-Caveat Lector-

Howdy Plunker, Barry:

I am responding to your below letter emailed to me on 7Sept hoping you get
this before traveling to Portland, Oregon, for your September 15th
appearance at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on your two year
legal action against the US Forest Service to stop their illegal and
unconstitutional interference with the Rainbow Gatherings.

I hope your and others' efforts will avert the growing potential for a "Waco
type law
enforcement action" at any upcoming gatherings "of the people, by the
people, and for the people".   In case this email may be too late to reach
you in time I am copying it to others one of whom may be able to get it to

I will be meditating on your work there as I prepare for my talks here
about the Capital Hills Research Center proposal on September 16th

The reason why I want you to have this response to take to share with the
folks on occasion of your court appearance is so you can clearly let them
know that the people are tired of such US government oppression all over the
world and we are going to do something about it this time in an effective
and nonviolent way by conducting the Global Peace Walk2000 from San
Francisco (January 15th) to Washington DC and the United Nations next year
to redress these grievances and to remedy them by demanding remedial
measures from every politician who wants to get elected next November by
gathering perhaps more than a million people together around the Washington
Monument on Comumbus Day, October 12, 2000, to dedicate it as a Peace Pole
(symbol of the message of peace) and offering a Global Peace Platform with a
great cry together to the heavens for "Global Peace Now!".

When people ask you who are the leaders of the Rainbow Family Global Peace
and Prayer Gatherings held July 4th each year to manifest one global family
of humankind living in peace and prosperity, perhaps you could consider the
answer offered by one of the coordinators of The Long Walk for Survival in
1980 to the swat team that came to their camp looking for Dennis Banks, "the
survivor is the leader".

One of the most amazing realizations about The Gatherings I have had since
attending my first one in New Mexico in 1977 is that they seem in fact to be
lead and guided by the spirit of love itself which many folks call God in
various names and forms.  Why else would so many hard working people go to
so much trouble and effort behind the scenes for no pay or recognition to
work all year from year to year to produce and staff a free gathering to
host the great unwashed of America? (in addition of course to the cool and
the hip and the fortunate who attend)   Truly if Jesus Christ were to return
and see a Rainbow Gathering, He would certainly say that at least some folks
understood what he was really talking about!

Aside from the comments on your letter/report interspersed below, what I
wanted to point out is that it is this same spirit which has initiated this
Global Peace Walk2000 for next year coming as a result of the call for such
a great first transcontinental peace march of the new millenium issue to the
International Nuclear Aboliton2000 Coalition by our dear Rainbow brother
Thomas (a legal liaison in Washington DC) of Proposition One
http://www.prop1.org , which now has a bill in Congress for everyone's
support to globally abolish nuclear weapons and instead fund human needs,
and this call has been taken up by another dear brother Rev. Yamato, who
first brought the Peace Pole Ceremony to the Rainbow Gatherings in 1978, to
continue the Global Peace Walk project he initiated with the walk from New
York to San Francisco in 1995 to bring out the prayer for "Global Peace
Now!" as a universal human resolve and to foster a worldwide Global Peace
Zone2000 for which we have already received numerous letters and
proclamations of support from community, religious, cultural and political
leaders including various city mayors most recently the Mayor of Rome, NY,
who presented his municipal Global Peace Zone proclamation to Rev. Yamato on
stage at the Woodstock '99 concert.

As you know, it is not only the Rainbow Family Gatherings which are "under
siege" by the Federal Government, but also the sick and dying patients who
are restricted use of medical marijuana recently recognized as legitimate
medicine by the same government's Institute of Medicine, the black
populations of US inner cities who have been victimized and imprisoned as
targets of the drug war by the
police/military/industial/media/corporate/prison industial complex even with
the complicity of its own CIA as acknowledged by the CIA Inspector General's
report still being kept from public view by a Congressional committee barely
kept active by a small but growing public awareness http://www.copvcia.com ,
and most blatently of all the ongoing centuries of genocidal US policy
towards the indigenous peoples exemplified by the extreme poverty of the
Dakota peoples and the Dineh people around the Big Mountain area of Arizona
who are facing next February's deadline of forceable relocation for
corporations access of coal and uranium when the walk comes through their
area.   Reports from some of our people who took part in this summer's
Sundance Ceremonies indicate that the government is moving once again
towards outlawing this sacred ceremony, arresting attendees/participants
even this year, as it was for almost 90 years until The Longest Walk in 1978
stopped 15 different "anti-Indian" bills in Congress and brought about the
American Indian Religious Freedom Act to relegalize the Sundance which has
grown so large in its practices as to now be perceived as a threat to the US
government analogous to the perceived threat to the Communist Chinese
Government for which the members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement are
now being jailed there.  That case is directly analogous to the US
oppression of the indigenous and Rainbow peoples and their cultures of peace
here in America.  Must we actually petition for an American People's
Religious Freedom Act?  Shouldn't the US Constitution already guarantee
religious freedom?  This is what you will be finding out with your court
case.   This is really why it is so important for everyone to support you
and others in this matter.

These are only some of the reasons why it is time to stand up and walk again
for peace and to carry our grievances and prayers to the nation's capitol
and to the "capitol" of the United Nations and proclaim that the governments
correct their ways before the people break faith with the myth of the
sovereign power of the state and reclaim their personal sovereignty ceded to
the state by agreement before and taken away by coersion and force today.

-----Original Message-----
To: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: PeaceTribes website links

>  i reckoned at one point that we wuz hooked-up..webbed... soon as su can
>get to it, our website wilst be spruced up, and made immedio... did you get
>my long 25k letter..  peace good brother and howdy to yore ma... plunk
>At 01:23 PM 9/7/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>Can you add in your website http://www.wildrockies.org/peacetribes/  links
>>section an entry for "Global Peace Walk2000" linked to
>>http://www.globalpeacenow.org  ?
>>I am copying this to Rev. Yamato and Global Peace Walk project webmaster
>>their inclusion there of a link to your site also.
>>                     David Crockett Williams
>>                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>   Global Emergency Alert Response (G.E.A.R.)
>>        http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000
>>Global Peace Walk http://www.globalpeacenow.org
>>     For the direct cause of true peace, harmony
>>    among all life and free natural abundance as
>>      paradise on Earth, respect True One Law.
>>Torahk:  Paradise Systems Psibernetics Program
>>     For One Human Family:  Love All, Serve All
>from peaceways ~~~~ grow peacetribes ~~~~
>our website is <www.wildrockies.org/peacetribes>

Subject: plunker's letter
Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 11:46 AM

>Howdy,     September 3rd, 1999 - long Love letter - please read and send
>along if you enjoy it,
>       On - 9 9 99 - September 9, 1999,

BTW, as I mentioned, Jack Herer (the "George Washington of the Hemp/Cannabis
Movement http://www.jackherer.com) , who you know from The Gatherings,
got married on 9.9.99 to his very wonderful and capable lovely, now wife,
Jeannie, who also helps him deal with his email.  Congratulations to them
and thanks for their hard work to legalize cannabis/hemp and for also
supporting Global Peace Walk2000 to help accomplish this goal as part of
"winning the drug war" on behalf of all its victims now sick, dead, in jail,
property seized, or just living and hiding in the shadow of its fear.

>one of the major days of Y2K or Y
>TOKay, behind the world-wide communciations schematic known
>affectionately, by some, as the Inter-Nut... I will be working driving
>around missoula town, picking up folks' re-cycling, curb-side service in
>Missoula (small city) Western Montana. Perhaps this will be an auspicious
>moment in the transformation, or another day working re-cycling, for me, an
>auspicious moment in itself, for various self-obvious reasons.
> By the way, various experienced folks have shared with me this
>observations about Y2K - supposed Year 2000 computer shift. -
>summations: it will have little or no effect on long-term "deeply imbedded
>chips" - these are on a timed 35 minute interval, "outside' time would have
>little effect on these chips, which operate dams, prisons etc.. gigantic
>electrical support systems et al... would continue uninterrupted...
>electrical operations connected with "now time" would or could be
>affected...  billing, welfare checks etc. -  mainly, it is expressed, that
>companies are using the Y2K "mythy-perception" , as an opportunity to
>"upgrade' their equipment.  However, other potential scenarios come into
>play... possibly the Government/corporations are indeed 'under-powered'
>and need find ways to overcome legal blockages of such ridicuous projects
>as 'nuclear power plants" let alone the types of nuclear waste incinerator
>"planned' for Arco, Idaho. In L.A. folks experience regular 'brown-outs"...
>loss of electricity for 10 - 15 minutes, often which, as one observer
>out... is in reality a sort of 'powering down'... not enough to affect
clocks or
>small appliances... but withdraws power and shifts it elsewhere...
>"Potentials' predicted behind Y2K is loss of power at various locations...
>and if folks don't like it... and "erupt'... Martial Law takes place...
>troops.. including Federal troops and State National Guard would be
>utilized... to whatever extent permissible under some sort of bureaucratic
>maneuver such as an "Y2K Emergency Powers Act" - could possibly be a
>Presidential Executive Order, backed up Congressionally... however, with
>WAco Investigations beginning again, things might not be so easy on
>JackBoots...(my term)... so Y2K becomes an "opportunity" for the
>Governments/police state to increase the "minimum securtity prison style"
>Country Americans are living in... and I include all of the Americas...
>Canada being among the milder "policed states".
> It is getting more and more difficult for the U.S. of North America
>be THE  World PoliceMan, when it can barely "control' the American
>population. hence, more and more prisons...

"Privatization" of the prison industry actually now has prison corporations
on the stock exchange!   The fraudulent drug war is feeding prisons for
profit from legalized slave labor applied to largely nonviolent people
victimized by the fraud on the people and the Congress by which
hemp/cannabis was outlawed in the US in 1937.

>and more and more police at
>Gatherings, particularily those sponsored by Rainbow Family... much like
>their "rationale" for killing all those people, children included, at Waco,
>'justification' was because somehow these folks held extremists "beliefs,
>and lived 'different', so they needed to be exterminated.

Used to be chasing rainbows for a pot of gold, now it's to handcuff them?

> The "Forest Service" - read that Forest Service Law Enforcement
>Division under funding by Federal Emergency Management Agency,
>directed by "Professor" John Carpenter, Federal Law Enforcement Training
>Center, Glynco, Georgia, Roswell, New Mexico, Waco, Texas, Tucson,
>Arizona (Home of the Southern Command, overseeing the War against
>Central and South America)... and Incident Command system, - as written
>up in Arizona Gathering Report 1998, includes Study Teams led by Dennis
>Neil, deputy Incident Commander, Wyoming Gathering, who commanded
>the forces trying to stop volunteers firefighters from fighting the forest
>within the HomeSpace of the Wyoming Gathering. And Incident Commander
>Bill Fox, who while not the seeming fanatic like Billy Ball or Jack
>nonetheless, a dedicated law enforcement bureaucrat and follows orders....
>albeit with a different spirit than Billy Ball or Malcolm Jowers... Bill
>ain't a Billy boy, he seems to have a more reasoned approach, which is
>toward the good, but Bill Fox WILL do the job, will carry out his orders,
>coming directly from Washington D.C....friendly, but an adversary. I
>imagine, Incident Command orders come from "some sort of " Central
>Command for Domestic operations... in the War against this Country's

Sounds like the CIA by any other name.

> I have no doubt the martial law tactics and strategys used against the
>Gatherings will be used here in this Country. F.L.E.T.C. trains A.T.F. and
>F.B.I.,  the "boys' who did Waco... where Army Special Forces were used,
>in one capacity or another,... as many suspected and know... the Government
>has to finally cop to it... their hand is weakening... obviously, when you
>openly coming against "folks of difference' ... i..e Waco, Rainbow Family

The parallel between the past at Waco and the potential for the Rainbow
Family Getherings?

>et. al... no question as to the fact, that at some point you will slip up,
>sometimes it  happens, you are exposed... in the case of Waco, the "Bad
>uns' are being revealed, maybe.... not so, yet, with the Rainbow... the
>Gatherings are in japordy, and when the Governement publicly declares that
>the Gatherings will be ending in the next couple of years, as they did in
>newsreports middle of July in Pennsylavannia... (Information Officer Rose
>Davis quote).

1999 Official Government notice/threat to stop Rainbow Gatherings means "one
way or another"?

>There is cause for serious concern... folks when they come to
>the Gathering , got to take up with the Government this issue of the
>Government issuing what I would call a 'veiled threat' is threatening to
>Gatherings of the Peace Culture, Rainbow Family et al, on public lands...
>whatever means.... somehow or another the Great Spirit (whatever) opens
>the Way and the people come home to Be and then Be Gone... on public
>lands... however, in this public statement and in the Court cases.. the
>Government is stating, more than less, that either the people who Gather
>Accept the Authority of the Forest Service Over the GAtherings i.e. sign a
>permit, be 'managed', OR leave the public lands. Banning Peace
>Expressors...hippie-types, and the like.

By getting the word out now, way ahead of next year's gathering in Montana
that this message will be already on the road and being carried by Global
Peace Walk2000 across country, this will shine the light of day to dispell
that darkness and grab the media's attention to get the message of truth to
the public.

>  Practicing  for Y2K etc., all these years, on Gatherings...
>implementing martial law, and no one, even extremely few news reporters
>ever understanding and then reporting this fact out to the general
>how sad!
>  Readying myself, for the Court scene, in Portland, Oregon,
>September 15th, 1999, with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' Judges. In
>the Spirit, I pray for the "daily bread" to be able to travel there, and
>with knowing  Kasha Rose Montana and Su got enough 'daily bread' to
>keep them going while i be rolling and rocking. Seems like i be
>panhandling, passing a hat, just to get by many times -- in fact traveling
>to Penn to the Gathering and back was just such an experience... and here i
>am again... a couple of  hundred dollars needed to take care of things just
>make this trip... praying and panhandling... now...again!
> Prosperity consciousness reminds me the 'bread' has always
>appeared, and I feel good about it all, and know "bread' always appears...
>leastways one way or t'other i manage to go on and on... with help from my
>friends or family or whoever it is that has given it up to help me/us on
>way... and for all of them folks, over the years and tasks, who have shared
>and given... many thanks!
> Whatever has inspired you to give and share... your personal will
>and way, inspiration by whatever  is to you Great Spirit, or your personal
>revelations, or because you are simply sympathetic to people or friends in
>need... or perhaps, you have been inspired by whatever task i am doing, and
>feel strongly about helping some of these dreams become reality.

It's been a couple of years now I have been living here in Tehachapi without
an income so I could continue my research and peace movement work now by
internet at least.  I'm hoping the financial picture will brighten before
too long and in the meantime I am glad that I was able to set up that
account for you, in my name, at Union Bank of California for which you have
the atm card and can withdraw any donations to help you with your great work
that folks want to put into that account# 9853011725.  Regret I have not had
any more available cash yet to deposit since you came from Arizona in
February to take me to Berkeley where you did such a fine job as MC for our
events at People's Park and UC Berkeley Alumni House recording messages to
be carried by the walk next year.
http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/gcsc2.html  For folks who cannot go
directly to a Union Bank, I can make deposits here of any donations for your
work sent with your name in memo and payable in my name, or General Agency
Services, mailed to me at 20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi, CA 93561.   I'll
keep you advised by email if/when that happens.

> Of the tasks i/us are engaged in, going on Now, are:
> (1) volunteers in serving World Family Gathering of the Tribes
>2000, NorthWest Rocky Mountain Region,  Montana/Idaho, sponsored, in
>part, by the Rainbow Family. This Gathering is one among many held each
>year, in different places on Planet Earth, in hearts and minds everywhere,
>and in Universal communion with all other like minds and hearts. How
>totally enjoyable.... what a blessing the Gathering is headed out here in
>Rockies... I love Montana, this whole area, born and raised here and for
>sure, this Gathering, come July 2000, will be further fulfillment of
Visions I
>personally have experienced of the Coming TRansformation of the Earth
>and all its peoples, all the relations. Some of these I have outlined in
>various books and writings and hundreds of hip stories i have shared
>around the Fires of our Culture.
> My intentions are to fully participate in this Coming Gathering...
>right up to and including Clean-up and Restoration.... and in every
>i am capable of.... with an emphasis, upon my part, of aiding in
>at least one Council Arbor, wherein folks can Gather, Council, in relative
>comfort... i have been to many PowWows, other Ceremonys, of other
>Tribes, and when they Gather, they set up Arbors, that offer them shade,
>some protection from rain etc.. one in Missoula, set up years ago, used
>every August, has some 300 poles... provides shelter for hundreds of
>people... one for the Gathering would require  a comparitive shelter... for
>  I feel positive that if an adequate Council Arbor were built... with
>an open center for Free Speech... this would do as much for Centering the
>Gathering as is possible... seems environmental conditions have a lot to do
>with our Gatherings... this last year the Gathering was immense, so spread
>out...and the Circles were, dare i say, at times, spaced-out... if there is
>designed Council Arena... an Arbor... like every other Tribal Culture on
>Earth, have learned... People confortably counciling can commune
>consensus I am convinced... the right kitchen or theatre scene, set up
>Granola Funk etc.) provides opportunity for feeding or entertainment... as
>far as our Council Trip goes, ain't it about time to get down with
>on this through the coming gathering season... i reckon construct a Council
>space, folks will come Council in this place... and hang out and be... when
>folks is with each other doing anything at the Gathering don't it help
>the entire Gathering, in one way or another... I am volunteering for this
>this Gathering, and hope Spirit will open the Way...
> For many years at past Gatherings it seemed like we came toGather
>and Centered a Gathering and Counciled with each other... thousands of
>folks... I see the Irish Gathering, on Internut and I see hundreds of folks
>Centering with one another and it brings back good memories of other
>Gatherings, of whem we all would come ToGather and Be with one another
>5,000, 10,000 folks... looking and listening about one thing or another,
>together... it was a fun scene... New Mexico 1977, when us thousands
>gathered and listened to Grandfather David, Hopi Elder and friend, who
>spoke to nearly the entire Gathering... There are pictures to prove up the
>memories of which i speak...

Yes, I remember the New Mexico 1977 gathering very well as it was my first
gathering and I rode there with Rev. Kato, a Buddhist Monk and follower of
the elder monk whom Mahatma Gandhi called his revered teacher (Guruji), the
late most venerable Nichidatsu Fujii from whom Gandhi and others took up the
practice of the drumming and chanting of the NaMuMyoHoRenGeKyo prayer for
self-purification of the people and the Earth.  Rev. Kato had spent over a
year in California after he and GurujiFujii's followers first walked across
America, drumming and chanting, with the 1976 Continental Walk for Social
Justice and Disarmament and he went on to settle in New England where he and
his supporters built their first Peace Pagoda (Stupa) in America near
Leverett, Massachusetts.  For a week that summer I had fasted at the Hopi
land and afterwards brought the Rainbow Gathering invitation flyer to the
Hopi interpreter Thomas Banyacya (who passed away this year on my mom's
birthday February 6th) and Thomas said they were very interested in this
gathering.  Many more details on my story regarding mutual prophecy
fulfillment theme connecting to forefront new science and inventions is
detailed through my "pivotal years" 1973-79 at

Kato-shioni and I stayed a very long time at the top mesa where the silence
circle happened at noon on the fourth of July and arrived back to the huge
council gathering not knowing that Grandfather David Monongye was there.  I
remember as one part of a rainbow started forming across the canyon
thousands of people started chanting "rainbow, rainbow, rainbow" as it grew
in size and intensity to ultimately cross double the canyon and stay there
for quite a while.  After such introduction I joined the outskirts of the
council circle in time to hear yours and Garrick's spellbinding speeches
about how the Rainbow Family Gatherings were inspired to fulfill the
prophecies about the coming of global peace and prosperity with all of
humankind living in harmony with one another and with nature and I was awed
and very inspired by both of your sincere, insightful and powerful messages.

> And yet, in all memory, other than on the Fourth, in one way or
>another those of us who actually have met and know one another, for years
>or for at least a Gathering or so... WE ALL of the ALL, don't seem to find
>the where or when to get togather ...
> This summer for the first time in 50 - 60 years, if ever, my blood
>family had a Family ReUnion... and folks came in from all over the
>Country... distant cousins, all, in my opinion, right on folks... everybody
>along, seemed to enjoy the experience.
> Last few years, at Gatherings, I have been floating this idea of
>coming together, on another day, and on the Fourth. On this Other Day... We
>All, coul get togather with the you all, enjoy us all, in a confortable
>All in All in All it might be a good moment. Consider this... Longtime
>gatherers know in Early days, You and I were busy folks, with little
>opportunity to hang with one another, and just be... Different folks got
>togather with different folks. Nowadays, the opportunity to be able
>with one another is present... hopefully folks will make the right moves.
> i have spoken with mucho folks around these hyar parts and folks is
>pleased as punch and judy Gathering is coming our Way... folks up this way
>never wanted to be lobbying one way or t'other about where Gathering
>goes, and folks from here warn't down at the Vision Council either in
>Arizona or Penn... but dang, we are way into the Gathering... and many of
>have been way into Gatherings for years...
> For me, I intend to enjoy this entire Gathering scene... last time
>around, for those of you who have been around you will remember, and any
>folks since 1976 might have heard...  Vibes up here in Montana in 1976 got
>mighty raucous and rowdy... and sorta dangerous... it warn't until
>once the Gathering got going that vibes settled down and we had a fine
>time... even though that year, two distinct encampments... one fully
>Vegatarian etc... and one for meat eaters etc...emerged... Councils were
>on a hill between the two encampments... and folks counciled and partied
>togather... but eating togather was a dance and a half... those days folks
>real definite about being around folks who was eating different... all in
all it
>made for an interesting Gathering... there is a video of the Montana
>Gathering... we was wild, young, rockin'... like, like the Gathering was
> Loved the Gathering this year... in Penn... amazing... the Generations
>have unity, through the Gatherings... the energy is passin' on forth...
what a
>wonderful scene... respect....blessings on SunBear, a good soul gone to the
>skies,  who I never heard say a bad word about any other person... good
>friend, good family...

Sun Bear who captivated the audience of thousands in the circle at Oregon
Gathering in 1978 speaking deep message and holding the silent center of
truth with successive motions connecting alternate symbols on each end of
two special implements ("talking sticks?) that he held in his hands, like an
orchestra conductor but conducting the spirit of the assembly, and who
shared his heart about this prophecy fulfillment theme from his cultural

> and a blessing for the healing of Felipe, one of the
>good ones, who got bit by a rattlesnake, at the Gathering,  and survived...
>thank the Good Spirit.

No doubt a changed man for the experience.  Many thanks to Felipe Chavez for
all his hard work at Kid Village over so many years after his first
Gathering in 1978 when he heeded the call I brought there and making his own
way he joined the camp near Washington, DC, also including the five carloads
totaling 42 people who left the Oregon gathering after passing the hat for
gas money to join the last days of The Longest Walk and its camp at
Greenbelt Park where Felipe escorted me to a meeting with Ernie (Longwalker)
Peters who demanded and explanation as to why I was beating the drum and
chanting the prayer of another culture to which I could only convey its
universal application beyond religion and culture as an ancient prophecy
teaching to be used in these times of great peril to bring "pure land" to
the Earth.  I was not able to clearly relay the history info at link above
regarding how this practice had come into my life through my role as a
participating witness of the mutual fulfillment of many different ancient
prophecies, but my then new acquaintence Felipe took my side even then
against the "anti-Anglo" sentiment of the frustrated yet determined and
strong native people there.   Felipe who took the six months out of his life
in 1995 to bring his crew to New York and his kitchen bus to help conduct
the initiating Global Peace Walk route of 1995 from New York City to San
Francisco to memorialize the UN50th anniversary with the cry/prayer of
"Global Peace Now!".   Thanks and well wishes always to him and his family.

> A word about the various ticketing and arrest scenes... at Penn
>  On the Tickets for No permit... if you take up with any of the
>volunteer tasks of Gathering which may bring you into contact with the
>Forest Service directly or indirectly and they come to know who you are...
>and if  you fulfill what seem (now) to be their criteria, as described by
>Fox... (a) be a recognized person who is aiding and abetting the Gathering
>taking place, an active volunteer (b) be someone who communicates or has
>contact with Forest Service or other public officials. Apparently, if you
>speak up or actively participate i.e. promote free speech through action -
>expression AND if you communicate with your government officials... i.e.
>petition for redress of greivance or try to communicate and work things out
>with government officials... you are likely to be targeted for a ticket.
> This means anyone who visibly promotes Gathering and they come
>to the attention of Forest Service personnel (other government officials)
>they are certainly likely to be targeted and ticketed...
> This year, in Penn... Incident Command wanted T.C., Ruthie, and
>Joanee Freedom... targeted for tickets... eventually they decided that
>Garrick Beck,.Stephen Principle were acceptable persons to ticket, based
>on their criteria and because they were available and easy to ticket... and
>Joanee Freedom, who was a reluctant personna, who did not want a ticket
>and only took one under 'actual duress' i.e. Forest Service pursued her,
>threatened her, went through many gyrations, and after a long dance, Joanee
>Freedom finally received a ticket, from Bill Fox personally... on video
>and with two "fair witnesses' (right on!) who observed, reported, recorded.
> In the midst of all this dance, the fact the Forest Service wanted
>Joanee (dropped their demands for T.C. and Ruthie) and would not settle
>for someone else became a real problem... Forest Service targeting
>someone specifically as being the responsible person for Gathering, whilst
>ignoring the fact that thousands of persons take individual responsiblility
>their actions in the Gathering and do not accept that anyone else can be
>responsible for their actions, one of the basic themes, one of the
>values held as integral to the GAthering texture. Garrick, Stephen and
>Joanee have Court cases in Penn. Federal Courts... prayer that they
>experience justice, and will not be held cupable for all other Gatherers'
>actions. This form of sad injustice will continue until those self-same
>thousands, each and everyone of them, in a Spartacus-like manner, stand up
>for their rights.... and take responsibility. Good luck to our friends in

If someone can offer more details with which we can coordinate an action on
this case if it is still pending when Global Peace Walk2000 reaches
Philadelphia a few days before its arrival in New York City at the United
Nations for its 55th anniversary October 24, 2000.

> Another type ticket was "interference with officers"... this included
>... and many of these tickets were for folks engaged in Cop Watch... folks
>acting as "fair witness' of various police actions... one could say that
>individuals stuck their necks out, perhaps too far in some cases, in an
>attempt to intervene where injustice, on the part of officers, who
>were harassing various gatherers... perhaps some of these folks should have
>been more cool, been less interventionary... stood back or not take some of
>the overt actions they seemed to be charged with... i don't know... it is a
>tough judgement call.
>  i have been in many circumstances, at Gatherings, where
>intervening when injustice was so apparent, has garnered me threats of
>arrest and  tickets... and in other years, and even at certain moments at
>year's Penn Gathering, I stood in the way and turned the Forest Service
>Well-fed LEOs away from the Bus Village - away from driving through
>where children and others were playing, gathering...  Forest Service  chose
>persons to be ticketed... it could have just as well been me...
> I likely would not have pleaded  "No Contest". as one of these
>defendants was wont to do... however, I can't fault him for his pathway in
>the Courts... nor fault these individual's actions... nor anyone else who
>pursuing their Constitutional rights to Gather, whilst withstanding intense
>harassment, particularily on the roads etc... and in one way or another
>during their Gathering process, were interrupted and harassed and finally
>targeted and ticketed by official-dums.
> Certainly, speaking up in various ways through the years, has been
>dificult, but i believe to be a Citizen of this Country and an Earthling,
>hopes of one day experiencing simple Constitutional Freedom of Peaceable
>Assembly, and living in Peace on Earth requires my standing up for my
>rights.  Good Action, well worth the legal mumbo-jumbo hassle, if such
>should come my way...  Gatherings, now slowly gaining momentum in many
>places on the Earth, would have never been able to take root and grow
>except for the personal sacrifices made by the few on behalf of their own
>freedom, which in turn has benefited the many. From the 'many', emotional
>support, financial support, psychic support, spiritual support coming from
>other persons, even long-time Gatherers, is seldom forthcoming. Once you
>stand up, gainsay legal harassment because you have stood up, in many
>ways, one is on one's own... and in fact, one can wind up being called, by
>other Gatherers, an "ego-tripper' or too 'radical"... so obviously, if you
>on such an 'ego-trip' or are too 'radical" in some way or another, you
>probably deserved a ticket... This has been some of the Attitudes i have
>had to contend with, over the years, concerning the fact that I have stood
>against the official harassment of the Gatherings.
>  For me, these kinds of vibes and trial by 'tongue fire', by other
>Gatherers, is simply part and parcel of the process toward eventual liberty
>and justice... this includes the apparent indifference of the thousands who
>regulary attend Gatherings who do not seem to feel they need to take some
>responsiblity in the form of support of persons who become "targets' for
>official harassment. I can testify it  is no fun to be one of the targeted,
>yet, thousands of other 'family" simply go on with their lives and take no
>heed of what personal hassle this harassment can be for someone, even
>someone like me, who seemingly has an adversarial style personality...
>which I feel is more out of necessity rather than from any personal will or
>desire. I hope folks will wake up sooner or later and share not only the
>good vibes, but ALL the vibes of Gathering. Join in folks... as Bob marley
>so eloquently has sang, "Get up, Stand up for your rights1!... I add...
>the folks who do!!!!

Folks can help address this right now day by day and week by week and month
by month over the next 13months by supporting locally the outreach and
networking for Global Peace Walk2000.  Using examples at
http://www.globalpeacenow.org and by collaborating with us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] we can help you obtain city,
county, and state proclamations of support (municipal Global Peace Zone
designations) which will be compiled and carried to DC and the UN next year
and posted on this website immediately and emailed all over the world with
your local officials' (and organizations, churches, regular folks', etc)
messages for global peace.   Thus we can demonstrate in DC next Fall, during
a few days over three weeks before the national elections, that we mean
business when we say "Global Peace Now!" for all folks in this country and
around the world, which after all is the official  membership roster of the
Rainbow Family, isn't it?

> I move on to other taks and observations:
>     (b) Task :: PeaceVortex  2000,  August 1-14.... located somewhere
>near to the Gathering, with filming of  PeaceTribes 2100 "documentary" (at
>minimum) and staged  dramatic movie (at maximum) ... hope you all will
>feel invited.. and will participate in one way or the other... more on this
>time goes by... read the Script on our Website... find your place in it or
>write in your self... remember, if it comes down to it... Peace Vortex 2000
>will become a Gathering, (with folks agreeing it can be filmed)... as an
>Expression of Peace... and the main Message will be the Message for the
>Generations... heartsongs on parade, more or less... if you are doing some
>task and are speaking up, this may be another opportunity to get your
>message out to the peoples. Contributions of action, cash, cameras,
>communications - Welcome... whatever degree of contributions will
>determine the scope of this enterprise...

Sorry, but the movie has to start filming earlier, on January 15th at the
San Francisco War Memorial Building (site of creation of the UN on June 26,
1945) which we want to rename the Peace Memorial Building on this occasion.
Already have Global Peace Zone proclamation from San Francisco City/County
Mayor Willie Brown.  It's going to be a great start to a great Culture of
Peace "True Life Adventure" movie with locations happening all across the
country as well as the PeaceVortex2000 August gathering after which we hope
many folks will come and join the last weeks of Global Peace Walk2000 and
bring the Rainbow, PeaceVortex, and PeaceTribes message to DC and the UN.
Major benefit event happening in San Francisco September 26th, see
http://www.globalpeacenow.org for details available in a day or so.   Need
script suggestions for various issue speeches of different lengths to offer
peacewalkers (the stars of the show) to share with audiences, media, and
in-house production video crews.   Money for production is on the way from

> (c) Task - maintaining WEEP lands, in Montana, in Garnet range...
>long-term restoration project/worship i.e. task... been buying 20 acres for
>Restoration and for a staging area for Restoration processes...
>stop by, drop in, help out... contributions of action and green energy
> (d) Task - continuing to work on various "cases" , including the
>on-going West Virginia murder case.... prayers and support are needed... in
order to try to keep the killer/s of Nancy and Vicki in
>jail or put them there... this year is a crucial period... Jake Beard may
>tried again... he was found guilty in 1993, after 13 years of active
>investigation on the part of volunteers in service to justice... i.e. Apple
>Blossom investigators... Beard was sentenced to two lifeterms without
>chance of parole... he is  currently on release... pending new trial etc...
sad, but true.
> And next year, will be a return to Jose Antonio Ramos, who comes
>up for parole... 1986 sexual assault of children at Penn Gathering ... this
>case has taken years and much energy of every sort, on the part of the
>in hopes of protecting the many, from predators like Ramos.
> (e) Task - continuing to pursue the Court case, as Plaintiff, on-going
>since 1997,... in my suit, in co-junction with other plaintiffs.  my
intention in suing the Forest Service is to stop their, in my opinion,
illegal and
>unjustified continuous harassment against the Gatherings, particularily my
>rights as an individual, in being an attendee and volunteer - part and
>of my spiritual and religious pathway, and  in violation of my Free speech
>right and right to petition for redress of greivance of my governent... my
>expression of peace etc..
> After a  Federal Judge refused my Right of suit, based on various
>grounds.. myself and others continue our pursuit of justice through
>to the Ninth Circuit...hearing on this case is Wednesday Sept 15, 1999.
> (f) Incidently I have some 60 books: WHERE HAVE ALL THE
>FLOWER CHILDREN GONE? (c.1988),  i am willing to trade, or gift
>exchange for any help, to anyone who does help, with any of these tasks,
>with one of my books... for 'daily bread"..
> This has been a long letter, full of this and that comments...
>hopefully, this will be e-mailed and become a letter that is sent on, to
>and every single ear and eye who would hear or see... please communicate
>this further, if you will, help if you can... send prayers, good vibes, or
>by and help out your own self... whatever... much thanks... see ya,
>respect, Barry "plunker" et al, montana
from peaceways ~~~~ grow peacetribes ~~~~
our website is <www.wildrockies.org/peacetribes>

Good luck in Portland, good brother Barry, Plunker, your mission and vision
will always be in my heart, thoughts, and prayers (and checkbook when I get
some money)

David Crockett Williams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Global Emergency Alert Response

Global Peace Walk2000

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