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From: Science-Week <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 7:11 AM
Subject: ScienceWeek BULLETIN September 13, 1999

SW BULLETIN is a free publication published each Monday by the
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SW BULLETIN - September 13, 1999

This Week's Report:

On the Origin of the Earth and the Moon


Two of the central questions in planetary and Earth science
concern the origin of the Earth and Moon. How did these two
bodies form and what forces defined their basic physical
structures? ... ... A.N. Halliday and M.J. Drake (2
installations, CH US) present a short review of current research
in this area, the authors making the following points:
     1) Advances in this field have come mainly with progress in
simulating the dynamics of planetary accretion, in measuring
isotopes that act as chronometers for early Solar System
processes, in analysis of noble gas isotopes that yield clues
about the early atmosphere, and in melting experiments at
previously unattainable pressures and temperatures. Although a
general picture may be emerging, many issues remain hotly
     2) Planet formation is believed to begin with sticking and
frictional coagulation of dust particles in a gaseous nebula that
persists in the *circumstellar disk. The particles grow in size
until there is substantial gravitational attraction between
kilometer-sized bodies, and these coalesce further. Major
collisions between small proto-planets eventually result in
objects the size of Earth.
     3) The energy of late-stage planet-building impacts would be
colossal, sufficient to melt the entire planet. *Magma oceans
would be formed, and some volatile elements would escape into
space. The most widely accepted theory for the origin of the Moon
is that it coalesced from a ring of debris produced by such a
late-stage collision between two Earth-forming proto-planets.
This "Giant Impact Theory", established over a decade ago,
explains the rotational speed of the Earth-Moon system, a
critical feature that must be reproduced by any satisfactory
model. But in spite of a growing consensus, some researchers are
still opposed to the Giant Impact Theory on both dynamical and
geochemical grounds.
     4) All isotopic data are consistent with Earth being fully
formed within 50 to 100 million years after the start of the
Solar System. The isotopic record from Moon rocks is consistent
with the formation of the Moon at about the same time.
     5) The authors conclude: "We have recently come a long way
in obtaining hard constraints on the origin of Earth and the
Moon. The issues have changed from discussion of whether or not
there was a giant Moon-forming impact to debate about the
accretion rates of the Earth and the chemical, isotopic, and
physical effects of such catastrophic accretionary scenarios."
... ... In a contiguous short review of the same research area,
Frank A. Podosek (Washington University St. Louis, US) makes the
following points:
     1) The age of the Solar System as a whole is easier to
determine than the age of Earth. The age of the Solar System is
reliably inferred from the age of *refractory element-rich
inclusions in meteorites to be approximately 4.57 billion years,
thus providing an upper limit to the age of Earth. These
inclusions are the oldest known objects in the Solar System, and
their content indicates that the Solar System did not exist for
more than approximately 1 million years before the inclusions
     2) In contrast to these ancient extraterrestrial objects,
there are no known terrestrial rocks or minerals whose formation
essentially coincides with the formation of Earth, and therefore
the age of Earth must be inferred indirectly. Several independent
approaches indicate that Earth formed approximately 100 million
years later than the Solar System as a whole.
     3) All the various isotopic chronometers are intrinsically
capable of considerably higher precision, but this precision
cannot yet be realized. It is not even clear whether the
chronometers are consistent or in conflict with each other. All
methods rely on models of varying complexity involving
assumptions difficult to verify and parameters difficult to
     4) The author concludes: "For testing the giant impact
scenario in particular, it would be useful to have a quantitative
theory for whether a preexisting atmosphere is lost in the
impact, whether preexisting planetary structures (*core, mantle,
and crust) are re-equilibrated after such an impact, and how much
of the Moon comes from the impactor and how much comes from the
A.N. Halliday and M.J. Drake: Colliding theories.
(Science 19 Mar 99 283:1861)
Frank A. Podosek: A couple of uncertain age.
(Science 19 Mar 99 283:1863)
QY: Frank A. Podosek [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Text Notes:
... ... *circumstellar disk: One of the important discoveries of
the 1980s was the existence of circumstellar disks of dust around
some stars, the disks apparently replenished by unseen parent
bodies such as comets and asteroids.
... ... *Magma: In general, any mass of molten rock.
... ... *refractory: Refractory materials are materials resistant
to decomposition by heat, pressure, or chemical attack. The term
is most commonly applied to heat resistance.
... ... *core, mantle, and crust: Seismic studies indicate the
interior of the Earth consists of three parts: a metallic core, a
dense rocky mantle, and a thin low-density crust. The central
part of the core is solid, but the outer part of the core is
evidently liquid.
Summary & Notes by SCIENCE-WEEK [http://scienceweek.com] 4Jun99
Related Background:
The most widely accepted theory for the origin of the Earth's
moon is that during the late stages of the Earth's accretion an
impact with another planet at least the size of Mars occurred,
and the impact generated both the hot debris that formed the moon
and the angular momentum of the Earth-moon system. In geology,
the mantle of a planet or moon is the layer that lies between the
crust and the core. Chondrites are a type of stony meteorite
consisting of an agglomeration of millimeter-sized globules
(chondrules) that are thought to be unchanged since the original
condensation out of the nebula from which the sun and solar
system formed, and "chondritic" is the term used to describe a
rock composition similar to that of chondrites, which implies an
age of 4.2 to 4.5 billion years. The term "radiogenic", on the
other hand, is used to describe a rock composition apparently
resulting from varying isotope decays, and the oldest radiogenic
compositions on Earth have been dated at 3.6 to 3.8 billion
years. A hafnium-tungsten chronometer is not an actual instrument
but a method of radiometric age determination using the isotope
ratios of the elements hafnium and tungsten. Hafnium is
lithophilic (silicate-loving), which means it tends to associate
with chondritic materials, while tungsten is siderophilic (metal-
loving), which means it tends to associate with metal cores, and
using these differing affinities of these elements, one can
attempt a construction of the age and origin of the moon by
analysis of moon rock samples and comparisons with Earth rocks.
Lee et al (4 authors at 2 installations, US) report a study of
the age and origin of the moon with the hafnium-tungsten
chronometric method. The tungsten isotopic compositions of 21
lunar samples were found to range from chondritic to slightly
radiogenic. The authors suggest this heterogeneity is probably
the result of late radioactive decay within the moon itself, and
that the moon formed 4.52 to 4.50 billion years ago and its
mantle has since remained poorly mixed.
(Science 7 Nov 97) (Science-Week 28 Nov 97)
Related Background:
The large impact hypothesis of the origin of the Earth's moon is
the current consensus view. The essential idea is that the moon
formed from debris ejected into a disk around Earth by the impact
of a large body. A version of this is that Earth and its moon
were created more or less simultaneously by the collision of two
large planetesimals, the resultant large body becoming Earth, and
the ejected debris formed the moon. What is accepted by nearly
everyone is that an accretion disk of debris was the first stage
of the moon's formation. Shigeru Ida et al (Tokyo Institute of
Technology, JP; University of Colorado Boulder, US) have
evidently now provided the most detailed simulation calculations
of lunar growth in an impact-generated accretion disk. Using
direct N-body simulations, they show that a single dominant moon
can grow from such a disk within a year, but to satisfy the
present angular momentum and mass constraints on the analysis,
the impacting body must have been at least twice as massive as
Mars, and had to provide the resultant system with a few times
more angular momentum than it now possesses. There is presently
no explanation for the subsequent loss of angular momentum, and
the required massive size of the impacting object is also
puzzling. Although this is apparently the best set of simulation
calculations to date, the authors emphasize that further
simulation modeling is needed [*Note #1].
(Nature 25 Sep) (Science-Week 10 Oct 97)
Text Notes:
... ... *Note #1: Accretion is considered an important factor in
the evolution of stars, planets, and comets. The essential idea
is the coalescence of small particles in space as a result of
collisions, and the gradual formation of larger bodies from
smaller ones as a result of gravitational attraction. An
accretion disk is a disk of gas or particles in orbit around an
object, the disk formed by inflowing matter. A simulation of the
sort mentioned in the report involves computational solutions of
the dynamical equations for the history of a chosen mass of
particulate matter initially ejected from a larger body. By
solving the equations for the mathematical model, one can follow
the evolution of the accretion disk and the agglomeration that
forms the final orbiting satellite. The study mentioned here was
first presented at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society
in July, and here is part of the related SCIENCE-WEEK (1 Aug 97)
report: Until the 1980s, there were three extant theories, with
no data available to support or refute any of them. The Fission
Hypothesis proposed that the moon broke away from a rapidly
spinning proto-Earth after the proto-Earth's differentiation, the
moon forming from iron-poor crust. But the moon rocks in hand
have been found to differ chemically from those of Earth. Also,
if the proto-Earth had been spinning fast enough to break up, the
present Earth-moon system should contain a great deal more
angular momentum than is observed. The Fission Hypothesis
therefore had to be abandoned. The Condensation Hypothesis was
based on the idea that the Earth and the moon condensed
simultaneously from the same cloud of material in the solar
nebula. This hypothesis did not survive because analysis of moon
rocks has shown the Earth and the moon have greatly different
densities and compositions. The Capture Hypothesis proposed that
the moon was formed elsewhere in the solar system and later
"captured" by Earth. This hypothesis was always the least popular
because it required too many coincidental events. Thus, after the
mid-1980s, there was no satisfactory theory of the moon's origin.
During the past decade, a new idea gradually developed, the
Large-Impact Hypothesis, the idea of which is that the moon
formed from debris ejected into a disk around the Earth after a
major collision of the Earth with another large body about 4.5
billion years ago, the other body a planet perhaps as large as
Mars. The Large-Impact Hypothesis is at present the consensus
theory in planetary science.
[SW Bulletin 13 Sep 99]

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2. On Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology
3. On the Origin of RNA
4. Bacteria: Chaperones and Protein Assemblies
5. Tumor Viruses and Oncogenes
6. On Estrogen and the Cardiovascular System
In Focus: On Physical Optics and Early 20th Century Physics


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