*X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR "Ley Lines"

The following was received from a NewsHawk respondent. We've correlated
the information she brings up with some other sources, who confirm her statements.

The two lines which make up the *X* along which many mass shooting
incidents have occurred in the past 2-3 years, are in fact considered to
be major, very powerful "earth grid" or "ley" lines. Such lines would
correspond to major acupuncture meridians in the human body according to
the principals of acupuncture.

Certain locations along these lines would be especially strong "power spots".

NewsHawk Inc.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: *X*  MARKS THE SPOT!
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 01:24:49 -0700
From: "Jane"

This is going to sound extremely off-the-wall, but I looked at the plot of
the "line of destruction" angling down across the map from Oregon to
Alabama, and was struck by the fact that I have seen that line before.  I
have a friend who is a ley-line enthusiast who also works for the USGS
as a
mapmaker.  She showed me *this same line* plotted on the map, as a master
force line.  It seems it's a hidden rift/fault line that is only visible if
you're using satellite maps of the US and know the signs to look for.  She's
used to looking at aerial photos for doing topographic maps, so it
jumped right out at her.

If you extend the OTHER line up through Ohio and upstate New York, it
follows the path of a ley line that some other folks I know mapped out,
years back.

Ley linetheory claims that the ancients tapped "dragon force" by performing
rites and sacrifices at sacred sites of power adjoining (but not directly
on) the ley, and at sites at ley meeting points such as Glastonbury.  Or
Washington DC, which was laid out according to ley theory and Masonic
symbology.  (And for that matter, ever wonder why the Pentagon is a
pentagon?  I don't.)  For some reason, geomantic traditions have been
big in
the power circles for centuries.

Food for thought.


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