institute is about to present the three main vessels of the
>Holy Temple, which are being created and fashioned in accordance
>with Biblical law, ready to stand within the holy area of Sanctuary
>of G-d: The golden Temple menorah (the seven branched candelabra),
>the golden incense altar, and the golden table of the Showbread.
>After years of research and anticipation, the golden Menorah,
>symbol of the Holy Temple's spiritual light, has been created (1
>Biblical kikar, or "talent" - about 43 kilo of gold was used) and
>will be taking its place in the Temple Institute before Rosh
>HaShana, with G-d's help.  This Menorah has been created according
>to all the requirements of halacha, Jewish law, and the scientific
>process of electro-chemical magnetic plating was utilized so that
>the pure, gold-plated menorah fulfills the Biblical requirement of
>"one piece of pure beaten gold."
>Likewise, the golden incense altar, for the performance of the
>daily incense offering-the most beloved part of the Temple service
>in G-d's eyes-is nearing completion and will be available for
>public viewing within the coming days.
>Lastly, the golden table of the Showbread, which represents the
>abundance of G-d's physical blessings in this world, will make up
>the third of the central vessels which occupy the holy area of the
>Temple Sanctuary.
>The production of these vessels has been aided by the generous
>contributions of a number of individuals. The Temple Institute
>turns to all those to whom the promise of the Holy Temple is dear,
>to take part in these projects, and thus advance the process of
>rebuilding the Holy Temple. Our prayer is that we shall all merit
>to place these vessels in their proper places, within the rebuilt
>House of G-d, and to renew the Temple service.
>May this be the year that all our prayers are answered; May this be
>the year of repentance;
>May this be the year that Israel truly becomes a light to the
>Nations; May this be the year of the Complete and True Redemption,
>May this be the year of the Rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
>With all best wishes for every blessing during the coming year.
>Rabbi Chaim Richman
>Temple Mount Institute
>On the front page of their web site it states the following:  The
>Temple Institute, located in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old
>City, is a non-profit organization committed to researching and
>teaching about the services and structure of the Holy Temple. For
>two thousand years of exile, this topic had been neglected. Since
>1984, the Temple Intstitute, founded by Rabbi Israel Ariel, has
>been working to reawaken public awareness about this holy site at
>the heart of the world.
>Numbers 19:2: This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath
>commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they
>bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and
>upon which never came yoke: (KJV)
>If you read all of Numbers 19 you will find out more about the
>significance of the red heifer to the Third Temple.
>Melody, the red heifer that received international recognition has
>developed too many white hairs, so she is no longer considered,
>without spot or blemish, and has been disqualified.
>There are supposedly two other red heifers in Israel (in secure and
>secret locations) that meet the requirement of Numbers 19:2.
>The Third Temple cornerstone is expected to be put in place by "The
>Land of Israel Faithful Movement." Gershon Salomon is their
>chairman.  Is this the Temple's cornerstone? Many believe it is.
>We have also been told this group, considered controversial by
>some,  seems to have God's favor. Many good things have happened
>for them.
>Here are some links to them:
>Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement
>Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement - Objectives
>The Cornerstone for the Third Temple
>There has been a man in Jerusalem who says he is Elijah.  NBC News
>and others have reported about this recently.
>According to a contact in Jerusalem, who has personally met this
>man,  it appears that he is not Elijah. There are various reasons
>to believe he isn't without going into greater detail. But my
>contact pointed out there still isn't a guarantee that this man
>isn't Elijah, but it is unlikely.
>Additionally,  it has been reported that this man had been told to
>leave the country by the Israeli government and is currently in
>If anything definitive comes from this we will let you know.
>The remaining issues between the Israelis and the Palestinians are
>very complex; Palestinian statehood, the status of Jerusalem, the
>fate of Palestinian refugees and the future of Jewish settlements
>in the Palestinian areas. Not to mention the complexity of
>negotiations remaining between Israel and Syria over the Golan
>The talks will continue to linger. There will likely be a major
>event that forces the sides to the peace table. Remember, it still
>took Madeliene Albright to intervene to complete the Wye 2
>agreement. They couldn't complete it on their own.
>Also, the remaining issues are by far the toughest. And any
>agreement for Israel will have to be approved by the Knesset.
>Remember, it has taken six years (since 1993) to get things to
>where they are today with much less importance.
>The following could happen next: Nothing further gets approved due
>to complexity or more terrorism.  The final status talks fall into
>place and a miracle makes peace possible. Or a major catastrophe
>happens and it forces a summit, where the participants meet until
>something is agreed to (Similar to the Wye River Agreement in late
>There continues to be concerns over the state sponsored terrorist
>groups Hamas, Hizbullah, and Islamic Jihad. Also Iraq and Iran
>continue to openly speak out against Israel's existence.
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